Here you go. A pellet mill and a pellet stove. Turn your shreded paper into wood pellets then burn them in a wood pellet stove.
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Do you shred paperwork before you throw it out?
by restrangled ini'm curious.
there is so much fuss and bother about identity theft.
personally, no banking or credit card stuff goes into the trash.
Do you shred paperwork before you throw it out?
by restrangled ini'm curious.
there is so much fuss and bother about identity theft.
personally, no banking or credit card stuff goes into the trash.
I usually burn mine...
Not that I am all that concerned about identity left, If some one can do more with my identity then I can well more power to them, maybe I will move in with them then.
Great Video: Why you should never talk to the police, even when you are innocent and did nothing wrong..
by Elsewhere ineven if you are innocent and did nothing wrong... do not talk to the police!.
great video!.
Innocent until proven guilty is what they say but it is actually guilty until proven inocent.
Yes you do have the right to remain silent and that would be used against you just as well for taking that right, they would say that you are trying to hide something. It would be easier to defend in court if that was all you said was I wish to remain silent.
If a person could make a video on why you should not talk to an elder in less then a half an hour would be short of a miracle, they play with the same rules only they make some up as they go along.
The elders sometime should pay a little closer attention what they are saying when they saying what Jesus said "But I say to YOU that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." and stop their damm witch hunting.
Do You Believe......
by chapstick inas we all know the net is chock full in conspiracy theories, bible prophets and end of the world prognosticators.
some of the things being promoted are ufo invasions, end of the world in 2012, asteroid strikes, the rapture, aliens disquising themselves as humans, a one world government and a new world currency.
all this just scratches the surface.
Do You Believe......
by chapstick inas we all know the net is chock full in conspiracy theories, bible prophets and end of the world prognosticators.
some of the things being promoted are ufo invasions, end of the world in 2012, asteroid strikes, the rapture, aliens disquising themselves as humans, a one world government and a new world currency.
all this just scratches the surface.
I would think if someone pointed one of these into the sky someone would surely think it were a UFO
Contributing to Defence Tax
by God_Delusion inin cyprus, everyone who earns a legitimate salary, pays 2% of their weekly/monthly salary to the republic of cyprus' defence fund.
this fund provides the mod (ministry of defence) the funds to purchase their arsenal and fund all and sundry in relation to the republic's armed forces.. shouldn't jehovah's witnesses put their foot down and say that they won't pay this tax?
i don't think it's physically possible to not pay this tax and as far as i know, that's the reason they give for paying it.. thing is, why do they always portray other religions of the world blessing the soldiers before going into battle?
Some how you all have me thinking about a bible story of a King, I think it was King David that wanted another mans wife so King David had this man deliver a sealed letter to the head or chief person of army. This faithful and inocent man actually delivered his own death certificate to the chief of army and was put on the front row of battle so he would be sluttered so King David could have his wife.
I don't know, maybe I am getting off topic, but watch the video and see if you can see a connection.
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
If I had a camera at the time I would have taken some pics for the hell of it. Do you think photos of it would make any difference to you? HA! HA!HA!
Besides I have been taking care of an elderly person and been surrounded by people that can't clothe or feed themselves, about to die... You think any of them would be interested in such nonsense?
If you are interested? Find out for yourself... Keep on seeking and you shall find.
But first seek the Kingdom of God and the rest shall be added on to you...
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
Yup!!! I am an artist very good at sculper, molding and such, I have a nack for detail-A+ in art all through school for art, went to college for art at age 13, and I do not give a damm what any one thinks. I know I seen it and that is all I need to know.
And ya I did not take a photo thinking some one else would have seen it, and I would hear something but did not hear anything so I forgot about it till a couple of weeks ago.
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
...true, but most of them stink, which is the part you forgot to say
I haven't been close enough to be sniffing any, but I would say they all stink
All I know for sure is what I see, and I seen an object that looks like a planet. I guess I should put on a gas mask before everyone stinks the whole planet earth up.
There is nothing we could do about it if the world is destroyed so no point in letting it interfere with our daily lives.
I am setting here unemployed, with no reason for it because I am the best at what I do and have my own business, but no one is buying because everyone is afraid to spend any money over a bunch of crappy rumers, that the economy is bad. (I thinketh's so I am, so mote it be) That is my opinion and I thinks it stinks.
I would not have a clue how to write a book, and I am not trying to find any other way to make money off other peoples fears. Boy I have seen a lot of money making scams with this 2012 crap sense I heard about it a couple of weeks ago. I have seen people trying to sell books, unsinkable boats, all the way down to where they are trying to sell mustard seed jewelry.
Dam I am bored, lets whatch another movie
Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?
by HappyGuy ini hope this dude is wrong..
I have heard of the sun dog too, but don't believe that is what I saw. Doesn't matter though.
Opinions are like A-Holes everyone has one...