Haha Fernando!! Yay! Just had time to look at those videos!! Very interesting and enjoyable!
Thanks again Ding for being such an inspiration and helping me understand salvation in Christ!
I like the Christian way of understanding Grace, where our sins are forgiven if we come to Jesus. Confess and Repent. All sins are the same... so-so, bad, worse, and horrable... there is no "oh well that calls for: public reproof, or being marked", or "that calls for disfellowshipment" (a disapline layed upon a baptised, Jehovah's Witness for committing a sin that the Elders think is not forgiven worthy, we can be reinstated if we deal with the punishment (which they say don't look at the shunning that way) that could last to a year or more (Elders use to allow a couple of months but told my grandma the governing body changed it to a year, and wished they could let me back in)); I NEVER LEFT GOD or JESUS in my heart!! I STILL WON'T... And because of my deep research JESUS has blessed me with the knowledge and understanding of his true kindness... GRACE! I can't go back being a Jehovah's Witness again because I feel now they are WRONG for their beleif and rapped so many people of this blessing!! It's not an obligation to preach to others anymore, I tell others about God because I care and want to out of love. I no deep down Jehovah's Witnesses can change if they only just sat down and listened to Christians, not with the thinking that Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY way, the righteous path, but with the thinking that Jehovah's Witnesses could be wrong, governing body could be wrong, satan could be blinding us, I know that sounds so crazy to those in because "all the brotherly love"! ... I know Jesus is in your hearts but I think when things go wrong it's when you yourself, personally don't read the scripture but go with the flow of the watchtower, awake, broshures, and books that have been transelated for you and the only way of understanding. You don't look at the other side of the story... or test the spirit... 1 John 4:1. How? By decerning weither it's the spirit of truth or spirit of error. http://www.creationists.org/how-to-test-the-spirits.html
So now I am feeling like I am 27 years behind in learning all these Christian terms that probably most teens know... lol
They were in the scripture but sometimes we read them over quickly and mess these... or we allow ourselves to just read certain scriptures our childhood leaders present to us.
My goal now is to find a good Bible... I know I said this before but my husband said that they are free at churches so don't buy one online! lol But the thing is I don't belong to a church yet. I do have a few, I want to try out and see but I haven't got the guts to attend to one yet.