I was there on Sunday with the wife. Boy, did that drama PISS me off. Ill get to that at the end.
It was all about the prodigal son. The kid gets out of school, and is deciding what to do with his life.Mom and Dad want him to live at home and pioneer, but the kid is torn about what he wants.
He has a buddy at the hall who is "bad association" and he gets him a job at a cool place to work. Of course, the minute he gets the job, he starts working tons of hours and is hit on immediately by a girl in the office.
Soon he moves out of the house, quits going to the hall, parties with his buddy, works long hours, starts dating the girl, etc.
Mom and Dad are heartbroken and sulk around for most of the drama while their other son is pissed that they keep lamenting the other kid "leaving Jehovah" while he isnt appreciated.
Eventually, the kid is out partying one night, and gets into a car accident (I think the bad association buddy was drunk driving) and "comes to his senses". He calls Mom and Dad and wants to come home.
Mom and Dad are thrilled to have him home while the other son is pissed off since his brother went and did all of these "bad things" and yet he is being given a hero's welcome.
Now the part that really pissed me off -
There is a part at the end where the kid is on the phone and says "Gee, Brother Smith - you and all of the other brothers on my judicial committee were so kind and helpful - I appreciate your loving kindness." HAPPY ENDING
I had just had an incident where someone in the family was disfellowshipped for a transgression from years ago and were obviously "remorseful" for their actions. Of course, they were DF'ed on the spot.
I leaned over to my wife and said "That was total BS - 90% of the elder bodies would have disfellowshipped that kid in a heartbeat."
Lets see - drinking , partying, obviously having a sexual relationship with the girl, etc.....most DF'ed people I know did much less than that and got whacked.
Then, at the end, they played the CHEESIEST, stupidest, song I have ever heard. It was some crap new song about "Returning to Jehovah" - there were all these people crying in the audience while I was sitting there ready to GO OFF......LOL