LOL, I'm liking Outlaw's answer...
the number of white men on the governing body has often come up for discussion.
the negro member has been called the 'token black.
' no reflection on his race, but it just seems odd that with the great number of witnesses around the world, in such a variety of countries, that every member, but one, is white.. in your opinion, [with 8 as the target number].
LOL, I'm liking Outlaw's answer...
how time flies......... ..... and armageddon still hasn't come..
Wow. You're making me realize that I'll have been here for 5 years, too, at the end of July. Go figure. But maybe it's not a good idea to call to mind the sordid history of my posts from that got pretty embarrassing... Anyway, congrats on that, bro. You and nugget are some of the coolest people on here, if you ask me. Not that there's a 'coolness tier system' going on here, though...
im really channeling my inner blondie with my observation and critiques of these new watchtower videos.
something about them really turns my stomach.
Their plans for the future were to play bible games until they all grow old and die.
how did noah or (russell crowe) fit all the animals on the ark?
how about throwing on the dinosaurs as well!!!.
watchtower 1973 july 15p.7 question from readers.
Other smaller members of a part family kind to which they belong would have sufficed to furfill the devine command..."
What does this even mean?
Hmm. Pterodactyl not working out? Just go with some turtle doves--they're part of the 'kind' of animal that flies. Tyrannosaurus can't fit? No biggie. Ostriches have two legs, and lions are carnivores, so...close enough to the 'kind'...
venus williams espn nude religious controversy.
by mike tuttle.
june 24, 2014. article source:
Well, if the story blows up, maybe she'll just be 'de-published', as I like to call it. Who knows? Someday she could be on JWN, huh? Nah. Probably not...
i read this quote at tom's site (thanks tom!
) and then looked it up for myself on the wt cd.
this is truly disturbing and shows their true mindset....this is from the nov. !5th 1952 question from readers.
This was always one of the most disturbing WT articles I can recall ever reading. If you can stomach it, anyone who is wondering about the nature of this organization should take some time and read some of the 1950s Watchtower articles. The tone of quite a few of those articles is outright hostile, even some of the responses to Questions From Readers--they actually go on ad hominem attacks against readers who asked legitimate questions! One classic article about DF'ing, as I recall, told people who are DF'd to basically get out and die along with the rest of Satan's world.
I think above all the other problems, this attitude towards DF'ing that the Society had was one of the biggest things that told me something was wrong. In reading about Jesus' life, I was always struck at how he took an interest in the worst sinners, despite the contempt that others may have had for such people. The Watchtower seemed to be quite the opposite, utterly inflexible about it all.
But I guess for those of us who got out, we can be thankful that we're not under people who think this way. Because it really is a sick way to view one's fellow humans, whatever they may have done. But to remember that it's still the same god who ordered a man's execution for gathering wood on a Saturday. So...they're just a reflection of Jehovah's many wonderful qualities...
i never believed in evolution as i thought it didn't make sense and that what was proposed was simply impossible.
how could an environment alter an organism's dna?
as we can see however, bacteria cannot become resistance to antibiotics.
Hey, GrreatTeacher, this is totally off-topic, but for your avatar I recommend Tony the Tiger in a Jesus costume. Which, coincidentally, will render any opposing argument invalid.
i have become more observant at the last couple district conventions of jws faces and enthusiasm and it seems to be very somber.
i remember a couple of years ago i was an attendant at one of the upper sections at the blue cross arena in rochester, ny and in afternoon session at least half were curled up with their eyes closed, some with blankets.
the applause seems very forced and mechanical.
I also noticed that the restrooms are kept cleaner Non-JW events than at Ass'y.
You've got that right. Every JW event I can recall, the bathrooms always smell like one giant fart. I don't know what it is, but that's always the case.
"on october 2, 1914, charles taze russell, then president of the watch tower bible and tract society, boldly announced: the gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day.
how true his words proved to be!
-watchtower may 1, 1992 page 6.
I just noticed in the news that it's been 100 years since Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. Wow, that's...more than three whole months before the Gentile Times ended. You would think World War I was declared on October 2nd or something. Was Russell just not reading the papers for the three months before or something?
Well, this date has no real meaning anymore. It's funny that 100 years ago, 1914 had a totally different meaning than it does to JWs today, and almost no JWs seem to be conscious of that. Jesus had supposedly been present for 40 years before that, but now that's not even discussed anymore, and obviously for good reason. Nobody would buy the idea of a 'generation' that lasted 140 years...ha ha...actually they would buy it, if they'll buy a 'generation' consisting of two groups, but not just people who were alive when the 1914 anointed were around, but people who were anointed when those 1914ers were know, Jesus really should've left a chart if it was going to get this complicated. Oh, wait, maybe the Great Pyramid of Giza has a chart on it? Oh my GOD! Russell was right!!
So...100 years. Why am I even commenting on it? The buildings near the site of Ferdinand's assassination say that the 20th century 'turned a corner' in 1914. But not in October 1914. In June. And not because of invisible events, but because of visible ones, visible events that were taking place before the so-called Gentile Times ended.
i have become more observant at the last couple district conventions of jws faces and enthusiasm and it seems to be very somber.
i remember a couple of years ago i was an attendant at one of the upper sections at the blue cross arena in rochester, ny and in afternoon session at least half were curled up with their eyes closed, some with blankets.
the applause seems very forced and mechanical.
Well, I know last year I had my Skullcandy headphones and was listening to my iPod shuffle for the whole program. I looked around on occasion, noticed one young fellow giving me a little smirk. I had a feeling he probably could've cared less about the convention, too. Other than that, yeah, folks were snacking and napping during the program. But yeah, those folks were probably not the norm. Most people seemed zoned out and were staring at the platform. Man, that Esther drama sucked. I couldn't wait for it to end and I wasn't even really listening.
Anyway, yeah, the dress and grooming are definitely know, often the young sisters are doing a JW version of sexy out there. Not that it ever mattered to me, really. I usually stayed in my seat during lunchtime or walked around by myself. The few young ladies I met by chance never seemed particularly interested. But it did a number on my hormones, though. Trying to last the whole weekend without resorting to the unclean habit of mas--was always a challenge. But then, once I got reprogrammed, it was like I had a really cool deflector shield that could stop anyone. At least for awhile, and then it went back to normal.
Well...I guess this year is a temporary break from conventions. Will I return next year? I don't know. But this isn't about me, it's about expressions on faces. Mostly people were pretentiously friendly to each other. "How are you??? I haven't seen you in forever! Blah blah!" And so on. It all seems very different though, once you're being shunned and all.