What a bunch of corporate horseshit!! Holy spirit is definitley at work!!
JoinedPosts by foolsparadise
Menlo Park (CA - USA) Kingdom Hall
by Juan Viejo2 ini received an anonymous email over at ex-jw.com that had an attached legal filing.
the first couple of pages seemed to be standard legal filings, but the rest of the pages looked like standard typed documentation (not in numbered double-spaced legal format.
) i'm not quite sure what to make of it, so wonder if anyone here has heard of it.
Do you smoke anything?
by asilentone ini was very disappointed in one of my friends near here.
he is df'd.
he started smoking cigs.
Ya I start fires with watchtower and awake magazines. They smoke nicely
What parts of the BIBLE seem like GREEK MYTHOLOGY and stories to you?
by foolsparadise inplease share your thoughts.
there are many things in the bible that sound like greek mythologies.
i will start and you can add to the list.. a talking walking snake.. immaculate conception.. angels having sex with women creating nephilim.. a dove descending upon jesus after he was babtized.. the transfiguration.. some dude wrestling with an angel all night.. jonah being swallowed by a whale and living inside for three days.. a talking burning bush.
Please share your thoughts. There are many things in the bible that sound like greek mythologies. I will start and you can add to the list.
A talking walking snake.
Immaculate conception.
Angels having sex with women creating nephilim.
A dove descending upon Jesus after he was babtized.
The transfiguration.
Some dude wrestling with an angel all night.
Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living inside for three days.
A talking burning bush
Aaron throwing down his rod and it became a snake
Striking a rock and having water shoot out
Three hebrews walking around inside a burning furnace with an angel
Manna falling from heaven to eat
People being raised from the dead
Lots wife turning into a pillar of salt
A pillar of fire leading the israelites at night
A star leading the three wisemen at night
Ok your turn. I am sure I have missed some. Please add if you think of any. How come nothing like this stuff happens today? If it did it would more than likely be blamed on satan and his demon hoards.
How Long Has The Christ Been Invisibly Present?
by wannabe inhow long has the christ been invisibly present?.
i don't know as i have covered this one before or not, but can't we say that jesus has been invisibly present ever since his ascension in the first century?
didn't he indicate that he was in this following scripture?.
There is no way to tell how long because its hard to see and believe in something that is invisible.
Got the new dvd
by twinkle toes inwell, i was just given the new dvd from the convention and i am trying to figure out if i should watch it or not.
on one hand i enjoy uncovering the hypocrisy, it's a good reminder as to why i am faded away.. on the other hand i dont know if i should waste my time watching crap.. thoughts?.
Now you can donate over a $100 for it. I remember a KM article saying that typically this kind of format produced by the society costs upwards of $100. I went home and researched that statement and learned that if mass produced it only costs 19 cents per copy to make. Thats quite a markup if you ask me.
2000 years from now AIDS could be known as...........
by foolsparadise ina scourge by god to wipe the world free of homosexuality.
i think its a good theory.
any thoughts?
Shamus100 your picture describes your intelligence all to well. Keep up the unintelligent work!
2000 years from now AIDS could be known as...........
by foolsparadise ina scourge by god to wipe the world free of homosexuality.
i think its a good theory.
any thoughts?
This was just a thought. I watched the science channel recently and it showed that sodom and gomorrah was actually destroyed by an asteroid and people then wrote in the bible god did it. I do not believe god would use this disease as a scourge to wipe people out. I was just saying that people like JW's 2000 years from now will hear stories and will probably think and write that this was gods doing. They will probably give public talks on Sunday about it.
I Don't Always Drink Beer - But When I do , I Prefer....................
by flipper inmoosehead !
love that canadian lager !
also i enjoy a jamaican beer called red stripe .
Def BUD LIGHT LIME for me. I drink it like its water
2000 years from now AIDS could be known as...........
by foolsparadise ina scourge by god to wipe the world free of homosexuality.
i think its a good theory.
any thoughts?
A scourge by god to wipe the world free of homosexuality. I think its a good theory. Any thoughts? Maybe there will be a new testament bible 3rd or 4th addition by then talking about this.
Youtube of the 'Remain in the Secret Place' generation talk at District Convention.
by ThomasCovenant inapologies if this is old news.
HAHA. What a bunch of garbage. The light gets duller and duller!!