"Today we are probably living in the most peaceful moment of our species' time on earth,"
Oooh, proclamation of world peace... surely Armageddon is on our doorstep!
interesting read.. gene healy: ours is a most peaceful era.
original link: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/2011/01/gene-healy-ours-most-peaceful-era#ixzz1adx82m72by:gene healy01/03/11 8:05 pm.
examiner columnisti'm a pessimist by nature, but when the new year dawns, i like to step out of character and look for the bright side.
"Today we are probably living in the most peaceful moment of our species' time on earth,"
Oooh, proclamation of world peace... surely Armageddon is on our doorstep!
me and mom was having a conversation over breakfast a few weeks ago, and she brought up the circuit assembly that she just the brothers warned about apostates and going on 'questionable' internet sites.
we started talking about heaven and 'the generation' change.
i told her how could a paradise happen when science prove otherwise.
Of course he can change science... he can also create a stone so big, that even he himself could not lift it.
i stumbeled across this site after doing some research about earthquakes and "end times".
i've had a jw comming to my home for quite a while just stopping by, and she finally convinced me to agree to a "bible study".
i was intoxicated at the time i agreed and i figured it would be better to have a set time for her visits rather then her just showing up at random times.
Many struggle to stay awake during the weekly WT study at the Kingdom Hall
An elder lady complained that she has to take sleeping pills, when our resident super-dub elder had to chime in trying to boast by saying he doesn't need sleeping pills; when he has insomnia he takes a couple of WTs or Awakes I had a hard time controling my laughter...
i stumbeled across this site after doing some research about earthquakes and "end times".
i've had a jw comming to my home for quite a while just stopping by, and she finally convinced me to agree to a "bible study".
i was intoxicated at the time i agreed and i figured it would be better to have a set time for her visits rather then her just showing up at random times.
Welcome! I think you probably don't want to be rude by telling her not to come any more, but I believe it's the only thing you can do. You can't really argue with her even if you had lots of Bible, psychology, cult behavior, etc. knowledge, because as you have realized there's a brainwashing factor at work. Just tell her you are convinced it's a cult, and no, you don't want to discuss about it, ask her to put you on the Do not call list, and close the door.
Edit: or if she's a friend of yours, and have lots of energy, try what cantleave suggested I wish you good luck, and keep us posted if you go on this route.
did you enjoy it?.
do you recommend it from a purely culinary perspective?.
[offtopic]Hey DagothUr, greetings from a fellow romanian [/offtopic]
Ontopic, a typical ex-JW:
did you enjoy it?.
do you recommend it from a purely culinary perspective?.
Before the JWs made me lose my rationality I used to eat blood sausages regularly, it is a common meal in this part of the world. Now after 12 years my new fiance offered me some just a couple of weeks ago. At first I had a slight feeling of the ick factor you're talking about. Then I thought to myself I really liked it as a kid, so I just dug in. It had the same great taste that I remembered. I recommend it, if you can get past the psychological barrier.
lets see who gets closer to the number.
bets will end when the new yearbook is ready (when is that?).
i say 11000.
Thats another 345 of these morons
Actually it's more than that considering the death rate, which is higher than the average, because the annointed are generally elders. With 2% death rate (which is still low imo) we have over 550 new anointed.
In an older thread I voted 11 673- I was quite off this time.
wonder if anyone had a scan available of the 2010 annual report, which can normally be found in the 2011 yearbook.. .
thanks in advance!.
I was talking with my wife the other day thinking if all of us on these boards went to the memorial and partook....
Unfortunately the elders have the last say in who gets counted and who doesn't - so much for the Bible verse "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children" ( Romans 8:16 )
Wokl: you are perfectly right; for the purpose of statistics, I think we can take the average 1% death. So per alanv's calculations ("6.5% increase in baptisms and only 2.5% in average publishers") that means we should have 5.5% increase in publishers (6.5% baptism - 1% deaths), which still leaves us with 3% leavers, which is an extremely high figure by my oppinion (I mean taking the cult as a legitimate religion, because in fact an acceptable figure would be 100%).
i though it might be interesting to start a thread asking ones here to share their memories of the last 3-5 individuals (families) that were contacted via d-to-d, started to study, and all the way to baptism.
let's see if we see a pattern :-).
here's my recolection:.
For the 10 years I was a JW as far as I know I was the last one who got baptized as an outsider in my cong, after me only JW kids. So I can't give you even one.
i am mostly interrested about countries where the copyright was not really enforced for jws so far - i mean here in romania as long as i was a jw we didn't really got any 'advice' about copying software and such, so everyone was pirating.
however in the last few months i have met several jws (technically i am still a jw, so they talk to me) who were looking to buy software.
since i work in a related field, they kept asking my advice.
I am mostly interrested about countries where the copyright was not really enforced for JWs so far - I mean here in Romania as long as I was a JW we didn't really got any 'advice' about copying software and such, so everyone was pirating. However in the last few months I have met several JWs (technically I am still a JW, so they talk to me) who were looking to buy software. Since I work in a related field, they kept asking my advice. My ex-wife also wants everything to be legal, if she asks for advice and I recommend a software she has to make sure, that it's freeware - which is something new, she didn't care before.
It's a massive move among the local JWs to legalizing their stuff, so I am sure there's something new in this area, they wouldn't just do this by themselves. In fact just 2 years ago when I mentioned casually to a JW that I bought Windows, he looked at me with amazement, saying he never saw anyone who actually bought a software (as a note, for most people here one copy of retail Windows costs about one month's salary, so I don't blame them).