we all know that they will take the grand houses of the dead
it shows a bunch of happified people working on a house.
tagged with the scripture they build houses and have occupancy.
but in the picture they are all wearing hard hats and safety harnesses.
we all know that they will take the grand houses of the dead
yep - any idea what it is ?.
my cat uses his mobile phone
yep - any idea what it is ?.
actually i would say that it is scent, aye big nose
all of the gb members are dumb.
so which one is the dumbest?
i'm going with either losch or morris.
they each take their turn on a monthly basis
a beautiful way of putting the truth .
I sat with my uncle as he took his last breath and passed away, he had been sick from cancer for some months, his wife & family had stopped visiting him at the hospise some days earlier (all jdubs). This was one of my sadist days in my life.
I couldn't believe that his family would stop visiting bcoz they could not stand the pain & suffering he was going through
ok i walked out on austin powers because i thought it was so crude and god dishonoring.
since the fade i think it is very funny, still not a favorite but not the end of the world either.
any movies that were a big sin are nothing now?
Never did walk out of a movie, I paid my money & I was going to watch it no matter what any one else said about
and why did you choose it?
if you have a avatar, what is it and why did you pick it?.
ok ill start.
I use the ape avatar to piss off the monkey boy known as shamus100 where is the little monkey anyways?
my name self explanitary really
brother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
will come back to watch
thanks to adam at the spanish language exjw forum for the news. information of the above link is translated here below in bold serif font type.. lo nuevo del 2013what's new for 2013publicaciones nuevas 2013. new publications for 2013. .
5 tratados - 5 tracts.
2 libros - 2 books.
Sounds to me like they have run out of ideas and are reprinting their past stuff.
They're sending all the writing staff home.
Now they only need IT people -- cut & paste, cut & paste.
Don't need IT people to cut & paste, the cleaning crew could do that
i have no idea what this is.
come on guys, we all know it's a weather balloon:-)