Old publications have been altered for the Watchtower's CD ROMs. From what I've heard, they changed the cover of the Millions Now Living Will Never Die to Millions Now Living "May" Never Die. But I dont' have proof of that myself, read it online and saw the proof then. I"ve heard they've done a bit of "editing" to other things, too, that they put on their CDs.
Posts by Cacky
Knowledge book (1995) and Worship book (2002)
by Libarian ini am looking for two publications which have been scanned before and made available as pdf files: knowledge that leads to everlasting life (1995) and worship the only true god (2002).. who could make these available again?
i know they are available on the wt library but i prefer the "untouched" scanned versions.. .
The JW's have far to much time on their hands LMAO!
by watersprout inmy sister sent me this link this morning and listed on there are names of ''known'' apostates!
i made the list yey!
so did my nine year old daughter lol!
I can't believe they said some were homosexual or lesbian. I think they are opening themselves up for a lawsuit. Oh well, I did find I'm friends with some apostates! Who knew!
Attention ALL Abuse Victims & Their Families: Important Message!
by headisspinning incandace conti's attorney has an important message for you:.
anyone with a case against the wbts for child abuse that (1) hasn't gone past the statute of limitations, which is 21 years, (2) that the accused is not the child's parent or (3) anyone who's child has been abused within the last two years and nothing was done, to please contact him asap.
it may take him a little time to get back to you.
Thank you. I sent him an e-mail. I've contacted Silentlambs twice and have not heard back.
Free Coffee at Starbucks on July 4th
by Iamallcool ini don't drink coffee but if you like to drink coffee, here is the link, http://www.freestufftimes.com/free-coffee-at-starbucks-on-july-4.
Got mine! Then took it to the bookstore and got two books, Last Child in the Woods, to give my daughter, and Empire of the Sun, a really good book about the Comanche Nation fights in the old American West.
I watched "Game Change" I`m curious about americans take on this movie,and their attitude to Sarah Palin
by smiddy ini`m an australian and i am interested in world affairs,though i`m certainly no expert.previous to watching this movie , i have some information about sarah palin via media,and i know that can be biased , so what i am asking of you, the americans on this board what is your veiw of her ?
was this movie a true reflection of sarah palin ?
and if you can give me an alternative veiw of her please do so.. smiddy.
I can't believe anybody would vote for a ticket with her on it. I actually think McCain really didn't want the presidency, but felt it was expected of him to run.
Memorial is more important than dying relative!
by Orphan Annie inmy husband is gravely ill sedated and on a ventilator.
he most likely isn't going to survive.
we are not disfellowshipped.
After reading her story, I am just so sorry for her and hope she's doing ok now.
Who cares? But for those who do, the Watchtower's Diaglott showing the actual Greek always said cross. I discovered that as a jw and was told the Diaglott came from the oldest found Greek scrolls, but they weren't old enough to have been original, and they were sure the original would have stated cross. Ugh!
Sparlock entry at Uncyclopedia
by IsaacJ22 ini created a brief entry at the uncyclopedia on sparlock.
it can be found here at http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/sparlock.
if you guys want to make it bigger, better, funnier, that could insure that the entry stays up.
I hope it remains. I never heard of the uncyclopedia before. That was funny. I got lost on Wikipedia when I was trying to see what I could do to help save it. I think lack of references is the problem. Maybe if you say Sparlock is copyrighted by the Wathtower Bible and Tract Society, that would be one reference to prove its existence. Say the same about the video. (Or maybe you did, I already don't remember.)
yesterday @ congregation part 2
by Gorbatchov init was an inspirational evening at the meeting yesterday evening.
there was a nice comments @ congregational bible study (former bookstudy) about listening and obying the slave.
"if we are told to go left, we are going left, if we are told to go right, we are going right".. the comment was welcomed by the book study elder of course.
I remember, though I honestly know if I remember actually hearing a co say it at an assembly, or if I just think so because someone else reported it, but I think I heard it myself, anyway, a CO at an assembly said if the Society said to jump off a cliff, he'd ask, "How high?"
I want to release the motherload
by Anony Mous ini have collected and assembled hundreds of letters, documents, publications, personal communications, e-mails from the branch etc.
etc.. my original intent was to make some type of searchable database but my time has been taken over by more important things in life for me.
i don't care about the jw's all that much anymore and who or what gets what information i don't really care.
They actually wrote a letter to the Swiss banks asking to collect funds on behalf of non-surviving jws who lost much during the Holocost to put toward "educating" others about it!! I noticed they mentioned how they already do that by relating 400 venues where that has been done, no doubt talking about their publications where it was mentioned. Do you think if they collected anything, they'd say it just pays for what they've already done, or do you think they actually put together anything as far as education for the public about it, something in a more public nature? Talk about greedy! They even mentioned how jws were some of the first improsned and were forced to build the camps, which equaled free labor, trying to impress that they are owed a lot!! And talk about free labour, don't they use it themselves!! I suppose with their reasoning, we should all sue for repayment for the time we spent serving them!