Lol funny video. I am not entirely sure if the user KingdomHallOfJWs is pro- or anti-JW. There's always that slight hint of ridicule in all of his videos.
Posts by teel
Be Faithful in what is Least...OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!
by laverite ini don't know if people have already discussed this on here yet or not, but this video.
shows what will happen to those who do not follow the rules and regs that the watchtower bible and real estate corp have pulled out of their out through careful bible examination and scriptual insight.
Is that podium thing unique to JW's? Do they build them?
by InterestedOne ini was wondering about that half-table/half-podium thing that jw's use on the platform.
is that unique to jw's & do they build them, like shakers had their own furniture?.
We have similar lecterns here in Romania too. They must be custom built, because I also have never noticed a similar design outside a KH.
I think they assigned someone to adjusting just to have one more "privilege" they can hand out - and it's even a privilege that everyone will notice, so the "brother" will feel important. Never mind it's silly busywork... it's funny remembering back how the responsible "brother" always stepped out to adjust the lectern, even if it would have been fine just the way it was - he had to touch it at least
I was shunned
by cantleave inin the fareham shopping centre.. a "sister" saw me.
pretended not to see me, dropped her her head and moved very quickly in the opposite direction.. i love being a dangerous apostate!!
There is satisfaction, however, in knowing that those who do the shunning feel as awkward as is humanly possible. Their blood pressure would rise significantly and they would be squirming, wishing like hell they could escape without you seeing them and certainly hoping like hell you say nothing to them. What does this suggest? That it is an unnatural, inhuman response, and carried out only because they are ordered to.
This is why I love to say "Hi" out loud to them. If they get in this situation often enough, it may even cause them to stop and think about why they are feeling bad for not answering me.
Is it acceptable for JWs to put flowers on a loved one's grave?
by serenitynow! ini want to go and put some flowers on my grandma's grave.
she died 9 years ago feb 19. i haven't been out there since the funeral.
i can't remember where the cemetary is, and i will have to ask my jw relatives (who don't know my status) where she is buried.
I have known JWs who were proud to never visit the grave... They thought it's an expression of their faith, that the loved one will return soon.
Another one of those silly illustration thingies.
by therevealer inthis is just a small part of it but i wonder if this person thought out what they were saying.
are they not inferring that going to the hall and assemblies fails to help gain a relationship with jehovah, so why go then?
One more story stolen from the "christendom" - the full story from 3Mozzies hardly sounds like a JWs work - even though it was changed to fit in Jehovah and Kingdom Hall. It still uses the word Church, "biblical music" - never heard a JW call Kingdom Melodies that way, etc..., and most importantly it constantly calls us to form a relationship with Jesus (not Jehovah).
JWs win constitutional challenge in Puerto Rico
by behemot ina federal appeals court in boston ruled monday that a puerto rican law intended to keep neighborhoods safe from crime has been used to interfere in the rights of free speech of jehovah's witnesses.jehovah's witnesses in puerto rico had claimed that laws enacted in 1987 effectively shut down the door to door ministry which the christian group is well known for.
the laws effectively authorized neighborhoods to deny citizens access to public residential streets by erecting walls and gates around them reported digital journal last year.
according to primera hora, the federal court ruled that the law should allow the 318 congregations of jehovah's witnesses in puerto rico to freely express their faith.
I fail to see the logic behind this... It's like forcing people to open the door of the appartment complex so the JWs can express their faith by going d2d. If their faith is expressed in a wacko way, why should the rest of the world conform to them? They wouldn't lift a finger to accomodate other people's wishes except if forced by law...
Am I wrong about this aspect of WTS theology?
by drewcoul init seems to me, that if the wts is right, the only thing that would matter is that people are converted to the jw religion before armageddon.
all people throughout the thousands of years of human history will be resurrected according to them, right?
only except for those who are df'd when they die.
Yep, you are correct. Therefore the most humane thing a JW can do is go on a rampage killing everyone. They are much more likely to be resurrected, than if they are witnessed to. And what does it matter that the killer JW does not get resurrected, because he broke the "don't kill" law? You're supposed to be selfless... and giving your eternal life in return for the eternal life of hundreds is a real bargain, and a no brainer for any selfless person.
My wife wants to plan an anniversary party but we have different social circles...
by garyneal inperhaps some of you who are unbelieving spouses married to witnesses have had to deal with this at one point of another.
this is the first time for me and my wife and it has her concerned.
my wife wants to plan an anniversary party for us and she wants to invite everyone that she and i know.
Me and my ex-wife had extensive non-JW families, who were invited to our wedding, along with many JW friends. The relatives were all there (fully knowing we're JWs) - but only two JW families came, both were regarded as spiritual weaklings. JWs are highly judgemental, and won't mix with non-JWs.
KH and DF attendance question
by diamondiiz ini was reading brotherdan's thread about df individuals having to sit at the back or/and leave for song and prayer.
i know this practice varies from hall to hall or is regional but i was wondering what right do they have to do this if kh is a public place?
it's a charitable organization, public place open to all i thought.
I don't know the laws (especially since it tends to vary by country), but I think generally an organization can deny entry to anyone without further explanation. After all even if it's an open place, it's still their building, and they have the right to set any kind of law they want as long as it doesn't infringe on human rights/local laws, even set a dress code to enter their building, etc. For example mosques are also an open place of worship, yet you are required a dress code to enter, like no open shoulders for women.
Why Women Love Jerks
by compound complex indo nice guys lose to bad boys?.
[see advert.
i'm afraid to look ...].
Nice guys have self-imposed limits. Jerks are free to do anything - hence they can win a woman's heart much easier, by using tactics nice guys steer clear of.