I like the two answers above, John W. Householder and Sparlock, so I think I'll say, I'm Mrs. Sparlock. Or maybe, Mrs. Caleb Sparlock.
Posts by Cacky
Serv. Mtng DEMO from last week: How would a "real" householder respond?
by Open mind inmy wife and i call in to the cbs/tms/sm once or twice a month and only listen to the announcements.
last week the announcements included a demo of a jw woman trying to peddle mags to a female householder.
her intro went like this:.
Does the Watchtower School of Gilead still send out missionaries to foreign fields and if not how come..
by solomon inthe new brochure "who are doing jehovahs will today?
" says on page 14 that the bible school of gilead sends out missionaries to foreign countries.
i thought this program was discontinued.
I thought so, too, and wondered when I read that before. Maybe it Will be discontinued but hasn't yet. Anyody know?
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
Times were much worse for people during the Dark Ages. Start reading history.
Update on my pregnancy post from yesterday
by freshstart ini don't know how or why, but this morning i woke up and did not vomit!!!!!!!!
i'm keeping my fingers crossed but could i finally be getting some relief????
It looks that way. It may be gone for good, or at least will not be as bad. Once I got over mine, that was it, it was gone. Congratulations on having another baby, by the way!
For those who have been pregnant....
by freshstart ini wish i could be one those women who absolutely love pregnancy, i really do.
but i honestly don't care for it at all.
it was the same with my first pregnancy.
If you get dehydrated, the vomiting will get worse and you'll need an iv of fluids, that will make the nausea get better, too. And you might consider another medicine to help with it. I had 24 hour sickness when pregnant, ate nothing but sucked on popsicles for a week (so the vomit wouldn't taste so bad) and lost 11 lbs in one week with my first one, had a miscarriage, possibly from lack of hydration, spent time in the hospital due to being so dehydrated, then miscarried a month later with the second pregnancy, and had that kind of sickness through all the other pregnancies, too. I can't believe I had five kids after gong through that each time!! At least it stopped by four months.
Sunday's Drama @ convention!!! OMG!!!
by itscrap&theyknowit! inthe drama -- i basically laughed hysterically!
i guess marriages are breaking up left and right within the organization.
a couple got married young.
My non-jdub cousin was complaining to her non-jdub mom about her husband, saying he's always hunting or at the farm and never spends time with here.
My non-jdub (but strict Catholic) aunt said, "Eva, he's a man. He's going to be selfish."
LOL They should have just put that line in the drama.
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
I"m so sorry to hear that. I remember watching/listening to that tape on Youtube when I was first coming out three years ago. I really felt for him, with their daughter shunning them, having that affect his wife's health, he brought up how they were treated for partaking of emblems. He seems like a really sweet and sincere person. So sorry to hear of this.
Update on Alan Feuerbacher's heart attack that he had last Sunday
by AndersonsInfo inalan'swife, julie, talked to the cardiologist this morning.
the news about alan's heart is good.
he described the heart attack as mild and said that although there is damage to the lower portion of his heart, the pumping action probably won't be affected much.
I don't know him, either, but wish him a speedy recovery. My dad, who exercized regularly my whole life, is in much better shape than me, rides a bike four miles a day, eats tons of fruit and vegetables, had a massive heart attack with significant damage. Within two months he was back to riding his bike, and now he added swimming for the summer, and seems fine other than some sluggishness from the meds they now have him on.
He was always in such great shape, nobody bothered to check his cholesterol. He's 79. This was just this past spring. My sister and I asked if he ever had his cholesterol checked and he said, "Oh yeah. They told me it was great and to keep on doing whatever I was doing." We asked, "How long ago was that?" And he said, "Oh, in the early nineties." LOl So even those with very health lifestyles get stuck with hereditary things, maybe they put the inevitable off for a longer period, his dad and mom both had heart problems in their fifties, but you just never know.
What's so mysterious about "generation" (genea) in Matthew?
by kepler inthanks to a number of notices about a website titled www.jwfacts.com, i took a quick tour and found some very informative pages and charts about the organization's positions and history.
thanks also to a number of posters for their reminders.
i can't summarize the whole site in a topic, but it did include a history of the interpretation of the phrase "this generation", appearing in matthew 24:34.. "truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.".
Interesting thoughts here. I recently had a meeting with two elders and my two remaining jw daughters. I agreed to it because I felt the need for an oppoortunity to tell them all the things I'd learned with their full attention. At the end of the meeting, I passed around a picture of me, my other daughter, and her daughter, and I asked each person, "How many generations of people do you see in this photo?" They all said, "Three, the two girls (aged 26) and both elders present. I would have thought the elders would have caught on, but they didn't.
So I told them, "You're all wrong. According to Watchtower's new definition of generation, you were looking at a picture of just one generation of people. Then the one elder said, "You're right." And tried to defend it. I told them that it was like saying my grandpa was of the same generation as Abraham Lincoln, because my grandpa was alive when his grandpa was alive, and his grandpa was living when Abraham Lincoln was still alive. Again, the elder said that would be correct!! They just don't see, or won't admit, the idiocy of it all. It didnt' do anything for my girls, either. I believe they took it as an whole frontal attack from Satan coming from their own mother, so I dont' know if I made things worse, but just had the need to have their attention to go over my discoveries once and for all. They wouldn't listen before.
Just wonder about new D.C. release
by bobld inif you put the dvd on your computer and go to their web site.would they put a hidden virus/torjan code.
on your computer to moniter your internet activities..
Never thought of that. Probably possible. lol