I smoke weed. I just got my new grinder in the mail today.
I enjoy a cigar every couple weeks as well.
i was very disappointed in one of my friends near here.
he is df'd.
he started smoking cigs.
I smoke weed. I just got my new grinder in the mail today.
I enjoy a cigar every couple weeks as well.
even if it is just pre-season games right now it makes me realize that life is still worth living.
in jesus name, amen..
Football, Hockey and new seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philly & Dexter. Yes! Thanks to Zeus for the month of September!!
excellent miniseries!.
i especially love how they show that everything - everything - is the result of human action and human ambition.. "miracles" were contrived inventions of men foisted on the ignorant, they were not peepholes into the divine.
"saintly relics" were taken from the local boneyard under cover of darkness and then declared to be special.. loosie posted a thread recently about the dovout catholic boy who invited her daughter to church and also complimented the girl on her fine booty, telling her he wanted to be her first.
Thanks for posting that. I have the book sitting in front of me but haven't started it yet.
I don't get Starz but I see that I can get them via .torrent files. I am downloading part 1 now.
excellent miniseries!.
i especially love how they show that everything - everything - is the result of human action and human ambition.. "miracles" were contrived inventions of men foisted on the ignorant, they were not peepholes into the divine.
"saintly relics" were taken from the local boneyard under cover of darkness and then declared to be special.. loosie posted a thread recently about the dovout catholic boy who invited her daughter to church and also complimented the girl on her fine booty, telling her he wanted to be her first.
Is this based off of Ken Follett's book by the same name?
i was baptized when i was 15. mainly because it was the next logical step in my "theocratic progess".
i lived the double life throughout high school.
i watched porn, masturbated, made out with a girl after the last class of the day and cursed like a fucking sailor with my "worldy" friends.. this made me feel extremely guilty.
I've long since shed any guilt that was instilled in me. It's amazing to me now that I used to think that my "sins" had some sort of significance in the universe.
It feels so good to be free.
i was baptized when i was 15. mainly because it was the next logical step in my "theocratic progess".
i lived the double life throughout high school.
i watched porn, masturbated, made out with a girl after the last class of the day and cursed like a fucking sailor with my "worldy" friends.. this made me feel extremely guilty.
I was baptized when I was 15. Mainly because it was the next logical step in my "theocratic progess". I lived the double life throughout high school. I watched porn, masturbated, made out with a girl after the last class of the day and cursed like a fucking sailor with my "worldy" friends.
This made me feel extremely guilty. I knew that when armageddon came, I would be destroyed. I would be a corpse picked at by the ever increasing number of scavengers dotting the sky. These were literally the images that came to mind during my teen years when a thunderstorm rolled through. I was terrified.
It hit me the other day that I had a plan for when amrageddon hit.
I lived with my grandfather during my teens and was no stranger to guns and ammo. My plan was to run upstairs and use his 12 gauge to kill myself before God had the chance to hit me with fireballs, or suck me into a crack in the ground. If you are familiar with the Revelation, Grand Climax at Hand book you know what I'm talking about. The thought of seeing others being killed also made me sick.
Has anyone else had a similar feeling and/or experience with thinking about their fate at the BIG A? Other than the obvious fact of istilling FEAR into people, was there really any need to put those pictures in publications that they knew children would see?
my mother got the latest dvd at the convention on the history of the organization.
and here it is defective.
i wonder if she was the only one or many more got a dvd that doesn't play.
Those DVD players are most likely disfellowshipped. The DVD won't communicate with them.
everything you learned about the neolithic revolution was wrong.
*** it-2 p. 303 man ***.
adam and eve were created toward the end of the sixth creative day.
Ziddina, you overlooked one important FACT. This was printed in a Watchtower publication. It can't be wrong.
this looks like way more fun than being at a kingdom hall.. .
Fuego! Fuego! Fuego!
everything you learned about the neolithic revolution was wrong.
*** it-2 p. 303 man ***.
adam and eve were created toward the end of the sixth creative day.
Everything you learned about the Neolithic Revolution was wrong. Why? Here's why:
*** it-2 p. 303 Man ***
Adam and Eve were created toward the end of the sixth creative “day.” (Ge 1:24-31) There are no actual records of ancient man, his writing, agriculture, and other pursuits, extending into the past before 4026 B.C.E., the date of Adam’s creation. Since the Scriptures outline man’s history from the very creation of the first human pair, there can be no such thing as “prehistoric man.” Fossil records in the earth provide no link between man and the animals. Then, too, there is a total absence of reference to any subhumans in man’s earliest records, whether these be written documents, cave drawings, sculptures, or the like. The Scriptures make clear the opposite, that man was originally a son of God and that he has degenerated.
Damn, this apologist stuff is too easy.