Welcome. Another awakening. It sounds like you have already started down the right path. I wonder what advice I could possibly offer here.
Well, since you're married, I would say, until you are absolutely sure of how your mate feels, you'd best keep your doubts to yourself. My wife turned me in to the elders for having doubts, and it was a very difficult time. I told the story on here a few years ago, along with what I could write down from my committee. Check out my 'Borg Court' threads for that. For now, be careful about who you trust. That's the first bit of advice.
The second bit of advice is to continue reading as many different books as possible to broaden your perspective on all this. That'll be a real lifeline in helping you in the transition process. It has definitely kept me sane and brought me a lot more peace than I otherwise would have had.
The other thing is, this is going to be very stressful, especially if you have to maintain appearances for a time. So you need to take good care of yourself. And...find someone who understands how you feel and talk to them. There are good people here who I'm sure will be of great help to you.
It won't be easy, but you can make it. I hope you and your family will be able to find your way to lasting freedom in due time.