Lol that sounds like Buffy was a JW. No wonder she is against the blood-eating people
Posts by teel
Sorry Jehovah's Witnesses-You are not exempt from being made fun of...(and no, its not because of satan).
by Joliette ineverybody gets made fun of.
i dont care what you are, your culture, race, sexuality, or religion (the main point of this post).
constantly 'ribbed' by my brothers and their friends growing up (i was the oldest and the only daughter).
JW's not a cult
by Lunatic Faith inokay, before you fly off the handle--i wrote a blog on how my research proves jw's are a cult (no, i haven't read the cult book yet).
somebody linked their own findings onto my site saying the opposite.
their evidence is erroneous and as i don't have time to point this out i thought i would let you all do it for me..
The only real "mind control" that can be spoken of was instituted during the Dark Ages as no one could teach anything outside what was official church doctrine without being subject to capital punishment.
Hmm.... sounds very familiar to me. You know Spade, there are many types of deaths, social death is one of them, and in some cases it's worse than actual death. JWs brought back the Dark Ages with their "increasing light" (maybe it's black light).
Accidentally Leaving a Flash Drive in the KH Parking Lot
by RayPublisher ini've been playing around with this strategy for awhile.
how could i crack the defenses and get a jw to read crisis of conscience, captive to a concept, etc., or just some reasoning points in general on blood, 1914, the history of the wt organization?
i want to help my brothers and sisters, i am still inside for a while longer and feel like i need to do something more tangible.. so i was thinking that if a flash drive was "accidentally" left on the ground in the parking lot.
The basic idea is very good, I can see it working - it has that little conspirational air around it that would make it irresitible for some. Of course there are those hard-liners, for whom nothing would work.
However I work in the IT field too, and I would be apprehensive to use a flash drive (I would probably set up a safe environment first) - not because virus writers spread their virus by dropping flash drives, but because the majority of the flash drive users have little or no protection on their home system. Of course these same users would use a found flash drive with no fear, so it's all good
About copyright issues: you could paste the most interresting portions of the books instead of putting all the books, this could be considered fair use imo. Also it would really look like you did some research, instead of just gathering as much apostate ebooks as you can. Maybe even write some sidenotes of your own.
UN NGO - while it's not exactly a capital sin, it was a mistake, and the GB is not willing to admit it. It's still on a need-to-know basis, and from my experience with my ex-wife, when you tell a JW about it, they would simply refuse to believe it, telling it's apostate propaganda. When you present irrefutable proof (from the official UN site), they withdraw, chew on it for a day, then come up with some justification, that it's ok. Anyway the first wave of shock shows it's not BS, and that first shock is enough for some who already feel there's something wrong with the cult.
Edit: yes, lost&found could be the bane of the idea. But I do remember someone in my old congo actually finding a flash drive, and didn't take it to l&f, but asked around. She found the owner, but she said right before that, that she would take it home to look at the contents, maybe there's a clue about the owner.
Total time spent in the service of WTS - how much is it worth?
by teel inlet me share a little calculation i did for "fun":.
i was in for 10 whole years.
there were 5 meetings per week (i just got out before bs was dropped), preparing, travel, socializing after meetings etc.
HayDay, since I live far from US, and knowing most of JWN members are from there, I searched the net for average US hourly wage to make the result more "personal". The $19 value is from this site:
Total time spent in the service of WTS - how much is it worth?
by teel inlet me share a little calculation i did for "fun":.
i was in for 10 whole years.
there were 5 meetings per week (i just got out before bs was dropped), preparing, travel, socializing after meetings etc.
Let me share a little calculation I did for "fun":
I was in for 10 whole years. There were 5 meetings per week (I just got out before BS was dropped), preparing, travel, socializing after meetings etc. that's 8 hours. Studying for meetings, reading magazines, books, about 3 hours per week (hey, I wasn't exactly a model JW). In average I did 5 hours FS per month (yep, I definitely wasn't a model...) with preparing, studying, travel, FS meetings, etc. that's about 8 hours per month.
That means in a year I spent (8+3)*52 + 8*12 = 668 hours, in my lifetime that's 6680 hours purely for worshipping the GB. Let's take an average hourly wage of $19 - that means that my temporary insanity has made me donate about $126 920 worth to the WTS (not counting the actual monetary donations). I'm cured now - may I please have that back? Either in form of time, or money?
I'm sure this calculation would result huge sums to many of you. I was a modest donor - at least I have less to feel sorry for.
What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s
by jam ina year or two after leaving the borg.
i was on shaky ground.. any major catastrophe in the world that took place, i thought.
today i can not think of one single event.
No world event for me either... even if from now on all world events would perfectly line up with the WTS's prophecies showing they're right, it would still mean by going back I would worship an evil God.
Going Door to Door with Scrolls
by VM44 indoes anyone know where this anachronistic and propagandistic picture came from?.
did a watchtower artist draw it?.
The average JW will buy this without questioning. Their general knowledge comes from the magazines, so even the smarter ones are mostly dumb as a rock when it comes to stuff not written in WT or Awake. I remember in a bookstudy I had to argue once that the majority of the 1st century folks could not read - and they looked at me like I'm the one confabulating. Add to that, that I was conducting that BS group at that time They must have had that mental image of similar congregations in the 1st century of everyone sudying his own scroll in groups.
What is it with all the men waking up but the wives stay in? Why is it the opposite for me?
by Cadellin inthis is something i've thought about for a while now.
it seems like the same story on this board over and over--the husband, who also might be an elder, ms, etc.--starts having doubts and researching, aka miseryloveselders and franklin massey and others.
he starts to smell the coffee and realizes that this organization isn't what it claims to be.
One more thing to consider is the sampling: isn't it simply that there are more men on the site than women?
Nook E-Reader And Jehovah's Witnesses
by lovelylil inhey everyone,.
i got a nook e-reader last xmas from my hubby due to my love of reading and lack of space for books.
anyway, have been reading mostly james patterson books on it when i got bored today and decided to do a search on it............typed in jehovah's witnesses and got these titles available to be downloaded totally free.. thats right, free!.
I have a Kindle, but due to copyright restrictions for my country there are very few ebooks I can get for free from Amazon. I tried in the browser to set the country to US, but still no free ebooks with the search term "Jehovah", only a bunch of $0.99 ones - including this weird book: Cotton. A lambs tail (Cotton. for jehovah's witnesss children): "Here is a story for all the little lambs that are being raised in the truth as one of Jehovah's witnesses. Cotton is a lamb who goes to the kingdom hall and sets a fine example for our young ones".
However if any of you feels inclined to write his/her story, or anything JW related, Amazon has a great platform to publish your book for free. It's a great way to spread the "truth about the truth".
Did you do very early morning field service?
by truthseeker inin my old congregation, there was a group of dubs who started field service at 4am - yes, that's 4 o'clock in the morning.
i went with them on a few occasions.. to be ready, you'd have to be up at least 3:30am to get washed and dressed and maybe get a bite to eat.. at 4am, our designated driver would show up along with a couple of sleepy eyed jws trying to "get their time in.
" many times we'd go pick up a jw only to find they forgot about service and overslept.. .
Nope, and never heard of anyone starting before 7 am. 3:30? I shudder to think... often I go to sleep at that time, and it was like that even as a JW. 9:30 was the earliest I was willing to be dragged out to FS.