JoinedPosts by trueblue
HIstory and Bush/Obama
by free2beme ini find it funny, that as time is passing, history is now showing it is not the men who are causing the times ... as much as history is having a mind of it's own.
now people are pretty much seeing obama in the same approval and blame, as bush did.
basically, the economy sucks, neither man could fix it and all they could do was blame the other's party.
Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
by sacolton in$79 million tax demand on jehovahs witnesses threatens freedom of religionstrasbourgon september 21, 2010, the european court of human rights (echr) ruled unanimously that the complaint filed by jehovahs witnesses in france is admissible regarding alleged interference with their freedom of religion.. the government of france had imposed a retroactive 60-percent tax on all religious offerings donated to association les temoins de jehovah(also referred to as the christian association of jehovahs witnesses of france) over a period of four years from 1993 to 1996. the government initially demanded a total payment of about 45 million euros.
the amount demanded is now more than 57 million euros (more than $79,000,000 usd), which far exceeds the assets of the association.the echr took note of the fact that throughout the court proceedings within france, jehovahs witnesses had consistently maintained that the contested tax was a direct attack on their religious freedom.
in fact, it had been imposed on them within the context of the france governments fight against so-called sects.
is anyone else seeing this add on the forum
by elderelite inwife, mother of 4. my name is.
rochelle tallmadge, and i'm mormon..... .
that gal is a cutie!!
This man goes in this bar and says "bar tender give me a beer" the bar tender gives the man a beer and the man drinks it, looks into his shirt pocket, then says again "bartender give me a beer" the bartender gives him another beer, the man drinks it, looks into his shirt pocket, and says again "bartender give me a beer" the bartender says "sure, but may I ask why you always look into your shirt pocket before ordering another beer?" and the man replies "I have a picture of my wife in my pocket and when she starts to look good to me I go home"
Ridiculous JW Story - Just Remembered
by mentallyfree31 ini just happened to remember this ridiculous jw story that involved the elders/wt rules at my former congregation.
for many years, there was a building immediately next to the kh.
it was a local businessman, and after several years he converted it to a part time church.
I wonder if the JW's that parked on his property ever thought to ask him if it were alright to park on his property before they parked on it, I doubt it.
Reminds me one time in a trailer park some JW's were parking in our parking spaces to study with our nieghbor and my younger brother put a note on their car saying something about them being all almighty and all but these parking spaces are reserved for us no count bla bla bla.
I need some help with a plot point for the next novel
by JeffT inmy first effort "armageddon's disciples" is being considered by a publisher, i'll let you know if anything happens.. in the meantime i'm noodling around with what to do next.. i have an idea, but i'm curious if you guys think one of my plot points is realistic.
the antagonist is going to be a guy moving through jw circles, moving from congo to congo every two or three years.
not an elder, mabye an ms, turns in his 10-15 hours consistently, never causes trouble, not married, maybe a little odd as he's kind of a loner.. the plot point is that he's pretty much a cipher, no one pays much attention to him.
Maybe give your character a lot of money that has an ongoing sums of money coming in from a pention or inheritence or something and he makes sure someone notices him standing by the donation boxes with some money in his hand before dropping into the donation boxes and does this at every donation box at the conventions also and this person always buys everyone dinners especially the sunday speakers and he also finds new commers that are all alone and twists their words and tells them things about the elders and tells the elders the new person is talking about the elders. The lies and deception would draw the elders attention away from what he actually does.
Say Pledge of Allegiance or Go To Jail
by cameo-d ina lawyer was cited for criminal contempt of court because he did not say the pledge of allegiance.
he stood up but was silent.
apparently he had done this before and the judge was put out with him.
Do you think the Governing Body is having internal conflicts?
by stuckinamovement ini ask because the number of gb is lower than any time in history.
basically with the 7 (8 counting barr, is his head frozen?
) currently on,you have an average size elder body.
Does the average American get to meet a past/present President?
by Mattieu injust wondering..... i had the opportunity to meet former us president george bush snr (we still had to address him as mr. president) and his wife barbara.
i was emcamped with their entourage for a week on an australian visit some years ago.
real eye opener as to the workings of the secret service, i got an invite to the secret service wind up party at a night club the day the bushes left oz, straight out of a movie that night ;-).
Haven't met any presidents myself but my mother says when she was a little girl, that when Abraham Lincoln passed through town he spent the night at thier house. Would not hear of such things now a days for preidents need to be heavily gaurded. Come to think, I think I seen on TV that after Abraham Lincoln was shot is when they started guarding the presidents...
Conscience matters™
by serenitynow! inotwo's b-day thread got me thinking about this strange jw loophole.. did anyone use the rationale of something being a "conscience matter" to do something that may not have been explicitly condemned in the scriptures or in the lit, or not confess something?.
i realize i did that for the acceptance of b-day discounts, holiday work bonuses, etc.
also for r rated movies, and going to bars.. i did during the last presidential election when i voted for the first time while still a believing jw.
May as well, always getting accused of someting that isn't true any ways.
Just the other day I was walking down the street and seen this little girl crying because her cat was hit by a car and I told the little girl that it wasn't that bad because only the cats tail was broken so I tied a stick on the cats tail to hold it in place and a police officer charged me for retailing pussy on the street.
Conscience matters™
by serenitynow! inotwo's b-day thread got me thinking about this strange jw loophole.. did anyone use the rationale of something being a "conscience matter" to do something that may not have been explicitly condemned in the scriptures or in the lit, or not confess something?.
i realize i did that for the acceptance of b-day discounts, holiday work bonuses, etc.
also for r rated movies, and going to bars.. i did during the last presidential election when i voted for the first time while still a believing jw.
I have thought about going ahead and have sex without marriage. Who knows maybe she would like it and stick around.
I thinks the scriptures say not to practice fornication.
I thinks I would be trying to find someone who likes me.
Haven't seen anyone at the KH that interests me.