Just remembered a comment from an old man at a meeting one time he stated that God said not to eat meat from animals with the split hoof at the time because at that time the meat was dangerous for man to eat because sience was not advanced in them days for curing of meat and preventing of deseases.
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Why would god create animals that he finds disgusting and unclean??
by highdose ini'm thinking of the pig here, a creature supposeedly created by god, a perfect god.
why would god create a creature that then had to be avoided and kept away from??.
and why then change his mind later deciding that suddenly they weren't disgusting afterall and lets all have a bacon sarnie?!!.
More and more shunning going on?
by Snoozy inis it just me or does it seem like there are more posts about shunning than usual?.
i take it that between the ex jw's and the internet the jw's are having a hard time holding on to their people.
of course they don't want their people anywhere around someone that might wise them up to what the jw's are doing to them..striving to keep them as isolated as possible.. if that isn't a cult i don't know what is.. i feel so sad for family member that are going throught this and unable to be with their loved ones because of some idiot religion that seems to appeal to some ..it must fulfill some need in their life.
talesin said: Does daughter have some substance abuse problems? That will do it, for sure,,, whether it's gambling, booze or other things,,, the addiction takes over, and anyone who does not 'comply' in supporting such habits is usually cut off.
Drug addict / Watchtower addict... "Oh Gawd there a lot of simularities"
More and more shunning going on?
by Snoozy inis it just me or does it seem like there are more posts about shunning than usual?.
i take it that between the ex jw's and the internet the jw's are having a hard time holding on to their people.
of course they don't want their people anywhere around someone that might wise them up to what the jw's are doing to them..striving to keep them as isolated as possible.. if that isn't a cult i don't know what is.. i feel so sad for family member that are going throught this and unable to be with their loved ones because of some idiot religion that seems to appeal to some ..it must fulfill some need in their life.
I was shunned by someone that not even a JW yesterday and it made me happy because I don't want the spook talking to me anyways...
Garbage - Silence Is Golden (Shirley Manson) By Bubu - YouTube
Checking Bibles for "God's Name"
by sabastious ini had a ritual growing up every time we traveled to an assembly or convention.
in the hotel i would always take a look at the gideon bible's that were always stored in one of the drawers.
immediately upon finding it i would open up to psalms 83:18 to check if the bible had god's name within it.
Someone mentioned on this forum one time that God's name never was in the old testamate to start with and that the WTS had put God's name in the old testamate, so I did a little experiement with a Jerusalum bible and a JW bible. The JW bible says Jehovah and the Jerusalum bible says Yahwey, I looked in the places where JW's bible says Jehovah in the Jerusalum bible and it did not have Gaod's name spelled either way in the old testamate but the Jerusalum bible did say Yahwey in the places in the new testamate where JW's bible says Jehovah.
A little example of how severely the contributions for the Society are drying up
by sir82 injust a little tidbit from the congregation i attend..... the congregation has approximately 120 publishers.. well over 1000 magazines per month are picked up, not to mention all the books, brochures, and tracts that are picked up.. there was a "local needs" part on the service meeting recently, asking for more contributions.. it seems our congregation has averaged just about $300 per month contributions to the "worldwide work" over the past year.. .
assuming 1500 magazines / month, that's just 20 cents per magazine - and that completely ignores all other literature that is picked up.. the last price the magazines had, 20+ years ago, was 25 cents per issue.
with inflation that would have been about 50 cents each now.. just another sign of how severely the contriutions to the society are drying up..... .
I donated a 100 dollar check one time and heard about it through the grape vine and thought that should be between me and God, so I never did it again...
I heard one time that the percentage of a persons wages was added to the bible to trick people into giving money because it was easier to get money out of the people that way instead of using force.
I think the WTS doesn't want you to be meterialistic and have a lot of nice things especially be in debt so that you will have more money for them, especially if they get your estate when you die (Iknow of one person that was worth 3/4 million when he died and went to the society, my brother should have been a millionare several times over before he died but there was nothing) and bring your own lunch to conventions and such... There some kind of scam going on besides donations I beleive.
Religion or Cult - How to Tell The Difference
by cofty ini don't believe the question is binary.
all religions are cults its just a matter of degree.. .
When you hand someone a slip of paper and an elder will walk up to see what it was you handed someone else... that is a pretty good sign it is a cult, and pretty stupid they think you would give someone apostate meterial right under their noses, and if they actually had the truth why would they be afraid someone would or could take it from them. They are so afraid of someone becoming apostate that they are creating apostate.
Mathew 5: 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Same way war on terror was created...
One Song - A Song For World Peace & Togetherness - YouTube
The more stories I read on JWN make me long to go back to the hall...
by serenitynow! ini read the stories of those stuck in, or those who are out but still experience unwelcome, intrusive visits from dubs and i want to go to your hall.
or be at your house when the jackass elders come over.
i could say all the things you want to but can't because you're afraid to out yourself, or because you are just really nice.
serenitynow! Where were you when I needed you? That is all I needed was someone to watch my back... The only time I was safe going to meetings was when I went to meetings with my brother in Texas when I went there to visit. They will not pick on you when they think someone will stick up for you...
Could we be violating the rights of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES?
by Terry inhttp://www.cesnur.org/2005/pa_brown.htm.
jehovah's witnesses and the anti-cult movement: a human rights perspectivejohn b. brown, ii (social educator, tucson, arizona)human rights issues and religious freedomthe issues created by anticult fervor can be recapitulated in the following points.
True Bethel Story
by drahcir yarrum ini arrived at bethel in december of 1968 on a cold night.
i had the taxi drop me off at the old columbia heights building.
the door was locked so i knocked and was reluctantly allowed in by another bethelite.
Bob Marley-Them belly full(but we hungry) - YouTube
True Bethel Story
by drahcir yarrum ini arrived at bethel in december of 1968 on a cold night.
i had the taxi drop me off at the old columbia heights building.
the door was locked so i knocked and was reluctantly allowed in by another bethelite.
Had an elder say the watchtower has a unique smell and I said ya it Smells Like Money - Belly - YouTube