2/3 of the world
Allelsefails: 2.1 billion Christians, 1.5 billion Muslims and a population of 6.7 Billion people on earth makes it a tad over 1/2 the population not 2/3
i am meeting a coworker tonight at a coffee shop for a "bible study".
it started out that she was interested in my past and my current questions / viewpoints and we were just going to visit.
now she is referring to it as a "bible study" which implies that she thinks i need to be taught.
2/3 of the world
Allelsefails: 2.1 billion Christians, 1.5 billion Muslims and a population of 6.7 Billion people on earth makes it a tad over 1/2 the population not 2/3
many here have abandoned the bible as "the word of god" and there are numerous reasons for said abandonment.
however what i am interested in finding out is if the bible is the word of god, then what would you expect to find?.
Reniaa with all due respect how can you equate 1 Thessalonians 2:13
With “The biblie testifies to itself those that don’t believe in it are fools to themselves and it’s truth”? Paul's words don't even come close to meaning that in the text you quote.Taking words out of context or trying to have them say something other than what is meant like you just did is showing disrespect for the author. That verse is not open for interpretation by any stretch of the imagination.
Regarding 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Paul may think that what he’s preaching is the word of god, the readers may believe it’s the word of god, but nothing is proved by this self proclaimed truth. Just because I may say something is the truth and the person that listens believes me, doesn’t automatically make it the truth. It has to be provable especially when doubted. I don’t know of any religion that claims not to have the truth, Christian or others. Au contraire everyone speaks in the name of their god or gods. My time in the JW’s taught me one valuable lesson in life, doubt everything religious and don’t rely on faith.
many here have abandoned the bible as "the word of god" and there are numerous reasons for said abandonment.
however what i am interested in finding out is if the bible is the word of god, then what would you expect to find?.
The keywords being the word of god, meaning coming from an almighty creator.
This subject shouldn’t even be debatable and this fact alone proves who was the author or in this case authors.
Why would an almighty god require imperfect humans to put down in writing what he could have easily done himself in less than a nano second. and preserve it intact and unchangeable is beyond me? He had to have known that this course of action alone would have cast doubt in mankind’s mind and heart as to the truth of his existence and what he requires of mankind.
Also many take for granted (myself included at one time) that the present form of what is considered the bible has always been. Yet all one has to do is actually research the matter to find that nothing could be further from the truth. Even today there is no clear consensus as to what books were inspired and should be part of the bible and which ones shouldn’t be part. This is not a matter of opinion, it’s historical fact. Looking at the motives of many of the early Christian church’s through critical eyes also helps to understand what motivated many to select or reject certain books, again historical fact.
For all I know the Koran was inspired and should be part of bible, why not the book of Mormon? Bottom line is god should have done the job himself if he wanted man to know the truth, it’s almost like he went out of his way to confuse mankind, pretty odd behavior considering how important the belief in him is suppose to be.
2/3rds of the world’s population practice religions that have nothing to do with the bible and of this group 75% have never read a bible that’s roughly 3 Billion people. Pretty interesting considering the bible is suppose to be the word of the one true god. One would have thought the word would have gotten around already, especially considering it’s been around in it’s printed form for 500 years.
in a recent thread i started on music i couldn't help noticing how many had to throw their alleged " worldly music " out because parents, or elders told them their music brought them " under the influence of demons ", or listening to music was how " the demons got inside us ".
this superstitious belief that " satan " is to blame for each witnesses demise is really a passing of the buck of responsibility so it sidesteps real issues involved.. for example : check these familiar expressions out we all heard while we were jehovah's witnesses .. .
1. if a person was stumbled and said, " i don't want to go to meetings anymore.
When I was in the JW’s I did notice that there was a big difference in mindset regarding satan. In the south everything bad came from satan, car accidents, death loss of jobs. In the north &*^% happens. I guess it comes from the basic background religions that most came from. If you were in a predominantly catholic area, and most converts came from there, satan didn’t factor in too much when bad things happened. If you were from the bible belt area he was everywhere. Obviously it was a personal choice to blame satan for everything bad or god for everything good.
how many of you have heard this one, or words to that effect?.
I became a witness by choice, and consider myself an intelligent person. The reason I chose to become a JW was I felt their was something missing spiritually in my life and searched out like many for answers to those question. After a few years I became a pioneer and eventually named MS. I certainly didn’t consider being intelligent a bad thing, I always felt it was a tool that could be used to prove or disprove arguments regarding many spiritual matters. Faith is built from many human faculties that can include logic, reasoning, trust, intelligence etc. The problem with most if not all religions is they consider faith the cornerstone of belief. Unfortunately, this just can’t be right and is a form of dishonesty. True faith has to be based on something tangible, proof through intellectual knowledge and understanding, physical reality, historical, archeological facts etc. Those that take things at face value always end up being controlled and manipulated It’s very easy to manipulate the emotions of those that can’t or won’t think for themselves. Religions know this to be fact!
did i read somewhere that wt is putting out "the last warning"?.
was it assembly topic or something?.
does this mean they will shut up now?.
Mankind has been waiting how many years for the end of the world, system of things, Armageddon etc ? It has always been very very very near, all one has to do is look at the primary teachings of the major religions of the world to see this. What’s interesting is this nearness was always evident by every generation of the past. If you go back 1500 years the end was near, 1000, 500, 200, etc. Now we fast forward and we have exactly the same thing being told, is this a test of the emergency broadcast system or the real thing? Bottom line is simple and I’ll use an analogy. If I am a parent and I tell my kid that he will be punished for his bad behavior, what would be considered a reasonable amount of time to take action? 1 week? 2 weeks etc. Logic tells me that if I want to be taken seriously by my child it needs to be done in a reasonable amount of time. If not he starts calling my warnings bull(&^%, and rightly so. It comes down to gods credibility and mankind’s logic. It’s almost like god wants mankind to continually doubt which seems like very odd behavior for a benevolent and loving creator.
Food for thought: I have always found the god of the OT extremely different from that described in the NT. The OT god “I’m not taking this bull” and the NT “Oh poor mankind I pity them bla, bla, bla.” It’s almost like he finally figured that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
many here have abandoned the bible as "the word of god" and there are numerous reasons for said abandonment.
however what i am interested in finding out is if the bible is the word of god, then what would you expect to find?.
Some evidence that it came from a supernatural source, of course.
Thats a good one.
1) The periodic table would have been nice to have. The ancient writers would have been confused, but who cares, they got the miracles.
2) A crude picture of a DNA strand.
3) The exact distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon on a precise day. margin of error +/- 1/4 mile
I'm certain if it came from god he could have chosen thousands of ways to offer irrefutable proof of authorship. Since it never came from him it's just another historical telling of the life and times of certain ancient peoples. Throw in some scare tactics a few questionable prophecies a miracle here and their and what do you have? A very very very long read. Like I always say if it takes you 100 words to say something that only requires 10 then your either handicapped or your trying to hide something.
is the nonbeliever at fault for rejecting god?.
1. if one is adequately informed of the consequences of a decision, and willfully choosing to make that decision is clearly irrational, then it is irrational to willfully choose to make it.
9. therefore, those nonbelievers' moral or reasoning faculties are defective.
I’m of the opinion that you can’t be at fault in rejecting god if you are not 100% certain of his/hers/its existence. By most humans standards, religions and beliefs god is almighty, yet the almighty hasn’t the power to make his presence known in a manner that would put this 1 simple question to rest once and for all. I’m not even talking about religion with the thousands of beliefs in what this god actually expects. To those that would say you need to look at creation, read scriptures, you need faith etc. I say it should be self evident to every human being on earth, case closed. For all I know maybe god actually doesn’t want us to know the truth about his existence, because he/she/it prefers humans to think for themselves and won’t blindly follow every superstitious believe, religion or written word.
who is a lurker here,i understand.
an ex...jw.
so nice speaking with him .he is 88 yrs old.
I'm surprised they let the farmers keep monies derived from the sales.
The ORG is so obsessed with it's image to the outside world they will destroy lives to maintain the image of perfection.
she starts out with some banal stuff about where they want to move, etc, then, she launches into this:.
that brings up something i wanted to tell you in person but itseems that i am not going to be able to do that very soon.
i amhoping to throw some light on what has happened within our familyesp during the time we were over there.. it has become very apparent to us now that during that time period from early spring on, in 200[x], satan launched an all-out attack on our family, son.
What's the point in the back and forth letters that are obviously upsetting you? You need to set boundaries with her, she may feel a certain obligation towards you meaning trying to save you. But at the end of the day it's your life and it should be made clear that you have no intention of changing your course. It comes down to respect, if she is unable to respect your life choices (as long as your not harming anyone else) then she is the one with the problem, not you. How hard can it be to say "Mom, I love you and will always love you, but honestly your wearing me out with your religious beliefs and I'm not interested in discussing this subject. If you are unable to deal with me as your son outside of the scope of your personal religious convictions then it’s your personal choice, and will have to live with your decision.”
Keep the religious discussions out of the conversations and close the discussion as soon as she brings anything related to the subject. If she needs to learn the hard way, then so be it. I understand that her religion is a big part of her life, but how hard can it be to truly love someone (her own son) without bringing up god! If she can’t, it’s because she’s needs to relearn what it is to be a human being.
This isn’t a case of agreeing to disagree, it’s called agreeing not to discuss the matter period.