Another thumbs up for big Tex. I remember other posts you have made on this subject. Very good job...
That is very much true that JW's have not a word benificial for a victim of child abuse.
I guess it is called post traumatic stress disorder. The invisable very contageous desease the JW's pass around one another, and there is no cure...
I use to think that if there was a true religion the JW organization is the one, but I am beginning to wonder that JW is satins finnal and last straw to use to turn man against God.
They go around knocking all other religions because theier product is no good...
If they had the truth then they would have no reason to be offended when some one speaks against them, and most of the time people are not even speaking against them.
They are just plain nuts
They are just like the religions they talk about, that they have so much truth just enough to hide the lie...
If JW's knew what they did to me they would not ask me to come around them.
Yes I have PTSD and the only way I can escape is to beat some dents out of cars, for there safety that I don't accidently beat some dents in their heads.
Lucky for JW's I descovered what to do when I see one beat a kid, ( Do not go to an Elder or any other JW member)
Report it to the DHS... PLEASE!!!