BurnTheShips - "Either way, it is stupid to think that a being of limited knowledge and judgement can judge a being of unlimited knowledge and judgement. We even try to get all the facts when we judge other humans, so that our judgement is true. How can a limited human possibly have all the facts so that he can judge God? It is simply not possible for us to know how an omnipotent omniscient omnibenevolent God would act."
Also, BTS, while it is true that we could not know how such a God would act, it also makes him as a "person" unknowable. But that aside, we must asses God's charachter using whatever "limited knowledge" that is available to us. We ALL judge God. Even diehard believers. I think it is more proper for a believer to make the assertion that 'Humans should not/cannot judge God AND come to a negative opinion about him.'
Yet we see many of God's actions in the OT that fly in the face of all moral sense, so believers are forced to make rationalizations like what you just said. The problem is, literally anything can be rationalized using such reasoning.
God should know this, and he should know how humans reason, so it makes logical sense that an "omnipotent omniscient omnibenevolent God" would be able to accomplish his will in a way that would leave no doubt in the minds of his imperfect servants on earth as to his righteousness, rather than forcing us to accept atrocities that go against the morality that he supposedly gave us... if that makes sense.
Your reasoning puts God in the category of a despotic dictator. But somehow his personality does seem to fit extremely well with the likes of Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong Il.