The local count of disfellowshipings and reproofs, just from what I personally have heard, in recent months - 7 df'd , 2 public reproofs. And this is just from what I have heard. All involve persons around age 21 and younger.
Posts by jack2
Local jw youths 'dropping like flies'
by jack2 inthe local count of disfellowshipings and reproofs, just from what i personally have heard, in recent months - 7 df'd , 2 public reproofs.
and this is just from what i have heard.
all involve persons around age 21 and younger.. .
by minimus inlately, i notice quite a few comments of disillusionment.
some say they are no longer religious.
others say they are not sure if god really exists.others are trying to come to terms with life outside of the watchtower.
Pom, I am sorry for all the pain you have experienced. I hope that coming to this board has helped.
As for God, Jehovah, Yahweh, (Yahweh just seems to fit better to me.......the name Jehovah does not retain the four Hebrew letters YHWH, and I know what the WTS explanation* is, but I don't totally buy into it) even when I was very busy as a jw, I never had a close relationship with Him.
That does not necessarily mean that I don't "love" God, but honestly, I would prefer to love my fellow man, and then let that stand as a indication of my love for God. Too often, people claim love for God, and then treat their neighbor poorly (1 John 4:20).
* Pom - thanks for the research!
beautiful garbage, garbage girl, and garbage
by jack2 inbeautiful garbage......i've been checking out your accompanying pic look very cute!.....good posts, too!
(sorry that i commented on your looks before your posts, lol...but hey, you know us guys .
garbage girl.....i heard a song by garbage girl for the first time recently.
Andee, thanks for the laugh and comment! Sorry that I put beauty before brains, hehehehe. Guys - gotta love 'em, huh?
beautiful garbage, garbage girl, and garbage
by jack2 inbeautiful garbage......i've been checking out your accompanying pic look very cute!.....good posts, too!
(sorry that i commented on your looks before your posts, lol...but hey, you know us guys .
garbage girl.....i heard a song by garbage girl for the first time recently.
beautiful garbage......I've been checking out your accompanying pic look very cute!.....good posts, too! (sorry that I commented on your looks before your posts, lol...but hey, you know us guys )
garbage girl.....I heard a song by garbage girl for the first time recently. I was pretty impressed.
to anyone else - I just finished reading the 8/22/02 Awake! entitled "Garbage Will It Bury Us?"........not a bad article - when you get rid of your WTs and Awake!s, may I suggest recycling? Of course, many of you would opt for burning.
So goes my garbage theme.
What pisses you off about elders wives?
by bay64me in.
the elders wife that really pisses me off, is the one that would boastfully announce that jehovah had provided her husband with a part-time teaching job, emphasising that his employment was "on the line" each year....but thanks to jehovah,(in other words) we are so fucking loyal and do many hours in field service and things that nobody could possibly know about ( but i'm letting you know indirectly) so my husband has an income to assist us in our pioneer service!
what pisses you off about elders wives?
ugg, I really like that idea....hugging df'd persons! you're right - no prohibition against that....though I get the feeling that one day someone is going to object.
My wife sacrificed tremendously so that I could serve, and without her efforts, nothing would have been possible on my part. But I feel bad for her and the wives of other elders - they do make great sacrifices that often go unappreciated.
Generally, the wives of elders whom I know are quite nice, and some are very down-to-earth. You can tell that they don't generally flaunt being elder's wives and in fact it was (when I served) revealing to hear how they struggle with it.
Also, I have always felt strongly that the WTS is insensitive to the feelings of many elder's wives. Elders are expected to do so much, and I think this creates a big strain on marriage and family life that goes almost totally unaddressed.
non-jws can be nice too
by jack2 inlast night on abc tv's "primetime" a story was aired about the people of gander, new foundland, who extented a great degree of hospitality toward total strangers as planes were diverted to nearby airport in the wake of the attacks on the world trade centers on 9/11.. food was prepared and served.
people opened their homes to the passengers.
some passengers have even returned to gander to bond once again with the people who showed them such kindness.
Last night on ABC TV's "Primetime" a story was aired about the people of Gander, New Foundland, who extented a great degree of hospitality toward total strangers as planes were diverted to nearby airport in the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Centers on 9/11.
Food was prepared and served. People opened their homes to the passengers. Some passengers have even returned to Gander to bond once again with the people who showed them such kindness.
No doubt many of you are aware of this story. And by the way, such kindess was shown by people who, as one resident of Gander put it, ' just feel that's it's good to be neighborly'.
No posturing here about religion having anything to do with this. No one saying, in effect, that as jw's, or as members of any other religion, (though it's mainly the jws who brag about this stuff) they felt the need to act. Nope, just plain old human kindess.
Oh and as a side note, a man in a town called Hellertown recently turned $700 in to the police, according to their local paper. No mention of him being a jw either. He did it because, as the article said, 'it was the right thing to do'.
DO you REALLY think this is THE END OF JW's?
by minimus ineverytime a new revelation comes to the board, some suggest that this is the big one.
whether it be the blood issue, the u n debacle, the silentlambs saga, some cryptic comment about jw's and their involvement with churches, it seems like nothing effects the jehovah's witnesses rank and file.
Good comments made by all. I don't see the WTS falling or fading anytime soon either. To me, erosion from within may be be their greatest concern, as more and more people, better educated, refuse to buy into their teachings, while those who already are jws continue the drop-off in zeal for meetings and field service already evident in the more developed areas of the world.
by rolling rock intomarow my good friend harmony is moving.
i met her over this fourm and she just so happended to live 4 block's away.
so i wanted to say good by to her over it.
My good friend Harmony is moving. Now, instead of living about 5 states away and me settling for an occasional IM chat, she will be in the next state, and I'll...........still have to settle for an occasional IM chat. Oh well.
Mony, hope your move goes well!!!
Welcome Melinda!
Minnesota's loss will be New York's gain.
Oh, btw, the real reason Mony is moving - she is tired of rooting for a team that lost 4 Super Bowls, and instead she wants to upgrade to a team that lost 4 CONSECUTIVE Super Bowls.
Do JW's count BBs and Chat Rooms as Service Time?
by alliwannadoislive inout of interest, i've just posted the following at: which is frequented by a number of active jws.. general discussion - do jehovah's witnesses count time here ?
previous | next from: alliwannado 5:16 am to: all (1 of 1) 465.1 it's a genuine question - do jehovah's witnesses count the time they spend posting on bulletin boards or in chat rooms as service time ?
i guess it completely fits in with the definition of witnessing to non-baptised individuals about jehovah's kingdom.
Well, there's a couple different ways of looking at it - the Net is a medium of communication, just like the phone or letter writing, or speaking in person. So even from the jw point of view - though the WTS has not really encouraged it and in fact would discourage it - why could it not be done? While the WTS would likely warn that using the Net might increase the likelihood of communicating with apostates, the simple fact is, when you phone someone or write a letter to them, or even call at their door, you have no idea what backround that person has. And while it is true that a person could easily disguise his/her true intentions on the Net, the same could be done through those other avenues too.
I would suppose that there are jw's who do indeed count time in this manner. Perhaps they have limited physical health and cannot engage in the door-door ministry. And the fact is, many people, jws included, are not really sold on the idea of making phone calls to people they don't know. They may feel that witnessing via the computer allows them to feel more at ease while still communcating with fellow humans, which is what the preaching work is supposed to be all about anyway.
".......... but are as angels in heaven"
by Ice Blue inone of the many teachings that troubled my conscience matthew 22:30. does this mean that after armageddon there will essentially be several different classes of people ie survivors (who may marry) and resurrected ones (who may not) and those born after armageddon (presumably who may)?
does this mean the resurrected ones will be sexless - like 'drones'?
surely then they will not be the same person that they were?
laura, I almost banging my head against my bible as I read this passage again and again, I can only conclude that it appears much simpler if Jesus is understood as referring to the heavenly resurrection. A jw friend of mine feels the same way.