skepis the GB dont think the end is near, why would they have people spending millions of hours building the new bethel when they could have been on FS.They could have had non jws building the new bethel and let the jws do field service BUT they did not in 20 or 30 years you will be so glad you have done in getting on with your life.
JoinedPosts by pepperheart
Life is changing for me: no pioneering, got a job!
by Skepsis ina month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
by pepperheart inwhat other cut backs do you think will be coming or might be coming these next few years for the borg ?.
What other cut backs do you think will be coming or might be coming these next few years for the borg ?
2016 year book
by pepperheart inhi acording to the 2016 year book the borg sent 6,000 people from bethels around the world "home" i think they might be struggling a bit lol .
Hi acording to the 2016 year book the borg sent 6,000 people from bethels around the world "home" i think they might be struggling a bit LOL
Mexico branch......Now closing!!!
by krismalone ina circuit overseer friend of mine serving in latin america called me today to say hi.
i asked him what's new and he dropped the news that they have received notification that the branch in mexico will be closing!!
this branch also called the central american branch (although located in mexico) oversees all of mexico's 800,000+ publishers plus all 7 countries of central america of over 100,000 publishers.
Acording to the website it self they closed 20 branch offices around the world in 2012, so time will tell
The con is completed - comments from the US branch's LDC chief
by sir82 inrecently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
They have had money trouble since 2012 at least because if you go onto it self it tells you that in 2012 they closed 20 branch offices around the world.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower (study edition) april 2017 .
“you must pay your vows to jehovah.”—matt.
5:33.. * to all intents and purposes, he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to god.
This is why i take as many books and mags that i can and trash them if i can save just one person from being shunned it will be worth it
The Governing Body are doubling down on dogma!
by DATA-DOG inin case you were wondering if the governing body we're going to become kinder and gentler, the answer is a big "no!!!
in the current study edition of the wt magazine, the sheeple are reminded of some very important key points.
1) god has an organization ( corporation ) that you must respect.. 2) only the gb/faithful slave can dispense spiritual food and only the gb/faithful slave can interpret the bible.. 3) individual dubs absolutely cannot learn "truth" on their own.. 4) god requires "unity of doctrine.
No if they become kinder etc even more people will leave so they have got to keep hardline and extreme
1 bilion property revenue since august 2016 and still they have not enough
by Gorbatchov inread in the new york business review that made 1 bilion property revenue since august 2016.. unbelievable, isn't it?
they are one of the richest religion organizations in cash flow, for sure.. the co asked us this morning to "overthink wat we can share, to support the work and make jehovah happy".. g..
The GB have got to keep themselves in food for the 40 or 50 years LOL
2016-12-29 BOE Re: Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide
by wifibandit indecember 29, 2016 to all congregations re: donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.
With all the cuts they have made these past years they should not need any more money but of course they will be paying bills for the next 50 years or so lol
2 bilion income from selling HQ now
by Gorbatchov inthe wts has a tax free income of 2 bilion dollar now by selling the brooklyn hq (beside other recent money schemes).
were has the money gone?.
it must be somewere.. g..
Its got to last a long time you know for many many years LOL