stoned for saying jehovah (life of brian) - YouTube
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Why didn't Jehovah ??
by Phizzy inas jehovah said to the israelites "you are my witnesses" and was happy to let them get on with things without major interference by him, he must have broadly approved of what the nation was doing, until jesus came and changed things.. for hundreds of years before jesus the jw's (israelites) had decided that the name of god was too holy to pronounce.
had he been upset by this he would have sent a prophet to sort this out, but no, it continued as practice,for 200 years at least,and remained uncondemned by jesus.. if jehovah had really wanted his people to use his name, would not a prophet, at least would not his son, have said so ?.
Some people just "need" religion...
by OneDayillBeFree ini heard this from a man at a door this morning.... it was in response to the question, "do you think god has only one true religion?
" it was asked by an elder i was with.
he did all the talking at the doors.
Patton Oswalt - Sky Cake - YouTube
Shouldn't we all aim to be inspired by God?
by Listener inreading comments on this forum makes me think about so many facets in understanding god's word and how he works.
i was very puzzled as to why djeggnog had so much trouble in trying to explain the difference between being guided by god's holy spirit and being inspired.
he stopped posting when he was cornered on this.
David Brent "If You Don't Know Me By Now" Bloopers - YouTube
Shouldn't we all aim to be inspired by God?
by Listener inreading comments on this forum makes me think about so many facets in understanding god's word and how he works.
i was very puzzled as to why djeggnog had so much trouble in trying to explain the difference between being guided by god's holy spirit and being inspired.
he stopped posting when he was cornered on this.
I don't know if this fits in but I have been thinking a lot about: What does it matter? What does it matter if you beleive Jusus was nailed to a cross or a stake? What does it matter if you beleive the Trinnity or not? What does it matter if you believe bad people burn in hell and good people go to heaven, or the 144,000 go to heaven to rule the rest that live on earth in paradise? What difference does it matter when Jessus returns or if he even does?
I mien what diff is it how smart you are? Really?
I beleive that it is the heart condition that matters not how intellegent a person is, the bible is too complicated for any man to fully comprehend and that tells me that God does exsist, he cares and he has a plan for us what ever that plan is is up to him and I have to trust in him, just as if I get in an accident and rushed to the ER, I would have to put my trust in the Doctor to bring me back to recovery.
That is only my opinion, but what does that matter?
Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one...
I need help finding class action Attorneys
by Judicial Committee inmerry christmas, and a happy new year everyone.. do any of you have information on any attorneys who are serious about a class action suit concerning shunning and the damage that has resulted from it; i could sure use a good attorney.
my sister has told me i will never see my 92 year old mother again who lives with her, until she is on her death bed or has died.
i think this 2011 july watchtower magazine has prompted them to treat me and my brother this way, for the first time in 14 years.
I don't know bud, heard of several people try sueing for such things, pretty much seams impossible. I have tried several times to find an attorney to help me with my Mother the last several years and none will talk. I had an attorney say something once that may help depending on your situation he said "Go to the Department of Human Services and have a open relationship with them" Maybe it couldn't hurt to tell the DHS your sister denies visiting rights with the elderly and frail.
A letter arrived in the mail
by truthseeker inmy wife received a letter in the mail from a jw she had known from school.
we have seen this sister about twice in the last ten years; the last occasion was 4 years ago.
she lives in another congregation a few miles away.. this sister heard that we had been "recently discouraged" - those were her words.
Like Blondie said: I hate it when someone assumes they know why you no longer come and that it has to do with you...especially someone who hardly knows you and had little time to spend with you when you were a jw.
A letter arrived in the mail
by truthseeker inmy wife received a letter in the mail from a jw she had known from school.
we have seen this sister about twice in the last ten years; the last occasion was 4 years ago.
she lives in another congregation a few miles away.. this sister heard that we had been "recently discouraged" - those were her words.
I would just ignore it as some telemarket, because basicly thats all it is, just a sales pitch, just pitch it in the trash, they don't really care about anyone, they are like drug addicts looking for a fix. You know how drug addicts supply their habbit? They become drug pushers, so as JW's become watchtower pushers (putting in time) for a reward.
They let some man kidnapp my Mother when I was a child for several years, using mental and physical abuse this man was, until I was the only one that noticed and left my carreer in another state to help her out of it. Then they have enough nerve to bring up a DA letter after 37 years.
Please Lord forgive them for they not know what they are doing... They actually thought that would make me feel better bringing up a 37 year old letter.
Nay, I would just be too busy for them if I were you... and not take anything personal "They just plain nuts, that's all"
If you ever seen my Mother you would get the picture foreal "She is the sweetest thing you ever seen" she's so tore up emotionally everyone wants to help her, I had to leave my Mother in a nurse home to die before someone kills me for trying to help her.
Oh well God knows...
If God Loves anyone he Loves my Mother... "I don't care what JW's, I mien Satan says about her"
Why would god create animals that he finds disgusting and unclean??
by highdose ini'm thinking of the pig here, a creature supposeedly created by god, a perfect god.
why would god create a creature that then had to be avoided and kept away from??.
and why then change his mind later deciding that suddenly they weren't disgusting afterall and lets all have a bacon sarnie?!!.
Actually it is the red on the meat on fish such as carp that makes the meat taste bad. Cut the red meat off the white meat before you cook it and it is good. It works on some other fish I have tried, haven't tried the carp yet. Seen people prepare it that way though. They skin fish by the river and cut the red off when they get home.
Why would god create animals that he finds disgusting and unclean??
by highdose ini'm thinking of the pig here, a creature supposeedly created by god, a perfect god.
why would god create a creature that then had to be avoided and kept away from??.
and why then change his mind later deciding that suddenly they weren't disgusting afterall and lets all have a bacon sarnie?!!.
Prepair the carp ie (fish).
Nail it to a pine board.
Bake it for three hours @ 350deg
Take it out of the oven.
Next throw the carp in the trash.
And eat the board. -
Why would god create animals that he finds disgusting and unclean??
by highdose ini'm thinking of the pig here, a creature supposeedly created by god, a perfect god.
why would god create a creature that then had to be avoided and kept away from??.
and why then change his mind later deciding that suddenly they weren't disgusting afterall and lets all have a bacon sarnie?!!.
Because God Loves You...