Thanks for the info everyone! :)
JoinedPosts by Butterflyleia85
The Christmas Star??
by Butterflyleia85 inso remember the bible story book chapter 86 men guided by a star... remember it said that satan is the one who must have made that star shine because it was leading the chief priests that was brought by herod who in fact wanted jesus killed!
matthew 2:1-23; micah 5:2. ok so i was reading out of my son's christmas book that his grandma gave him.
it has a part "following the star"...wise men heard about the birth of jesus, the new king.
[MP3] Hebrew New Testament (1995, Bible Society in Israel)
by possible-san in[mp3] hebrew new testament (1995, bible society in israel).
this is the hebrew audio drama new testament..
this text (hebrew nt, 1995) is available from the "".
Catching the Manipulation in Sundays Watchtower Article
by Butterflyleia85 ininspired by many on jwn board, my goal is to every sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts.
if you would like to join me that would be great!
we can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to ones self.
Inspired by many on JWN board, my goal is to every Sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts. If you would like to join me that would be great! We can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to one’s self. The benefit here is yes we have Critical Thinking Skills and/or we have the power of Holy Spirit.
Please ALL comments are welcome, for example:
For ones believing in God who uses prayer and Holy Spirit, others scriptures or interpretations are welcome!
For ones who don’t believe in God but enjoy theology using the scripture insight for their ethical principles, other sources, quotes, or words of wisdom are welcome!
Watchtower (Study) — September 15, 2011 for November 21-27 Are You Known By Jehovah
{paragraph 8, 9} 8 We may have desires that we long to see fulfilled. Marriage, having children, and good health are all natural and appropriate desires. For many, though, one or more of those desires may go unfulfilled. If that is so in our case, how we deal with the situation may be a measure of our faith.
9 How unwise it would be to seek to fulfill these desires in a way contrary to godly wisdom. That would be to one’s spiritual detriment. Some, for instance, have chosen forms of health care that conflict with Jehovah’s counsel. Others have taken on employment that keeps them away from their families or congregation meetings. Or what of developing a romantic relationship with an unbeliever? If a Christian follows such a course, is he truly seeking to be known by Jehovah? How would Jehovah have felt if Abraham had become impatient about the fulfillment of God’s promises to him? What if Abraham had taken matters into his own hands to settle down again and make a celebrated name for himself rather than wait on Jehovah? (Compare Genesis 11:4.) Would he have continued to be favorably known by Jehovah?
My examination is: Having lack of faith to Governing Body in reality is thinking for one’s self; making choices beyond their set of rules and regulation.
{paragraph 12} Nevertheless, while the nation of Israel was en route to the Promised Land, Korah perceived what he imagined to be problems in God’s arrangement. Then 250 other leading men in the nation sided with Korah in trying to make changes. Korah and the others must have felt secure about their relationship with Jehovah. They told Moses: “That is enough of you, because the whole assembly are all of them holy and Jehovah is in their midst.” (Num. 16:1-3) What an over confident and prideful attitude! Moses told them: “Jehovah will make known who belongs to him.” (Read Numbers 16:5.) By the end of the next day, Korah and all those who had sided with him in rebellion were dead.—Num.16:31-35.
My examination is: Hmmm did they ever think about how they even began as an organization? Who started their religious beliefs and who lead their rebellion (at the time) as a whole? What about their over confident and prideful attitude when they say “We are God’s chosen people!” “We are the only ones who have the Truth!”
Wasn’t Moses directly chosen by God himself? Who is to say God chose the members of the Governing Body but themselves?
{Paragraph 13} If a human overseer in God’s organization provides you with instructions that seem extremely detailed, you might at times feel frustrated. Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer, who delegates generously and trusts his servants. When he gives many details, he does so for good reason. Take note, though, that Moses did not become irritated with Jehovah for giving that level of detail, as if Jehovah were demeaning him or stifling his creativity or freedom. Rather, Moses made sure that the workers “did just so” in following God’s directions. (Ex. 39:32) What a humble course! Moses recognized that it was Jehovah’s work and that he was just a tool being used to get that work done.
My examination is: So here Overseers are compared to Moses. Who chose the Overseers among you? The Governing Body? Who pacifically chose the Governing Body members? Doesn’t God also direct individuals with Holy Spirit or a since of reasoning? I was asked this once on JWN and it got me thinking really hard about how careful I watch who takes the lead over me. As well as reading Steven Hassen books and Raymond Franz books.
{Paragraph 16} That account [referring to Moses and Korah] provides a serious warning for elders and others in the congregation today. Waiting on Jehovah and following directions from those appointed to take the lead requires humility. Do we show that we are as humble and mild-tempered as Moses was? Can we acknowledge the position of those taking the lead among us and submit to directions we receive? Are we able to rise above our personal feelings when faced with disappointments? If so, we too will be known favorably by Jehovah. Our humility and submission will endear us to him.
My examination is: This paragraph here sums up how much control they have on their members.
The Christmas Star??
by Butterflyleia85 inso remember the bible story book chapter 86 men guided by a star... remember it said that satan is the one who must have made that star shine because it was leading the chief priests that was brought by herod who in fact wanted jesus killed!
matthew 2:1-23; micah 5:2. ok so i was reading out of my son's christmas book that his grandma gave him.
it has a part "following the star"...wise men heard about the birth of jesus, the new king.
So remember the Bible Story Book Chapter 86 Men Guided by a Star... Remember it said that Satan is the one who must have made that star shine because it was leading the chief priests that was brought by Herod who in fact wanted Jesus killed! Matthew 2:1-23; Micah 5:2
Ok so I was reading out of my son's Christmas book that his grandma gave him. It has a part "Following the Star"...Wise men heard about the birth of Jesus, the new king. They would travel far to find him for they had some gifts to bring. They saw a bright star in the East; it shone both night and day. They knew that if they followed it the star would show the way. (Mattew 2:1-9)
So what do you think is the Star good or bad? I still am getting all the kinks out of the holidays (I accepted many things over time but I'm still wierd about the star)
Catching the Manipulation in Sundays Watchtower Article
by Butterflyleia85 ininspired by many on jwn board, my goal is to every sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts.
if you would like to join me that would be great!
we can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to ones self.
Popcorn I'm trying to put in the image... hope this works.
Catching the Manipulation in Sundays Watchtower Article
by Butterflyleia85 ininspired by many on jwn board, my goal is to every sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts.
if you would like to join me that would be great!
we can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to ones self.
Itsy-bitsy brain but big enough to smell a rat… sounds like to me you have a big brain. Yes they do view the rest of the world as modern Egyptians as referenced here in January 1 st 1956 Watchtower Exclusive Devotion page 10-11 paragraph 9 :
9 Today some humans may think they have advanced since the days of the Roman Empire, or that they are not like the Israelites, the Greeks or the Egyptians. But are the people today any better in their thinking and in their worship? Look at the so-called heathen nations. They still bow down before their gods of wood, stone and metal. But the Christian nations—surely they are better! On the contrary, they too are still bowing down before crosses, altars and images or dolls supposed to be “the virgin” and other “saints.” Not only in religious practice do we find men, women and children bowing down before their own handmade images and pictures of dictators but we find many worshiping statues of great men, heroes of war, and praying before “eternal” flames or a monument for an “unknown soldier”! Are they not worshiping the dead, who they claim have died, not in vain, but to “make the world safe for democracy”?
But they themselves are SLAVES before men (Governing Body holding the control of information for their Organization). 1 Corinthians 7:23
The Israelites walked out freely with God’s help. I think we (outside of Jehovah’s Witnesses) can compare ourselves as the Israelites who were freed from the rule of mind control.
Mr. Flipper We are doing wonderful! It’s been pretty busy with family get together, baking pies, cleaning house, planning trips, getting a list of gifts, making homemade gifts and such… So much fun and love! Thanks for asking. My sister is a pioneer and works a Starbucks… that’s all she has time for! Yes it’s hard seeing it from the outside looking in. To mess with a person’s conscience in control of their own gain is wrong!
I hope you and your family is doing well! Thanks for your comment!
Run in the nude!! Yeah.... Quirky1
Fun fun! Lol In all seriousness to be nude was modest in their culture! Look at
Popcorn that would be awesome to see your posts. I would as well as others I’m sure would appreciate your notes. And here is the wheelbarrow image:
1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV): "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
Thank you for this scripture. Just want to repost this because you are so right:
Ultimately this is all about control for the Society, not really about 'running the race with endurance' or anything like that. Certainly Hebrews 12:2 is not talking about riches, higher education, or entertainment. Paul had spent a long time discussing the importance of faith rather than the law code and the visible Jewish system, highlighting how the patriarchs and prophets and judges showed FAITH and received blessings, not works of the law. The sin that was entangling so many Jews back then was their fixation on works and adherence to the Law of Moses rather than simple faith in Jesus Christ alone.
One thing I've noticed since leaving the JWs is that the Society can take one or two verses out of context as a theme text, and build an entire Watchtower article that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original context of those one or two verses. So that instead of grasping their true meaning, now their meaning has been completely reinterpreted and the scriptures involved rewritten as something beyond or even unrelated to the original author's intent.
Possible Thank you for your comment. Very observant in paragraph 1. And for paragraph 3, I though the same thing why would they make a comment like that! No kidding, people don’t go running around in the nude, duh, it was considered acceptable in early times and in some cultures. Wow and thank you for sharing the link. Even though they express what being modest is, they don’t think about using vulgar words in front of a congregation filled with children; who should never hear such things until later in their life.
Punk of Nice thank you for pointing out and comparing paragraph 4, 5! We see more clearly were their thinking lays!
Kensho totally agree with you! And to think Jehovah Witness individually don’t even think about stuff like that. They are so oblivious to the Organization world and how it operates.
breakfast of champions… ha that’s a funny comment and yeah in real sense most do a lot to show their loyalty not having things to distract them but that also can get old!
Read some interesting stories of some Bethelites here:
Alias, you’re welcome. Yes it’s hard to see Jehovah’s Witnesses relatives be so naive. I understand your sensitive nature because I was the same way as have a lot here on JWN they helped me see the mind controlling nature.
I will share a link that was shared with me:
Balaamsass Exactly! Ha
Room 215 we can’t forget that… lol
Catching the Manipulation in Sundays Watchtower Article
by Butterflyleia85 ininspired by many on jwn board, my goal is to every sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts.
if you would like to join me that would be great!
we can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to ones self.
Inspired by many on JWN board, my goal is to every Sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts. If you would like to join me that would be great! We can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to one’s self. The benefit here is yes we have Critical Thinking Skills and/or we have the power of Holy Spirit.
Please ALL comments are welcome, for example:
For ones believing in God who uses prayer and Holy Spirit, others scriptures or interpretations are welcome!
For ones who don’t believe in God but enjoy theology using the scripture insight for their ethical principles, other sources, quotes, or words of wisdom are welcome!
Watchtower (Study) — September 15, 2011 for November 14-20 “Run…That You May Attain It”
{paragraph 4, 5} As dedicated Christians, we also have important theocratic responsibilities. We share in the ministry, prepare for and attend Christian meetings, and keep spiritually strong by personal study and family worship. Despite all that Noah had to do in serving God, “he did just so.” (Gen. 6:22) Surely, keeping the weight we have to carry to a minimum, as well as avoiding taking on any unnecessary burden, is vital if we are to run the Christian race to the finish.
My examination is: Basically making it an implied statement that “dedicated Christians” do this and all else should be kept to a minimum. Controlling the thoughts ones should make and how they should be living their daily lives. If everyone did this I’m sure the world would NOT be a better place. Nothing would get accomplished in this economy. As well as this statement not putting good sight on genuine good Christians who DO well in keeping God first and focused but don’t necessarily do ALL the “important theocratic responsibilities”.
{paragraph 8} The finish line is just ahead. What a pity it would be if we allowed ourselves to be burdened down with unnecessary weights that could impede us when we are so close to the end!
My examination is: The urgency that they gave in early 1914, 1925, AND 1975. We like hearing over and over how close to the end it is. Why put pressure on that?? The real motivation should be in dignity and health... not cause the world is going to end!
Side note: I thought it was funny how they made a point to say that they had lack of modesty! Ha
{paragraph 3} Regarding foot racing, one of the popular athletic events of the day, the book Backgrounds of Early Christianity tells us that “the Greeks exercised and competed in the nude.” In such cases, the runners stripped themselves of any extraneous weight or burden that could slow them down. While we would object to their lack of modesty and propriety, they ran that way with the sole objective of winning the prize.
A Book I just read
by mouthy incalled " a stolen life" by jaycee dugard.
it was about her life with the monster who kidnapped her at 11 yrs of age.
kept her prisnor for 18 years ,got her pregnant twwice ( two babies).
That is crazy!! Wow how sick can people be!
"The 'Borg'
by mauiboy ini have read the phrase "the borg" over and over again....what is it's real meaning?
still a newbie here.
this is the 1st site i've joined since i left about 4 years ago, so i'm still picking up on the lingo.......
Hahaha you know what I never knew exactly what that word was or came from and I still got the gest. hahaha OMG that is such an awesome word. I'm posting it on facebook. Not going to say anything else just that word and see if anyone knows what I'm talkin about! I have a JW friend who loooooves star track... she pokes me everytime I post pictures or make comments on there. Lets see if she pokes me on this one! ha
What was the last meeting you ever went to?
by lilbluekitty ini figured out it's been 4 months and 5 days since my last meeting ever.
july 10th, it was a sunday.
i hadn't been there in 2 months or so and decided to see if anyone noticed i'd been gone.
I'd say around the time I found out I was 5 months pregnant.... and his 8 months now... you will have to do the math cause I'm not sure. haha
I was wanting to go back to get my family out but now it's all on them now to get their selves out...
I have a family of my own I need to take care of now! :)