Ohio, Tal and others,
Sorry, I don't get on here often, and I've been pretty sick the last couple of weeks, so I didn't intentionally ignore - actually the last couple of days I've been meaning to get back on here and see how this thread progressed.
As for the enemas, yes to a degree I can see this "colonic" thing, my mom was into naturpaths and didn't trust doctors either. But not that often, and it wouldn't explain being douched as a small girl. My mom knew what she was doing though in that regard, because she always told me the hymen could not be broken so that my husband would know I was a virgin. Later she would not let me wear tampons for the same reason. Never could figure that one out. I remember reading Sybil and thinking how similar things were.
PTSD for adults is, I think, a different animal from that experienced by abused children. At an age when you should be learning familial trust and bonding, and at a time when your bond with your parent is most important, at your most sensitive formative years, the people that should be loving and protecting you are the ones torturing, abusing, beating and otherwise harming you. That is a hurt that goes deep, and that you carry for a lifetime.
So many times I am so very thankful that I came out of this as well as I did. Friends and other family members battle serious addiction trying to forget this stuff. Me? I'm only obese, though I will say there are some serious medical conditions that have compounded that.
Ohio I remember talking to you as well and always enjoyed it. If you'd like to PM me I would be glad to share contact information.
Lady Lee, you have been very helpful over time in the advice and wisdom you offer.
((((huggs)))) to all survivors. Keep seeking out someone to talk to, and by sharing - you truly lighten that load you carry.
Love to all - Ada