Spice, we won't be hearing from poor Jesus. Now that he's been df'd, we don't get to hear his side of the story.
Posts by jack2
Jesus Christ is Disfellowshipped
by metatron ina judicial committee formed in paterson, n.y. announced today.
that jesus christ has been disfellowshipped.. "he's been causing obvious divisions in the organization for.
7/30/02 CO Visit - Summarization of his Talk
by Mister Biggs inany words that are in italics or caps are used to stress that particular word the way the co stressed it.
i have this talk on audio tape.
the quotes are exact!
Well, for one thing, this guy has to pour over congregation records on each visit, then put togther all kinds of numerical comparisons which mean little. The preoccupation with numbers continues......
Joe Anderson Disfellowshipped
by silentlambs in8-1-02, addition to 7-31-02 press release .
joe anderson-disfellowshipped!
jehovahs witness child advocate.
The Inquistion all over again.
The WTS can write articles telling how the Church attempted to silence dissent in the mid-centuries, and then they go ahead and do the same thing.
I have nothing to lose, bisexual ex-JW
by Salsita ini have been an observer for a while here.
i would like to meet a former female jw late 20's early 30's and get to now her for a close relationship.
i have always known i was bisexual.
Sals, you're free to discuss your feelings and inclinations on this board anytime. You may get some flack, but for the most part, the folks here are non-judgemental. Of course, there might be some guys here who will ask if they can watch as you consummate this new relationship that you are seeking.
Women should be silent in the congregation?
by writerpen inokay, since i've been attending a new church, i've had the opportunity to sit on three committees.
i've gone hog wild and volunteered for everything trying to make up for all the years that i couldn't do anything as a female in the kh.
anyway, last night i stirred the shit in one of the meetings by voicing my opinion on how something in the church is run.
I try never to get my wife started on the apostle Paul...I honestly think she hates that guy.
Please note though that the silence for women thing is not just carried on by the jws but by other religions as well, in varying degrees, from what I understand. I guess it all gets traced back to Paul....but lest I get my wife started......
Ever lie on your service reports?
by The_Bad_Seed in*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
Joy, LMAO@ theo warfare strategy!! oh man, good one!!
zenpunk, I've been enjoying your posts lately! I loved how hard your hubby worked to get those 'pioneer hours' in!
reborn, LMAO also, esp at the large 0!
"as for me and my household"...I turn in a modestly exaggerated report, showing an hour or two for the wife and kid even though they may not have been out in service in a given month....it's all done to keep the hounds off the trail. Creative Acounting 101.
Blood Part 04 - Organ transplants: cannibalism
by JanH inorgan transplants: cannibalism!.
as with blood, the wts originally had no objections to organ transplants.
in a questions from readers section in the watchtower, aug. 1, 1961, page 480, the question about organ transplants is answered pointedly:.
Jan, I've read all installments so far, and all have been thought-provoking and are much appreciated!
Armaggedon Postponed By Branch Construction
by hillary_step injehovah's witnesses seek to expand campus in patterson
by michael risinit
the journal news .
Funny post HS...and timely! When my kid graduates high school, it looks like she will also be able to attend college before the big A breaks out! Thanks for the tip - I shall now plan accordingly.
Tonight's Internet Meeting Part
by Pistoff ini just had to go to meeting tonight to hear the material on the internet.
it was the usual stuff about pornography, many scriptures and three mentions of how jehovah was giving this material to the slave to give to us at this time, so there must be a reason.
of course, satan got three mentions too as one who is trying to ensnare us into abusing the net.. and of course, nothing on the net can be trusted, per the fsd.
Well, one thing seems apparent.....TV is no longer #1 on the list of Satan's Tools To Make Us Stray.
Lance Bass N'space (In Installments)
by pale recluse inpart i - the prequel .
watch this space for further installments.
netx: part ii - "stardate 10:12:02
In this week's issue of People magazine, a poll conducted showed that 54% of respondants would like to see Bass in space, while only 46% voted for Cindy Crawford....I guess there were no astronauts among those polled.