Good point, there. But you know...I've always hated this day. It usually brings back memories of the first girl who rejected me in high school.
I just don't feel a need to participate in these traditions anyhow. There's no rule that says I shouldn't and no rule that says I should. It's just stuff that people choose to do, still alien to me. I still can't get into it.
I guess I've just been too tired and probably depressed to be romantic. Was just thinking about the book of love songs I wrote for my wife and gave to her years ago, when we first got married. It was like, almost 50 of them. But she didn't want to read it.
I was reading some of them today and maybe I understand why. Mostly I wrote about how sad it was when she broke up with me back when we dated the first time, and how much I missed her. I guess reading them all might have made her feel sad about it or something. But hey, she had every right to leave and go her own way. I had no claim on her and wasn't able to judge her on her own merits free of JW interference back then. It's just sad that...well, never mind.
But yeah, that's about the only perk about being married to a JW.