Thanks for doing this review Blondie!
Before the meeting started today I was enjoying the jovial mood within the congregation. For one thing, I was well rested and focused, although starving as I didn't eat any breakfast. Being around my brothers and sisters all smiling and laughing, cute little kids doing what they do, its hard to be a pissed off disgruntled undercover apostate in that atmosphere. The visiting speaker delivered a good discourse, and the outline he used was neutral in regards to patting the WT on the back, and bashing other Christian faiths. I was actually enjoying the meeting, shocking as they may be. At one point I even said to myself, maybe I've been putting too much stock into the thoughts and views of apostates. Nothing like the WT Study to piss me off all over again.
This WT article is a classic case of adding insult to injury. Paragraph 14 was downright offensive and was enough at one point that if I didn't have to drop some folks off, I would have left early.
14. When we are tired or under pressure, we must never reason that the way to deal with stress is to cut back on spiritual activities. That is the worst thing we could possibly do. Why? Because such activities as personal and family Bible study, field service, and meeting attendance are the means by which we recieve rvitalizing holy spirit. Christian activities are always refreshing. (Read Matthew 11.28, 29.) How often brothers and sisters arrive at meetings feeling weary, but when the time to go home, it is as if their energy has been renewed, their spiritual batteries recharged!
You Bethel monitors, do me a favor please. Tell whomever prepared paragraph 14 to lay off the crack or meth. Its not that our spiritual batteries are recharged after the meeting, especially after the midweek meeting. No you idiots!!! We're happy the friggin meeting is over!!! We get to go home, which is where we would HAVE been if not for the emotional guilt trip nudging us to attend the stupid thing in the first place. Then you guys have the nerve to mention Matthew 11:28, 29 where Jesus said his yoke was light. That much is true, Jesus yoke is light, you bastards up in Walkhill're the spiritual equivalent of Jim Crow bruh.
Paragraph 16 was a trip too, insinuating that its not the theocratic activities wearing us out, never that!!!! No its the time we spend in secular work, the time spent traveling for pleasure, or the intensity which we pursue sports. LOL, you fellas at the Writing Department, are you serious? LOL!! Hey fellas I'll keep that in mind while I try to assist all the wannabe auxilliary pioneers next month get their 30 hours!!! That won't make me tired, that will recharge me!! Go go Gadget Pioneer!!!
One thing that should be mentioned, and OnTheWayOut has said it several times before, but it took this WT Study to fully agree with him. This is a dangerous organization. Paragraph 17 illustrates one reason why.
17. It may also be that some among us feel a measure of discouragement because the end of this system of things has not come as soon as expected. (Prov 13:12) Any who feel this way, however, can draw encouragement from the words found at Habakkuk 2:3: "The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it: for it will without fail come true. It will not be laste." We have Jehovah's assurance that the end of this system of things will come right on schedule!
Ok, so the end of this system of things isn't as around the corner as we'd like it to be, and yeah you just wasted multiple decades of your life in expection that it was right around the corner. No worries though!!! Stop being so anxious you ungrateful peons!!!! Even though it may not be around the corner, rest assured that it will come right on schedule!! Whenever that schedule may be!! Or whenever the faithful and discreet slave changes the entire meaning of the schedule by overlapping a generation thereby nullifying whatever the hell they thought "this generation" meant the previous 5 times!!!!
Ohhhh, and in case you decide to express openly your disappointment in the multiple backtracking and changing of various doctrines labeled as truth, even when it was wrong and had to be changed, well guess what? There's veiled consequences according to paragraph 9 where it states, "Think about the pain that unfaithful act would bring to Jehovah, to the congregation, and to your family." Thats right friends, if you can't do it for yourself because you can no longer wrap your head around the inconsitancies, then do it for your family, or for the congregation. It hurts them when they have to shun you because of your actions. This is one messed up religion.