Sounds to me like you are just all on edge and having too many changes (even if they are just in your heart right now) at a time.
I tell you what, I had an adrenal problem, and I'd get all shaky and nervous, then lightheaded and nauseous, and then would need to fall asleep....but I couldn't sleep at night at all, bad dreams, arguements, both sides, battling a subject out all the way....and if I faced my fears, the adreneline afterwards would leave me shaky even more, and jazzed up to where I felt like I was buzzing around. It was some crazy stuff. I can tell you what worked for me, but I knew my problem was exacerbated by adrenal lows, was take the over the counter hydrocortisone cream and put it on the inside of my arm or leg, just a tsp or two, and massaged it in. Deep breaths.
Try writing down a pros and cons list. What you are getting away from, what you are leaving behind. Sometimes they can be on both sides of the list, and there you will find your anxiety. Take it slow, and get through one thing on the list if possible at a time.
Come back here, realize we aren't here to battle you, to argue your point of view. For myself I can say that I am so damned tired of being told all my life how to think, how to answer, and what the appropriate questions are, that I never want to tell someone they are wrong and I am right ever again!!! That is the very best thing I am taking away from this whole ordeal. To each his own, and who am I to question them?
Take care of you, are worth it.