"I had two seperate ministers at completely different times tell me they believed the jw's & Mormons produce more athiests than anybody in the world."
This wouldn't surprise me, prior to becoming a JW I did believe in an almighty god and turned to him often at different times in my life. Like many in this world I was seeking answers and the religion I was born in (Roman Catholic)was full of hypocrites, liars, stealers, abusers etc. So I abviosly wouldn't turn to them. The JW's seemed to have the answers and most responses seemed logical and well thought out. These people that became friends were sincere, kind, honest etc. When my eyes finally opened 10 years later and you realize the real truth, you turn away from god. Why? Logic. Heres mine, we have a very short life, we ask god to help in finding the truth (sincere) then you realize the truth turns out to be a sham, the logical outcome is there is no god. I certainly don't have time to study every religion on the planet, christanity has over 30K different religions or church's, Then we have islam, hinduism etc. that's a lot of god.
If god can't be bothered to show mankind his/hers/its true colors so to speak then why should anyone seek out god? If gods logic is "seek me out" then I say "prove to me that your worth the time and effort then we can talk"
'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'