JoinedPosts by trueblue
Do you trust a JW when it comes to $$$$?
by William Penwell inwell i thought there was one thing i could count on with my ex jw wife and that was she would not go back on her word.
to make a long story short, after we were separated and i signed off on the marriage, my ex gave me her word that she would not go after my pension.
well a few years later guess what?
Oh no! You cursed!
by bottleofwater inhave any of you met witnesses who thought that crap or ass is a curse word?
any other words?.
Oh no! You cursed!
by bottleofwater inhave any of you met witnesses who thought that crap or ass is a curse word?
any other words?.
Wooo Hooo.... I'm Gonna Be A Millionaire!!!
by Broken Promises inan email i just received:.
after our meeting today with cbn world bank of nigeria plc .
we write to notify .
A year or so I heard that Nigeria scammers were moving head quarters to Pakistan or Aphganistan or someth'n but could still be say'n they in Nigeria on the internet no one really knows were they are. could be next door and say Nigeria.
the internet is sneaky and tempting
by booby inthe watchtower ?
january 15, 2011 23. .
when watching television or using the internet, christians may suddenly.
Are you feeling a little fat?
by cyberjesus inwhy is it so hard for some people loose weight?
look at this bbc documentary, i know many dont like science much but hey, its ok i promise it wont attack your beliefs.... well maybe some.
Ok, so you do the fancy diet. Then you go back to eating in real life, and within 6-12 months you regain the weight, and then some.
I remember several years back I read that earth worms when they don't eat for a long time they actually get bigger after they start eating again, and our bodys are made of a small percentage of the same material that earth worms made of. I used to use the idea in body building by fasting several days and working out, I got very big muscles very fast and past up my weightlifting trainer.
Oh no! You cursed!
by bottleofwater inhave any of you met witnesses who thought that crap or ass is a curse word?
any other words?.
Oh no! You cursed!
by bottleofwater inhave any of you met witnesses who thought that crap or ass is a curse word?
any other words?.
I said shit in front of a JW in the KH not long ago, by accident and put my hand over my mouth. Don't know if he told the elders and don't know that I care. I said the F word in front of my brother who is a JW and said oops sorry, and he said that you are trying not too is the key. It is very hard for me not to cuss because I have a touch of Tourette's Syndrome now called Tick Syndrom, I usually don't cuss around anyone but when I am by myself it is uncontrolable.
Oh no! You cursed!
by bottleofwater inhave any of you met witnesses who thought that crap or ass is a curse word?
any other words?.
I told an old man that something freaked me out. He told the elders I said the F word and that I was saying F'n this and F'n that, because I told him I can say freaked or freak any time I feel like it you freak.
If they did sue and won, I don't know how they would get any money out of you... unless you a millionaire or somethin