I never did really update this thread.
Thanks for the comments OTWO and CHILD.
I did tell her what I wanted to do as far as military. She didn't seem too surprised. But she upheld the "never to speak to me again" arrangement. Well, long story short, I showed her a few points about what the Bible really says as far as what the Society interprets those scriptures. She said to me, "The word disfellowship is even in the Bible!" I said no, it isn't. She got onto her CD-ROM to prove me wrong and, as well know, proved me right.
We talked further and I even showed her the "Is it OK to change one's religion" article in the JULY 09 Awake and she seemed a little shocked when I read those few statements to her. As I was leaving to go back to my apartment she says she will still talk to me as long as i don't bring up "apostate teachings". I said fair enough!
Fast forward to now and I have put leaving for the Army on hold. I was supposed to ship September 21. I need to get my shoulder checked out before taking the physical. Since I did get my job back I may postpone or even totally forget the idea for now. Time will only tell.
Yes, Etna, this site is amazing. I have no friends who are ex-JW's and itis great to be able to talk about it with someone who really understands what the WT is all about behind the curtain.