Ray is a real hero to me. My definition of a hero is someone who displays courage, self-sacrifice, and does something they do not have to do for the greater good of others.
Do I idolize him? Of course not. Do I think he came up with a new, better way of Christianity? No.
To me, he is the greatest type of hero. The one who becomes one simply by being a great HUMAN being and going with his conscience and doing the right thing. He could have left the organization and become bitter and angry, but he chose the best response. He continued to go with his conscience and his true compassion for people and gave them an honest, eye-opening glimpse inside a religion organization that has millions of people captive. He was willing to offer his unique perspective inside the governing body and show that these were simply men making decisions based on their honest opinion, feelings, or whatever mood they were in that day, depending on the member. He showed the hypocrisy and the true motives of the organization without ever coming across with "an axe to grind". Crisis if Conscience was great and started the chains to be removed, but In Search of Christian Freedom was the final liberation - that to me was where Ray really destroyed WT doctrine and made me realize how EASY true Christianity should be to those who choose to pursue it, unlike those of us who simply became WT slaves.
That man helped countless people gain the relief that they needed when coming out of the WT. I read along with his books in shock, denial, anger - I laughed, I cried, but most importantly, I healed. He showed that the WT is just another man-made religion and it was a group of rulers making rules. I had felt that way for years, and to have a voice of reason who was raised the same way I was confirm it for me was liberating.
I dont see him as the leader of the Ex-JW movement, I simply see him as a great man who continued to give to others right down to his last day. There are so many others on this board and in other places that continue to do that as well. I would love to list all your names that have touched me, but I would get sore fingers typing all those names!!
My only regret? I have been procrastinating in writing him a thank-you letter for months now. I guess I didnt want to bother him in his ill health, I didnt know quite what to say. But, I know Ray would appreciate the fact that I read his books and that they had a huge impact on me. I will be grateful to him forever, and indebted in a way as well. The best thing I can do is try to imitate his example and "Pay It Forward". I will do all I can to assist others who need comfort and relief from a religion that left them hurt and confused.