I hope your mom recovers quickly and well. I never thought of it before, how their refusal of blood is like a way of parading around how spiritual they are. I've seen more jws who were completely inactive yet still if the issue came up, they would steadfastly be against blood. How did they all get so darned brainwashed about that one, but let so any other things slip.
Posts by Cacky
My JW mum is in hospital
by nugget inmy poor mum fell over on sunday and broke her hip.
she was taken to hospital and yesterday had an operation to place a pin in the joint.
this was obviously a worrying time for all concerned and my dad let us all know what was going on.
Watchtower Talk Removed From YouTube As "Shocking And Disgusting Content"
by DT inthere was a youtube video that contained an excerpt of ciro aulicino's talk "you will be with me in paradise".
at some point it was removed by youtube.
it now shows the message, "this video has been removed as a violation of youtube's policy on shocking and disgusting content.".
I've seen it before. God, I wonder how we parents didn't see the emotional abuse going on with our kids raised in that cult!! Their damn scripture from the OT about gathering the men, women, AND children kept making me think, even though it went against what I was feeling, that I guess God knows best. I finally learned that HE DOESN'T!
What Some Loyal JW's Are Saying About The Oakland Case.
by Bangalore inform the pro-jw site jwtalk.
this is such a ronald mcdonald court case.
i can't believe what i am reading.. lie: "the lawsuit alleged that watchtower had a policy that instructed elders in its jehovah's witnesses congregations to keep reports of child sex abusers within the religious group secret to avoid lawsuits.".
It has been said recently before, if you can't believe the media about this type of thing, why believe them when they report about earthquakes? That's what I'll be asking my jw family members if this subject comes up.
Reduction of Announcements
by wisdomfrombelow instarting the week of september 3rd they will cease having local announcement as part of the service meeting.
is there going to be a much reduction of the letters sent to the congregation?
will everyone be expected to read the bulletin board to know what is going on?
Does that mean they will no longer announce if someone has been df'd or da'd?
The Candace Conti Case Is Now In The New York Times!
by DT inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/18/us/28-million-awarded-in-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case.html?_r=1.
The St. Louis Post Dispatch carried the story on like page four, along with other news around the nation. Not a major story for them, but at least it was in there. I'm glad it's getting around the media circles. I just hope this makes a program like Dateline to decide to do another one of their pieces on the subject!
The Candace Conti Case Is Now In The New York Times!
by DT inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/18/us/28-million-awarded-in-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case.html?_r=1.
I know, let's lots of us contact the Nancy Grace Show about it!!
Is The "American Dream" is over?
by cantleave inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/the-american-dream-is-now-a-myth-2012-6.
one of the most distressing aspects of the state of the us economy is the decrease in social mobility.. it is much, much harder now than it used to be for americans to improve their circumstances.. in other words, if americans are born poor, they're overwhelmingly likely to stay poor.. similarly, if americans are born rich, they have a much better chance of staying rich than someone born poor or middle class.. no one minds inequality as long as one's station in life is a function of one's own decisions and effort.. when inequality becomes the luck of the draw, however, if becomes much more profoundly unfair.. america's social mobility is now not only one of the lowest in the country's history--it's one of the lowest in the first world.. if that doesn't change, the fundamental promise of america for the past 250 years will disappear.
the country will no longer be a place in which you can control your economic destiny.
Even so, I heard a professor once say that even pretty darn poor people in America today have it better than kings of medieval days did. The castles were drafty, cold, they had no electricity, no refrigerators, no toilets. So even if you're pretty poor, you still have things better than the rich people did in the middle ages, and before modern world came along. I try to look on the positive side of things.
JWs At My Door Today
by TOTH inso here i sat eating my father's day brunch and the knock at the door startled me.
i peaked and it was a man and teenaged boy in suits.
it was already like ninety degrees outside and they had on suit jackets....jws.
That was great! I never thought of that, they believe all the earthquake reports but refuse to believe negative news reports about themselves!
The Fastest Growing Religion in America IsÂ…
by Dogpatch inthe fastest growing religion in america is... .
may 4, 2012 9:11 amcomments (54)author: the american dream.
do you know what the fastest growing religion in america is?
How do the Mormans account for such an astounding growth, unless they baptize babies?
Silent Lambs or Who's Rejoicing Now?
by compound complex ini was looking for current information on silent lambs and came upon what i thought to be recent information (but is nine years old).
strangely prescient .... unity now amongst those "fighting against jehovah" and shock and awe in jehovah's "camp"?
having read the exchanges between rev, bill bowen, and others involved in the silent lambs website, i honestly feel sickened.. i remember when i first started to hear rumblings that "something big" was going down regarding the society's handling of child abuse.
I happens in all organizations where people are involved. I have an interest in the subject of Sasquatch, and you wouldn't believe the in-fighting that goes on among researchers in that field. And it happens in the org, from the top down, too. To put it simply, it happens.