East Midlands area
East Midlands area
I don't have a problem with "new light". It is only natual for any religion to change and develop. Like most people what I have a problem with is not being able to disagree with the spoon fed crap that inevitably changes once they realise it was wrong. Being disfellowshiped because you think that the flood was probably only localised, and not global? Or being disfellowshiped because perhaps 144,000 was symbolic and not literal? Being disfellowshiped because you don't agree that 10 blokes in Brooklyn are Gods only channel. Please!! It's a joke.
i've heard the statement from bible apologists so many times that the global flood story of genesis was not a global flood but was probably a local flood.
this seems problematic.. this directly disagrees with the bible.
everywhere the bible internally references a global flood of worldwide scale (i'll throw in matthew 24:39 as a nt example and genesis 6:17 as a ot example.
I am retyping that last statement due to my terrible typing errors.
For people that believe in global flood. One thought.. saltwater sea life and fresh water sea life don't mix. Upsetting the delicate ecosystem would mean most sea sea life would have died out. Or were they taken on the ark also? it would have been a very big boat!
Additional thought: Whales are included in my comment on sea life. What about the whales?
i've heard the statement from bible apologists so many times that the global flood story of genesis was not a global flood but was probably a local flood.
this seems problematic.. this directly disagrees with the bible.
everywhere the bible internally references a global flood of worldwide scale (i'll throw in matthew 24:39 as a nt example and genesis 6:17 as a ot example.
For people that believe in global fllod. One thought.. saltwater sea life and fresh water sea life don't mix. Upsetting the delicate ecosystem would mean most sea sea life woul have died our. Or were thaey taken on the ark also? it would have been a very big boat!
its 3 years since i (we) left, we somehow didn't have a committee or anything, but were able to leave with no friends, but still able to have contact with my jw mom.
in these 3 years of "learing" how to get and have friends that aren't witnesses its been quite the learning curve.
how do you meet people?
I don't particurarly notice the difference, but I have realised I have been drifting away from the friends I have knows for 15 years or so. I guess Ive just been busy with my own life. It does make me sad sometimes though. When we were in our early 20's we would see each other 2 or 3 times a week, now its 2 or 3 times a year.
i was thinking about this the other day when doing a bit of tidying up of my wardrobe.
all the kh suits are now pushed to the back of the wardrobe and i am seriously thinking about a visit to the charity shop to get rid of most of them.. for me one of the (few) enjoyable aspects of being a jw was getting dressed up.
my secular work very rarely involves putting on a dress suit & tie so i miss getting dressed up - smart suit , tie , shiny shoes , slapping on the aftershave.
As a teen JW I used to wear the oddest clothes to the meeting. I would have been a goth, if allowed. As I wasn't allowed to express my individuality in that way, I resorted to wearing the most outrageous thing I could get away with, I used to tie multi colour ribbons in my hair, and clashing clothes. I was trying hard not to conform but within the constrains of JW parents. So for that reason I did enjoy dressing up, and the disaproving look of the cong and my parents. Looking back on it though, they probably did not see it as rebellion at all - just bad taste!
if i divulged just a few things she had done to me, you would never believe it.
i don't believe in this utter nonsense at all!
it is make belief brainwashing fear and guilt.
Get out, get out now. You won't be able to reconcile with someone that just needs to argue and abuse. I spent 7 years arguing and shouting. I got to the point I had to leave. I had no money, or connections, so I just enrolled at University in a random far away town. There I got my lodgings. A bit of an odd reason to go to University, but I got away. I spent 5 years single, perhaps a little bit lonely but free. Then 4 years ago I met my new partner. In 4 years no argument, not even a bad word. I realised it wasn't me. That life I had was not normal, and no matter how much you love some one, you can't live life like that. So what is holding you back?
it is my opinion everyone has the choice to follow jw path if they choose.
what angers me is that half the time, people don't realise what they are getting themselves into.
my work college had been studying for quite a while.
It is my opinion everyone has the choice to follow JW path if they choose. What angers me is that half the time, people don't realise what they are getting themselves into. My work college had been studying for quite a while. I asked, had they been informed about the practices such as shunning, no blood ect. Yes, that had been discussed. I didn't mention it again. Then last week we were dscussing politics, and I mentioned JWs were not allowed to vote.This was the stumbling block, my college was a union rep, a school govenor, and quite heavily into politics. And yet no one mentioned at any point, that voting was a no no. When my college consulted them as why they did not mention this, they could not answer. As far as I know, my college has had no further contact with them. So I think this counts as my first de-witness, even if they would probaly have left of their own accord in time.
Thought I'd share :) Arte
my wife and i had stopped going to meetings in april; in december of that year we travelled interstate and stayed with the witness couple who had "brought me into the truth".
we had already told them we'd quit meetings and there was a certain tension in the air for the first couple of days until sunday morning, when, over a breakfast that eventually lasted several hours, they began to interrogate us about why we had left.
had we been stumbled?
A lot of witnesses I know always say, they are in it for Jehovah, not the organisation. If asked they would say they believe in the F&S whole heartedly, for fear of reprisals, but truely I don't think they believe it. Emporer's new clothes effect! My family at least, don't swallow half the bull...t they are fed, yet still the do not leave.
i drives me crazy when jw's go on tours of historic churches, the vatican, or mosques .
they go in the church take pics, and oooo and ahhhhh over the buildings.. why the f_ _ _k are they expressing awe and wonder at what they believe to be satan's world headquarters .. don't they know jehovah is soon about to destroy all these architectural wonders.. jw relative has just come back from visiting the vatican.. stupid cult aaahhh !!.
What really gets me annoyed is that all my JW family are all up for visiting a church / cathedral for its arcitectural merits, they will never set foot in a church when there is a live service, even if it is a Wedding or Funeral. On the one occastion thay had to attend, as it was a close relatives funeral, they were down right rude to the minister.