My last meeting was memorial 2002, in Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
a stand out reason, but not the only one, was the totall lack of love in the congregation shown to new arrivals (from New Zealand)
i just stopped attending & no one asked
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
My last meeting was memorial 2002, in Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
a stand out reason, but not the only one, was the totall lack of love in the congregation shown to new arrivals (from New Zealand)
i just stopped attending & no one asked
does anybody have any tips on keeping hard-wood floors clean?
seems like 10 minutes after i clean them they are a mess again.
at least with carpet it was harder to notice all the little doodads that wind up on the floor.
move out
what is the meaning of your baptism?
to whom do you belong?
the book, what does the bible really teach?
book marked
just wondering if we should try and organise a meetup...a couple of peops have suggested on another thread..... .
so how bout it?.
Welcome Lakes
Try using another browser, not IE, IE has issues LOL
used to be werewolves and vampires.
thinkin' "twilight" did that in - just saw a commercial for a cartoon where the star is a teenage vampire.
even the zombies are becoming friendly (seen a trailer about a zombie who falls in love and so reverts to "living" again).
BIG spiders. (Really big!)
Darn right there my friend, had one the size of my hand leap out at me a couple of years ago, i'm sure i soiled my pants
Yeah all these australian pollies scare the sh.. out of me
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
May the people who live there be forever free
and everyone else go and f... themselves
not to start some form of popularity contests here but i was wondering how popular some people were?
how far did your network go in this organization?
this question also pertains to those who are actively fading..
may be i should have gotten into trouble (never actually did, they never found out) LOL
simultaneously breathing life into the two biggest sci-fi franchises?.
as he boldly goes where no director has gone before, may the force be with him!.
next there will be a crossover movie
if you are using internet explorer as your browser (ie) try hitting the compatibility button at the top of your screen.
it might help your posts appear.. .
bcoz eveyone read the title as smely kelly, so they clicked on it, no disrespect intended to smily kelly
if you are using internet explorer as your browser (ie) try hitting the compatibility button at the top of your screen.
it might help your posts appear.. .
still thinking about it