JoinedPosts by BirdFood
Girlfriend's angry emails to her vacationing boyfriend
by Yizuman in .
My JW parents met my wife, but would not see me...
by Confession inso it was time for the 25 year reunion of tawas area high school's class of '84.
because i was class president, i've been responsible for throwing all the reunions we've held.
while i come to michigan on business a few times per year, i don't usually make it all the way up to the little, northeast, lake huron tourist town where they live.
Confession, First I would like to say that I am so sorry you have to deal with this type of situation, you and your wife sound like very nice people. Second, I really admire your courage and grace in handling this situation. Your wife must be very special to be able to walk into your parents house alone and outnumbered having never met them before. I wish you two a lot of happiness together. ;-)
by BirdFood ini was just curious how many ex-jw's are in therapy to work through the shunning, family issues, bad experiences while still in, etc.
i go every other week, and sometimes i feel like it's helpful, and other times i feel like it doesn't really change anything and wonder if it's even worth going.
it's not horrible, but it's not really enjoyable to go either and sometimes i feel like my therapist just doesn't understand the manitude of the situation.
Any suggestions for finding a therapist that knows jws? I feel like it's just trial and error and it takes a few visits (at least) just to explain my story before we can even begin to start sorting through it. Maybe I should write it all out and ask them to read it before my first appointment. LOL
the best word in the english language
by 504deist inan oldie but a goodie.
if you are offended by the "f" word, please do not click on link..
by BirdFood ini was just curious how many ex-jw's are in therapy to work through the shunning, family issues, bad experiences while still in, etc.
i go every other week, and sometimes i feel like it's helpful, and other times i feel like it doesn't really change anything and wonder if it's even worth going.
it's not horrible, but it's not really enjoyable to go either and sometimes i feel like my therapist just doesn't understand the manitude of the situation.
I'm sorry for the delayed response; I was out of town for about a week and since have been busy catching up at work.
Thank you all for your responses, it does help to talk with others that are in or have been in the same boat as me. I find that most people just don't understand unless they have been through it themselves. (for example, most have a hard time imagining being disowned by one's parents and think that I am having a temporary spat with mine that will just blow over with time) There was abuse in my situation, and that is something my therapist understands and can help me with for the most part. It's everything else that I think is hard for her to understand completely. It's not that she doesn't try, and she is very objective in a lot of ways. As far as the abuse goes, she can help with the emotional damage that has resulted from being in an abusive marriage (physical, emotional, etc) but there was more to it than just those things.
But she seems to have a hard time understanding the scope of the religion and its affect on members and ex-members. She also doesn't completely grasp the magnitude of the situation I have with my parents. I can't really hold those things against her though, she has never been through anything like this herself, and hasn't to my knowledge ever even known someone with a situation even close to mine. I do see the value in going, if for no other reason than it gives me a safe place to let things out and talk through it all. I guess I just feel that there is a cap on how much that can help though, because it's not going to change the situation, and I don't think anything she says or suggests can actually change the situation for the better. The best I can hope for is changing how I feel about it. So for now I will keep going with the goal of improving myself.
I'm sorry if I got a little too long-winded. I will check out the links more thoroughly this week. Thanks again for the input. :)
What the Family Worship Evening Arrangement Really Entails
by cantleave inas most people here know the combined book study allows an evening for "family worship".. the co visits march - august 2009 is really focussing on this.
if a jdub family head doesn't do a full evening of family worship and uses this time to do recreational activities he is as guilty as isrealite who didn't use the sabbath for worship.
the result, will of course be same as the unfaithful isrealite, death!!!!!!!!!
Maybe my family isn't shunning me after all, they are just too busy keeping up with all of their theocratic responsibilities to talk to me?
I remember my parents trying to study the watchtower as a family, it always took HOURS because they would find some point that HAD to be researched and discussed. It was usually on Sunday mornings before the 12:30 or 3:30 meeting. I was actually happy when it was time to get ready for the meeting so our "study" would be over!
Do/did you like to read Daily Text?
by Albert Einstein ini hated it.
we actually never really did.. once, on vacations, we were with another family, they prepared food on the table for breakfast .... and then nobody could touch it for some 15 minutes, when daddy was reading daily text and asking childish questions ... family members were raising hands and answering .... we all were hungry... watching the food ... and hoping it will soon be over (i dont mean armageddon, i mean daily text...) i felt just like an idiot..... albert.
My mother LOVES the daily text! She always wanted to do it, but about 50% of the time we were too busy. I hated doing it though because it was never enough to just read it, we always had to TALK about it. And then she and my father would find some way to apply it to me so that I could see how I didn't measure up in some way... it just sucked!
Conventions were always like that too, on the way home my parents would point out how a particular talk applied to me and my rebelliousness. /sigh
going to wal mart by age
by John Doe instop what you are doing, put on clean shorts and.
check yourself in the mirror.
running the register is your .
HAHA! Thank you, I needed a good laugh!
by BluesBrother inthis is the 4th study article, to be studied christmas week as it happens.
title - "maintaining friendships in a loveless world".
para 2 "today, what a pleasure it is to be associated with a worldwide organization whose members follow the pattern set by first century christians.
So in p 13, if you decide that your friends aren't good enough for you, and you end the freindship, and then your ex-friends get upset about it, then they are the ones being disloyal to you??? That's rediculous!
Unfortunatly though, I wouldn't expect anything different from the WTS...
Animals living forever
by startingover indoes anyone know?
did jw's ever believe that animals will live forever in the paradise?
i was having a discussion with a jw friend and he said they did..
I was always told that thy would die. As a child it always made me so sad to think I could live forever but my furbabies would die.