That would be NO!!!!!
Posts by Jade
Are You Going To The Memorial This Year?
by minimus ini think it's april 4th.
(i think).
are you going?
This is my English Bulldog Evie. She thought the little dog on the floor was real at first.
Were getting married in Vegas!!!!!!
by obiwan inyep!!!
were getting married in las vegas!!!.
the fourth of july weekend obiwan and sloan are getting married!!!!
WOW!!! Congrats you two!!!!!!!!
School and quitting
by shera inwhat would you say to a teen who hates school and wants to quit?
please be serious and i would like caring replys please.thanks!
At minimum I would want them to finish high school. It's too hard to support yourself with even the basic necessities without it. I didn't start college until I was 30 when I left the dubs and got tired of doing the same work of the degreed people for half the pay. It's much harder to go to school when you have a family and a mortgage so encourage them to not only finish high school, but to go on and start college as well. I think sometimes our kids get comfortable in the lifestyle that we provide for them and they forget that when they are on their own, they will have to provide everything. We have done the same thing with our kids as some of the others have mentioned by showing them where the poor live and where the affluent live. We remind them that they can work eight hours a day and live well or they can work the same eight hours and struggle just to put food on the table. It's there choice, but they won't be able to depend on us to support them.
South Beach Diet update
by Mulan inlast week i posted i was starting this diet.
today is day 8 and i have lost 5 pounds!!.
i am never hungry, and feel so good.
That is great Mulan!!!!!!! I've been on it for a few weeks now and have dropped 10 pounds so I've been pretty happy with it as well. I've tried several of the recipes in the book and so far most of them are good. Keep up the good work!!!!!
After 12 yrs..contacted my old ex-witness pal!!!
by Huxley ini was at a party on christmas eve, and i met a girl who just happened to be visiting from chicago.
the subject of religion and common global religious myths came up.
we talked for a long time about some books we had both read by joseph campbell about the power of myth.
(((Huxley))) I'm very glad you reunited with your friend. When I made my decision to leave, the first person I called was my best friend who I had shunned for several years. I was so scared she would tell me to go to hell, but I told her how sorry I was, didn't excuse my behavior, and said that I hoped that we could be friends again. To my relief she was very forgiving and we have stayed in close contact since. In fact when she remarried, I was in her wedding and I will never let that friendship slip away again. -
Another newbie...
by Rabbit ini'm new too, i guess the saying, "misery loves company," is true in some ways.
in reading some
of the posts...i see a very sad and common theme of extreme depression and loneliness.
Welcome (((((Rabbit)))) I hope things work out for you. When I remarried, none of my JW came to the wedding, nor do they have anything to do with me or my new family. There are a lot of us from Texas here on this board so you are in good company along with everyone else.
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by maybesbabies inomg!!!!
i start my new job on monday!!!
i'll be making more money than i've ever made before in my life, doing half as much work as i've ever done before in my life!!!!!
Way to go Maybes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you enjoy it. Things are defintely looking up for you. -
Thinking about moving to Cincinnati...
by DanTheMan inmy employers' intranet website recently posted for a position located in cincinnati (which is about a 2 hour drive from columbus, where i live).. the requirements/skills listed on the posting seemed right up my alley, so i submitted my app online.
today i get an email from the hr lady asking me when i can interview.. i'm so nervous about this!
i've never lived far from home, and i'm very close with my family, to be honest they're all i've got, i don't have friends or a social circle to speak of.
Go for it Dan.....change is good!!!!!!!! -
The Society is gonna let you off your homework kids!
by nicolaou infrom the current (uk) edition of 'our kingdom ministry'.
take a close look at paragraph 4. am i the only one who can see the old pattern of the 1980's re-emerging?
i had thought that the watchtower had begun to take a more reasonable approach to the secular education of it's members children yet here they are again in 2004 willing to jeopardise the education these young people receive for the sake of indoctrination and control.. .
This makes me sick!!!!!!!! I deal with this issue because my ex's visitation with our child is on a meeting night. My son has come home in tears because he has work due and he's no where near to finishing since he was at the meeting all evening, then waiting around afterwards for his dad to finish up at the hall. That article will only reinforce my ex's behavior. UGH