Well, my ex is just taking me back to court after being divorced for over a decade. The children in question with this ex are almost emancipation age. He was DF'd as was I, I came back, he didn't. He never stopped me from raising the kids as a JW, and IF HE HAD, I would have dug my heels in out of pride and just because I was pushed. I wouldn't say I'm a manipulator or mind f**k type person (he may disagree) but I would have fought him, because you are supposed to...ya know? So tread carefully.
If you can get it in the courts that he can't do certain things with the kids, that doesn't mean he'll obey it, and it's expensive to go to court over things that are hard to prove like "they didn't get to make Valentines and they were embarrassed" when it takes like 5 months to go to court and it's already Halloween by then.
Just BE the example of what you want your kids to be. Don't bow down to, be irritated with, or degrade your ex at all, because then it becomes a me against him...and you don't want to create even MORE of a reason for them to choose. Just be you, be their role model, take the higher road, and teach them to think. Anything else, you won't be sure to win anyway, it's stressful, expensive, and potentially distancing for your daughters and yourself. Being the bigger person, you'll win either way, you'll be able to live with yourself, and your kids will see by how you live, love and laugh that life is worth living on the "other side" of JW's.