Here is the photo that would accompany the article:
Caption: True Christians follow the Bible's admonition: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves."
"how do jehovah's witnesses view disfellowshipped ones?.
previously, this journal has detailed, from the bible's viewpoint, how unrepentant sinners should be viewed*[*footnote see also "how to treated disfellowshipped ones" in the appendix of the book "keep yourselves in god's love", published by jehovah's witnesses].
unlike apostate christendom, which unrepentantly excuses the gross sins of its members, true christians follow the scriptural admontion found in 1 corinthians 5:11: "remove the wicked man from among yourselves.
Here is the photo that would accompany the article:
Caption: True Christians follow the Bible's admonition: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves."
i was many times, the final bout was what drove me out of the borg altogether..... .
Gossip was the single most damaging thing to my friends and family.
It drove my dearest friends from the congregation and threw my family into a tailspin that took them many years to get over.
It was all fueled by the most "spiritual" in the congregation - Pioneers, Elders and their children, etc......
Looking back, I just wish that I would have followed my friends out the door, instead of hanging on to the "TRUTH"
My buddy and I were just discussing the whole situation a while back, since he has been there for me as I have been fading.
The gossip was the spark for them, then once the elder body protected themselves by scapegoating the families and "blacklisting" everyone to the CO and to Big Brother, that was it for them.
f***ing jehovah's witness you a**hole!
i just came home from picking up my youngest son and heard my next door neighbor say that.
this morning i thought i had seen a pair of jws walk by my door twice and i think they left something at her door.
I forgot to ask - Mrs Jones, do you live next door to the Ozzy Osbourne family?
Sir82 - priceless.....LOL............I keep coming back to this thread for a hearty laugh!
I am not clear - are those people considered sheep or goats?
for all you beatles fans.
links to the actual analysis files:.
Chalam - thanks for the post, that book looks AMAZING.
I am reading Bob Spitz's biography of the The Beatles right now, and it cool how George Martin wasnt a huge pop music guy when he started working with the Beatles, but he knew talent when he heard it. His classical influence on them is so impressive as well - they created magic together. I am so fascinated with the recording process and how they were so innovative in the studio.
f***ing jehovah's witness you a**hole!
i just came home from picking up my youngest son and heard my next door neighbor say that.
this morning i thought i had seen a pair of jws walk by my door twice and i think they left something at her door.
I dont want to be a f***ing jehovah's witness you a**hole!"
"Well, thats OK. Are you saying you do not want to become a JW, or toward religion in general? Ill come back in a week and see if we can pick up the conversation then" I have a nice Awake article on Masterbation I would like to share with you!
New Kingdom Song:
From House to F***ing House,
From Door to F***ing Door.............................
my mother let it slip the other day that all the families in their hall are putting together a small suitcase.
inside this suitcase are to be things that you will take with you if given a 5 minute warning that the great tribulation is starting and you need to leave your home.
my father seemed quite embarrassed that this slipped.
"Nancy, I just do not know if we should be doing that until we hear it in the Kingdom Ministry"
That is awesome - I would die laughing if that ever got into print.
That story reminds me of the Red Scare of the 1950's in the USA. Make sure your Armageddon Bunker is complete and well-stocked!!
Do they also believe that if they look back while leaving the house when Armageddon starts they will turn into a pillar of salt?
we are newly fading (actually, mostly disappearing).
i haven't been to meetings in about 3 months maybe and hubby hasn't gone in a month or more.
i certainly don't plan on returning, hubby is still undecided.. anyway, an elder called and wants to come do a shepherding call.
To quote the great Grandmaster Flash from "White Lines" - Don't Do It!
LeavingWT nailed it - keep the power by dictating how things go and play the game that way.
Keep positive and upbeat - another one I like from here is "Thanks for your concern, but just so you know we are doing well and are in a good place spiritually - we'll be in touch if we need anything!"
that it was not losing all my friends that hurt so damned bad.... it was finding out they weren't my friends that hurt so damned bad.. sometimes it still hurts so bad i want to curl fetal.. jeff.
I am finding that to be true more and more.
Even as I started my fade, the emails, phone calls, and get-togethers have been few and far between.
The few people I was particularly close with - I can tell they are getting more and more pissed off at me about my "attitude". (Way to draw me back in, eh??)
I have gotten a few of the "we miss you" emails, a couple of the "dont turn your back on Jehovah" emails, but the more I see, the more I realize that everything is SO conditional in that organization.
Your friendships are conditional - get spritually "weak" and forget having friends outside of a renegade or two - usually someone else considered "bad association".
i have really been getting into mute math - great band out of new orleans.. their debut album (2006) is incredible......they are also amazing live.. check out youtube if you havent seen them - the video for their song "typical" is really something!
I have really been getting into Mute Math - great band out of New Orleans.
Their debut album (2006) is incredible......they are also amazing live.
Check out youtube if you havent seen them - the video for their song "Typical" is really something!
for all you beatles fans.
links to the actual analysis files:.
Leaving WT - Thanks! That was awesome!
I have all of the remasters now, and I still love listening to them over and over.
When i was a christian, i read about the evil influence of theo adorno in beatles music. Has anyone run accross this guy?
Adorno was a German Philosopher - he had a lot of theories that related to music as well.
If you want a few good laughs - Google Theo Adorno and Beatles........
The conspiracy theory people are really creative.........