this a joke thread right?
JoinedPosts by finallysomepride
who are your favorite preachers? here a few of mine!
by unstopableravens insince leaving the wt, i have spoted so many false teachers from osteen to creflo dollar, but there is some great men of god who speak truth,who arnt afraid to proclaim the gospel, and who dont cater to tickling mens ears my three favorite are paul washer, steve lawson and john piper.
who are yours?.
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
around about 1969 at the age of ten, I remember listening to a talk about how the JDubs were the only ones doing gods work on the earth, and how the org were gods representatives, at this point BS meter sterted to come to life
Have anyone seen Noah,s Ark, starting Jon Voight / Mary Steenburgen?
by jam insupposedly a drama.
it was one of the funniest story.
about the ark.. funny line by noah,s wife, who is going to clean up all.
That was a TV mini series here in oz, i had a good laugh
So, What Did You Get For XMas?
by minimus ini got a few items of clothing, candy, a brand new mattress and boxspring, tea scented cologne and tea scented soap.. what did you recieve??
(good or bad).
i got a 42" flat screen tv, just a cheapy for downstairs, for those hot days/nights when it's cooler downstairs than upstairs,
that was my gift to myself
Are JW'S "hated" in all the world? Or...are they considered IRRELEVANT?
by Terry inwathctower 90/1/1 p. 12 par.
8 not ashamed of the good news .
while it is true that jehovahs witnesses are hated and opposed in all the nations of the earth, this is in fulfillment of what was foretold to be an identifying mark of genuine worshipers of the one living and true god.
Hi I am new. Thanks for the food at the proper time.
by 2+2=5 ini have been lurking on this forum for a few months and thought it was time i joined in.
a big thankyou goes to all who post here, i have enjoyed immensely all the thought provoking discussion and not so thought provoking (thanks recovery/ethos).
i have had heaps to get my head around recently learning the truth about the truth and as i remember reading here before its like digesting a brick.
Gday 2+2=5
Welcome aboard glad to have you here
FSP in Brisbane
Born in, Convert or 1975er?
by Think About It indoes a person's involvement in the jw religion usually fall into one of these 3 categories?.
a) born in.
b) convert.
Born into the hell known jwism
Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,
by frankiespeakin inwell it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
did you really expect them to, after all cults don't leave room for descussion, only obey obey obey
no, just the beer
We want to wear pants
by recovering in
morman women demand to wear pants to church.
can a bro wear a muumuu to the KH?