One thing I would like to know about is does anyone know about the "king of the north and king of the south"? I haven't heard anymore on this "prophecy".
i used to look at the old stuff as info that the witnesses were progressively understanding.
i didn't hold it against the witnesses if they changed understandings because after all the 'light was getting brighter and brighter".. as time went on, it did start effecting me.
there were too many things i'd let slide by when i was younger that i just couldn't ignore any longer.
One thing I would like to know about is does anyone know about the "king of the north and king of the south"? I haven't heard anymore on this "prophecy".
this was inspired by another thread, where freetosee told of a young witness baptised at the tender age of 9, and disfellowshipped at age 12!!!
the mind goes wild at what a 12-year-old should ever be disfellowshipped for.
how would a kid be so unrepentant they would deserve losing their family and friends?
I've just been reading this thread and it makes me sick. I wish the elders or the society could be held accountable......
over the years, and just a few weeks ago as a matter of fact, i've anwered the door to find jehovah's witnesses standing there.
in my discussions with them, they've usually mentioned "manmade religions" and armegeddon.
having looked into their religion somewhat, and more so lately, i have to say that the entire movement seems to be manmade and, if not, i certainly don't know where, or how, god could have had a hand in it.. what is there in the way their church was formed that would make it formed, created or established by god?
Unfortunately, the JWs change there veiw on so many things and when their "prophecies" don't come true they either don't ever mention it or say there is new light. I would like to ask some. anyone what has happened to the King of the north and King of the south "prophecy"?
"my wife just left me yesterday and took my 2 girls.
she's hold up in the presiding overseers (big beautiful) custom built french country house.
i know my 14 yr is probably freeking out and my sweet little 9 year old, i know, loves her daddy.
You poor thing Paul. Hang in there and the most important thing is your kids. My ex took my kids to another state under false pretense and a friend told me to keep a journal. It was the best thing I ever did. That was 4 years ago. Get a journal and start writng, it not only makes you feel better but it also helps you remember stuff in a few years an d you can show your kids later when they ask why. Just keep fighting for your kids, they are the most important things in the world.
Good luck and keep us posted, Etna
today, i'm not quite sure how it started, but i voiced my concerns about the religion i've been brought up in since i was 3. my dad went straight on the offensive, though kept nice and polite.
i told them that someone can not be df for accepting a transfusion.
not sure why i started with that example, but nevertheless... dad said 'since when' and started pumping me for information, when, where, get the picture and biggest one of all 'how do you know this'.
Hi wantstoleave, all my family was brought up in the truth and not many of them are left in it. You have to be honest with youself. As we can see do research for yourself, even from the jw publications and you will see that alot of it is manmade. I hope you will always have your parents with you and talking to you. They should look at the july 2009 awake about is it wrong to change your religon. I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sure Jehovah and Jesus wants us to be honest with ourselves and make decisions based on fact.
Good luck Etna
barbara wanted me to ost this information about her discussion at a seminar which was held in europe first, then chicago just a week or two ago.
you'll find this link interesting.
all comments welcome.
Thanks flipper for this thread. I wanted to ask you or barbara or anyone what they think the right thing is or the truth. I'm just at a crossroad or rather I even feel brokenhearted about everything I've been taught for so many years only to see alot of deciet amongst the good things ( U N, blood issue, malawi, shunning, so many flip flops, etc,etc). If anyone has answers or theories please put them in.
Thanks etna
i've been lurking in the shadows of this forum for about 6 months or so.
i'll try to be brief here, but i apologize in advance if this is not "brief enough" for you.
anyways i'm a 27 year old african american young man, i was born and raised a jehovah's witness.
Hi tryingtoexit,
You sound just like me too. I can see alot of things wrong. But what is the truth? I feel brokenhearted when I found out alot of crap that is being fed to us. But I have all those questions, who is right? What's going to happen to the earth? What's going to happen to humans? Alot more questions. I know its not right to stop people doing research and to keep learning and the jw's have alot to answer for (child molesting, malawi, blood issues, U N etc etc). It helps being on this forum and hearing what everyone has to say. If you pr anyone else has some answers, I want to hear.
Thanks Etna
after all the years i have been here, i have slowly progressed to the point that the bible, god, and all the other religious stuff out there is just plain bullshit!!!
yet when i first came here and was told by some of the members that that is what i would logically come to, i did not believe them, and yet they were right.
i realize that a lot of people on this board have left, or are struggling with themselves or family to leave, yet many still believe.
I like coming here, because, as someone said, its nice to know I'm not the only one that feels like this. I guess I've been broken-hearted by the things taught to me over many, many years, and finding out the hypocrisy(I guess I always knew it was there). I hope we can all help each other and not judge people and perhaps give and receive some advice. Thank you all.
i suspect this information has been provided before, but if so, some might not have seen it.. .
the following chapters from crisis of conscience by ray franz are available online:.
chapter 9 : 1975 the appropriate time for god to act.
I have just read Chapter 12 "Aftermath" and I was shaking my head as I was reading it. When the have an objective, they do whatever they can to carry it out. I can't believe the dishonesty and fraudulant way they go about things. How can we trust what they do when they are asking you questions. We are not allowed to voice an opinoin, even if we are wrong, then perhaps show us why we are wrong in our thinking and show us from God's word the bible the right way. I get so mad, but I've learnt not to accept anything more as they do not answer questions that are asked of them. HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!
this site is called "a discussion forum for jehovahs witnesses.
" maybe "for jehovah's witnesses entertainment" would fit better..
I've just read what incognito has written and I don't think I or anyone else could say it better. I will keep a copy of it and its exactly how I feel. Its good to know we are not alone in thinking this way. I always thought there was something wrong with me and felt so guilty. Thank you for the forum.