JoinedPosts by miseryloveselders
Post Songs/ Music That Soothes You Through the Winter -U-Tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
I helped shovel my worldy neighbour's mailbox out; Elder did nothing!!
by WingCommander inok, it was sunday.
this was the day after our large n'oreaster here in pennsylvania.
we got 16" of snow in one day.
Wing, not that I don't believe what your saying about growing up in Dubland, cuz growing up in it myself, I've seen some extreme situations too firsthand, and heard some horror stories second hand. However, I have to present the flipside to what you're saying. I'm an active dub, obviously I've got some issues with the WT society and dubs in general, otherwise I wouldnt be on this board. But, this past weekend we got slammed with snow. I shoveled the sidewalk in front of my folks home, and two of their neighbors, including pathways from their doorways to their cars. "Worldly neighbors", that is. The congregation I'm in, lately is getting old to me.. About half of the people in there, I could care less if I ever see any of them again in life. But to be honest, I'd still say 90% of the congregation would shovel not only their property but anybody elses too without being prodded to, or even without "looking for an oppurtunity to witness." They would do it simply because it's the neighborly thing to do.
Again, I grew up in this too. All of the kids that grew up in this with me, all played with "worldly kids". I played with "worldly kids", everything from street football, basketball, baseball, it-tag, off-the wall, etc.. Granted, I couldnt play organized sports throughout my school years, and dances, proms, all big no-no's. Despite the totalitarian atmosphere of it all, I don't think I turned out aloof. All of the youth I grew up with in this organization have left, except for one. And even he's a normal adult who would break his back for you if you needed something whether your're "worldly" or not, and he wouldnt be looking for "an oppurtunity to witness". He'd do it genuinely.
"Obeying The Slave"----Only In Watchtower Land Could A "Slave" Have More Prominence
by minimus inthink about what slaves do.
they work for the master and they humbly work hard and if they don't they'll get punished.
a slave is lower in rank than any others.
The "Faithful Slave" teaching, or doctrine, is actually what got me to start thinking. Couple years ago, I was at the District Convention, and David Splane was one of the closing speakers on the final day. Between the irritated child in the next row annoying me, and thinking about the drive home, Bro. Splane made a comment that hit me. He stated,"the friends appreciated the mercy we've shown in elimating the book study arrangement." I cannot recall his words exactly, but this is close enough. The Book Study has always been a sore point for me, but the way he described the elimination of it, as "their mercy", infuriated me. I wanted to stand up and yell at the top of my lungs. If I could have got close enough to him without causing a scene later, I would have approached him, and possibly hurt him.
Later that year, or the next, we had a Watchtower study that focused on the the food that the slave has provided. I know, I know, every study does that. This one was different however. Maybe someone can find Blondie's review of it.(I've been lurking that long!! Feel like I know Blondie personally." In this particular lesson, the question was asked regarding ones who have left JW's, and whether or not they've found adequette spiritual food to replace what they left behind. The answer was, "They have not, because there is none to be found!" I remember looking around at the audience in the hall that morning, wondering if anybody elses Spidey senses went off too. Comments such as that are strictly damage control designed explicitly for the dumb and hoodwinked.
I've researched the parable, even in the Society's own literature, and there's nothing to support the type of emphasis they place on it as applying to them as something prophetic in nature. It was a parable, a illustration, nothing more, nothing less. How other JWs don't see it for what it is, is mind boggling. I lose sleep thinking about how my parents or anybody else fell for this nonsense. How several random Medicare aged men in New York can have total control over several million people based off of the misapplication of a parable is beyond comprehension to me.
Do You Accept ALL Of The Bible As Being 100% Truth?
by minimus indo you believe the bible is unfallible, unerring and totally accurate?.
do you believe the bible is a "good book" with much good about it but not something that should be totally believed?.
do you not believe in the bible at all as being "god's word"?.
That's a question I can't answer honestly at this time. While lurking some months back, Leolaia (who's a gem), mentioned the book Who Wrote the Bible by Richard Friedman. I bought it that weekend. Suprised Barnes and Nobels had a copy. I'm still going through it, but it's definately changed the way I've been viewing the Bible. Fascinating learning about the J, El, D, and other documents. I've always read opinion pieces in the New York Times, or Washington Post, etc., and I try to not just read the piece, but see what agenda the writer has. I do the same listening to pundits on Fox, MSNBC, or CNN. I would have never thought to do that with the Bible, because I was always instilled with 2 Tim 3:16, 17 which is the trump card when it comes to questioning scripture. However, if I question what imperfect men write and preserve today, wouldnt it make sense to question those that put together the Bible? Who's to say whether or not the very weeds Christ spoke of couldnt possibly be in the very book Christians hold dearest to themselves? I'm doing some serious sifting work right now, don't know where it will lead me.
Christmas, the worst time of year for Jehovah's Witnesses
by koolaid-man inthe holidays are here and they certainly do present a problem for jehovah's witnesses once again.
christmas parties at work, getting christmas bonuses, dealing with holiday greetings, christmas carols, decorated trees and houses, santa claus everywhere, christmas candy, sleighbells ringing brings the witnesses into a very troubling and disturbing time of year.how do most witnesses handle it all?
we will be discussing these questions with former witnesses and active witnesses on the conference call this saturday night, december 19,2009 at 7 p.m. the conference call is presented like a radio talk show program.
Christmas really isnt that bad of a day for JWs, at least not for me. Like Keyser said, you can't miss what you've never had. For born in children, or children of recent converts, I can understand that it could be rough. For born in "adults" like myself, I could care less. There's even a side of me that revels in the fact that this holiday is completely foreign to me. Like this is the one time I'm not a disgruntled born-in. I'm not one of those pious fools who advertises my beliefs at work. At the same time, I don't hide it either when pressed. Quite a few times, ones have expressed a bit of envy at the fact that I don't have any stresses of preparing meals, preparing for guests, buying presents, etc.. I'm not a social animal either, so the thought of family dinners, shopping Wal-Mart or Best Buy this time of the year gives me the shakes. I'd rather catch the flu. When I see people getting worked up over the holidays, I laugh cynically to myself and say, "Look at the Americans." I got that line from a movie but cannot recall where?
However, there is one thing about Christmas or any holiday as a JW that irritates me to no end. Makes me furious. Its having the day off from work, being able to sleep in, and having some meeting that night. Drives me insane. Or to have a meeting, and to have some part, the Highlights, or some retarded Service Meeting part. Or a Circuit Assembly which is two days this time of the year. Or the C.O., or worse, the C.O. and the D.O.. As far as field service, forget it. No way I'm getting up early on my day off to bother people celebrating something special and dear to them. I think it's offensive to do that. We knock on doors all year long, let them enjoy those days carefree.
This year though, no meetings, I'm off Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I might not go out on Saturday. Maybe feign ill. Double header on the 25th, Orlando vs Boston, and Lebron vs Kobe. I'm looking forward to it.
Faders, How Often Do You/Did you Want to Pull the Pin on that Grenade?
by OnTheWayOut inmany here have stopped going to the kh and many have just reduced activity to some degree.
while today is not that day for me, i have had the "screw it all" attitude every now and again and was ready to tell the wt off, call the p.o.
or whoever, call my mother and tell her all about the "god-damned cult" she's in and why it's just wrong.
I'd love to toss that grenade, but it would bounce off a tree and roll back down in my foxhole. I'm fortunate in one aspect, that I'm not married. It's rough too, because I'd like to date, and there are definately options for me. However knowing the conflict I'm having with this religion, I wouldnt want to get involved with a JW woman, hiding the personal debate I'm experiencing, only for it to be a problem down the road. It's funny how, times I'm out and about whether getting groceries, or at work, even on my way to and from a meeting or field service, I see and know personally women I'm attracted to, but cannot do a thing because they're not JWs. So that's one frustration which some days is more difficult than others.
Then there's the internal debate. I'm hiding the most dispicable secret. Have I murdered anybody? No. Have I stolen something? No. Have I had sex outside of marriage? No. What's the secret then? I don't agree 100% with WT. I was over my parent's home a couple weeks ago, and mentioned a couple reservations I have. The response from my Mother was severe. She as much told me, she would be through with me if I left this religion. My Father was more reasonable, telling me to be careful of apostacy. He's more reasonable because he has some complaints regarding this organization too, but not as strong as myself. Plus he's invested too much of his life in it to cut if off now. Not to mention he deeply loves my Mother who is a die hard. They're older in years, and I owe them far too much. I couldnt hurt them like that. It might kill them. I couldnt live with myself causing that kind of pain.
Then there's the problem of hiding this secret while serving as an elder. When I do parts or discources any more, if there's something I disagree with, I don't touch on it at all. There's enough I can accept and agree with the WT on , that this doesnt create too many problems for me. But every now and then, somthing comes up, and I have to be very diplomatic with my tongue. I feel like a hypocrite, I probably am. To go in field service, and actively promote something your not entirely in agreement with, makes you a hypocrite, at least partially. To be considered an example in the congregation, a spiritual role model, and hide this secret, makes me a hypocrite.
Jesus said his load was light, but he also talked about how he would divide families. He talked about what was involved with carrying the torture stake. I guess all of this is what he meant to a degree. Not so simple to just pull the pin on the grenade.
Holiday time were you sent to the library or not?
by restrangled inthere are many generations of xjws here.
i'm curious as to what happened to you in school.. were you sent to the library during festivities, allowed to stay home, or allowed to participate?
enter the years if you can and the number of jw's with you.. mine: mid 1960's to mid 70's.
It's been so long ago, but I vaguely remember the awkwardness of it all. There was a handful of us back then, and I remember being sent to the Library, the Principle's office, and the Coat room. I honestly cannot remember all of how it made me feel back then. I guess you adapt to situations emotionally and accept it for what it is, even as a child. I do recall the Coat room being used for kids that were being disciplined too. My primary elementary teacher had a heart of gold. So even though being in the coat room (kind of like the Hole, in prison), she didnt make me feel as if I was being punished.
The Flag salute was one thing I remember because that was something that continued to be tricky even in High School. I went to a school in the inner city. Wasn't exactly Boys In the Hood, but it wasn't the OC/90210 either. I distinctly remember other teenagers being indifferent to the Flag salute, sometimes even hostile. Here I am amongst these future blockstars sticking out like a sore thumb, because I had enough respect for the Flag salute that I at least stood for it, although not placing my hand across my heart and reciting the pledge. What's funny is, I know JWs that will purposely go late to a baseball or football game, so as to avoid the awkwardness of the National Anthem. I guess to sit while 40,000 other people are standing is too awkward for even an adult. I personally never have seen anything wrong with standing, as it's simply to show respect. You don't have to provide evidence of your allegiance. Those same dubs will question why some people don't stand when singing songs at the KH. (She's not that sick!!, she was standing when shopping at Wal-Mart!!)
One thing I question after all these years, was it really worth it? 95% of the young people I came up with in "The Truth" have left, or are on the fringes. One who was considered exemplary committed suicide not long after her high school graduation. Now here I am, on an Apostate message board. I'd love to ask the powers that be in Wallkill, was it worth it? I understand remaining seperate from the world, when applied appropriately, but when taken to extreme levels, it has the potential to backfire. This board is a testament to that.
Assembly Call: PLEASE Come Back & Help Us Out---Ministerial Servants & Elders!
by minimus ini was told they were practically begging those elders and servants who are no longer "being used" to help carry the load once again.
these people are unbelievable!.
I'm currenlty serving, and miserable as a result, hence the screen name. Your treated like an animal to some degree. . You just got done working 8-10 hours. You rush home to get ready for a meeting. Cut yourself shaving and didnt realize it until you see the blood on your collar. Gotta find and iron another shirt, or at least iron in the places where your jacket won't cover the wrinkles. Pack your bag. Right before walking out the door, the phone rings. Sister DaLasMinute needs a ride. So you pick her up. You listen to her broken record for 15 minutes on your way to the hall. You walk in the door, the school overseer asks if your ready for tonight? Oops, thats right, you've got the bible highlights! And it's Numbers 1-3. Great. Somehow you manage to keep it within the alotted time. You ask the audience if they've anything to share? Two people comment. You sit througt the Service meeting listening to what seems was the exact same meeting as last week. Possibly even the meeting before. The poorly prepared demonstration makes you chuckle to yourself. After the concluding prayer, an announcement is made, that the PO wishes to see all the elders in the back briefly. Briefly ends up being a 1/2 hour.
After the brief meeting, Sister Schizo wishes to speak to you privately. It seems one of the points you brought out in the highlights, offended her somehow, and she's upset. After dealing with her, Sister Deluded approaches you, and requests you study with her criminally delinquent son. She thinks only you have what it takes to reach him. Oh, and the sister who needed a rider earlier, she needs you to take her grocery shopping before dropping her off. She says it wil be brief. She was brief enough that she needs assistance bringing the bags up the steps to her home. She offers a couple dollars for gas, which you respectfully decline. You walk in your apartment door at 10:47pm. The phone rings, Sister Schizo is calling. You answer, and now she's crying and apologizing for earlier. She asks if you will go on a Return Visit with her on Saturday. Somehow you manage to say yes. You turn on the tube, only to find out you just missed a game winning home run. But knowing you'll be able to get another 15 minutes in field service with Sister Schizo's return visit on Saturday, makes it all worth it. Hey, the next time the C.O. comes, maybe you can take him along.
Many JWs Have A Smug Punky Attitude...What About ExJWs?
by minimus inmany witnesses that i know have this attitude of superiority and "i'm smarter and better" than you.
are ex witnesses that much different?.
I think the smug punky attitude can apply to anyone who has a label they have to live up to. I quit summed it up for the JW crowd. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with "the friends" where there was a constant game of one-up-manship in regards to spiritual goals, spiritual accomplishments (which are really organizational accomplishments), and knowledge (I hate feeding the speaker, imagine an entire table of people outdoing one another with what they know, speaking with food between their teeth). That same attitute carries over outside the hall.
For the record though, anybody with a label they have to live up to can present the same smug attitudes in other walks of life. Think about the outward conservatives overusing words like, "liberal" in a negative sense. By the same token though, I can point you to the bisexual employee at Starbucks who can't understand why you don't appreciate Radiohead as much as they do.
I think everyone has an overflated sense of ego at times, some worse than others. I noticed on here, the ExJW's arent as bad, but I did notice some of the ones who I believe were never JW's have a certain superiority element in their posts. The run of the mill Trinity threads can be an example, although I won't mention names. (let the reader use discernment!) At the same time I don't want to judge to harshley because you can't sum up a person's character entirely based upon what they post here.
The Elder Bag. Going the way of the Dodo?
by Open mind inanother time & place.
20-25 years ago in a conservative "god's country" us state.
a look around the kingdom hall could easily identify the theocratic pecking order.. .
Long time lurker here. I had to log in and say threads like this make this whole experience as a doubting (one might even say thinking) JW bearable. I grew up in this, and now am serving as an Elder, and it's truly one of the most agonizing experiences when one starts to seriously debate whether to stay or to go. In my case, going at this time is not an option. Currently I'm debating whether or not to resign, and it's a difficult enough question that it actually made me feel physically sick at one point. I had to run to a bathroom stall at work a few days ago, thinking I'd vomit all over my cubicle. (not all of us active JWs work in window washing by the way, although when in my cubicle I wonder if the guys washing the windows outside did their bible reading for the week)
I had to log in however, to just say threads like this where one entrenched in JW culture, can step back and find humor in the whole JW experience makes it a bit more tolerable. It's truly one of the most amazing things when you find that there are other people having the same doubts, fears, anger, frustration, and humor regarding this whole experience. The WBTS print magazines and books supposedly to encourage, and I find myself more and more offended by what they print because what they print does not truly cover in an honest fashion all the aspects of what it means to grow up and stick with this. Nor do what they publish give an accurate picture of non-JWs. (all those Jesus lovers! They're all out out to get me!!) The worst part about it is, they later pat themselves on the back and remind you that what they're doing for you ,(one might argue, to you) is for your benefit, as they misconstrue Matthew 24:45-47 for the billionth time. When one stops, thinks, and realizes the predicament they're in after growing up in this, and comes to the conclusion that this is no easy thing to just walk away from, it leaves a really disturbing feeling of hopelesness in their stomach.
So to see a thread like this, commenting on those huge briefcases full of absolutely nothing substantial, gives me just enough cynical humor to keep going. (JWs call it persevere!) It's kind of ironic how they print articles about simplifying your life, but for the longest time all the big shots were carrying around those huge briefcases full of a bunch of books (in technicolor!), outlines, folders, magazines, etc., that they hardly ever had/have to use. Then they have the nerve after rummaging through those briefcases, to stand on a platform and speak about encouragement. No, threads like this..........provide encouragement. I sincerely wish to thank you for the humor in this and other threads. I don't know how much posting I'll do in the future as my enviroment isnt conducive to undercover posting, but again............thank you.