Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-27-11 WT Study (DISCOURAGEMENT)

by blondie 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie


    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


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    “You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you.”—ACTS 1:8.



    How is it possible to have stress if one has holy spirit? Jws are weary because the WTS has said the end is near since 1879, 132 years. The destruction of Jerusalem only took 37 years from 33 to 70 C.E. jws have even been told the end would come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, and 70 year generation in 1984, and 80 year generation in 1994, only to have the 1914 generation teaching ripped away in 1995.


    1, 2. What help did Jesus promise his disciples,

    and why would they need it?

    JESUS knew that his disciples in their own

    strength were not capable of observing all

    that he had commanded. Considering the

    scope of their preaching commission, the

    strength of their opponents, and the frailty

    of the human flesh, it was clear that they

    needed superhuman power. Thus, just before

    his ascension to heaven, Jesus assured

    his disciples: “You will receive power when

    the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will

    be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in

    all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant

    part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8.


    Witnesses of Jesus not witnesses of Jehovah in Acts 1:8.

    Does the average jw realize that there is no mention of Jehovah’s witnesses in the NT?

    Revelation 17:6: And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.

    Revelation1:9: I John, YOUR brother and a sharer with YOU in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in company with Jesus, came to be in the isle that is called Pat′mos for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus.

    Revelation 12:17: And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.

    Revelation 19:10: At that I fell down before his feet to worship him. But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who have the work of witnessing to Jesus. Worship God; for the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying.”

    2 That promise began to have its fulfillment

    at Pentecost 33 C.E. when holy spirit

    empowered the followers of Jesus Christ to

    fill Jerusalem with their preaching. No opposition

    was able to halt it. (Acts 4:20) “All

    the days until the conclusion of the system

    of things,” Jesus’ faithful followers, including

    us, would be in urgent need of that same

    God-given strength.—Matt. 28:20.


    Followers of Christ, not followers of Jehovah

    By providence (through God)….Jesus followers were known as Christians not “Jehovah’s witnesses.”

    Acts 11:26: It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

    3. (a) Explain the difference between holy spirit

    and power. (b) What can power from Jehovah help

    us to do?

    3 Jesus promised his disciples that ‘they

    would receive power when the holy spirit arrived

    upon them.’ The terms “power” and

    “spirit” are distinct in their meaning. God’s

    spirit, his active force, describes energy that

    is projected and exerted on people or things

    to accomplish God’s will. Power, however,

    can be defined as the “ability to act or produce

    an effect.” It can lie dormant in someone

    or something until it is needed to produce

    a given result. Thus, holy spirit might

    be likened to the electric current that energizes

    a rechargeable battery, whereas power is

    more like the latent energy that is then stored

    in the battery. The power that Jehovah grants

    to his servants by means of holy spirit gives

    each one of us the ability to fulfill our Christian

    dedication and, when necessary, to resist

    negative forces that are exerted upon us.

    —Read Micah 3:8; Colossians 1:29.


    So how does the WTS believe that jws today receive the holy spirit? Or power?

    Remember that this was speaking only of anointed Christians…do they have more holy spirit than the “other sheep”? Notice the WTS weasel statements.

    ***w96 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Canwe say that God’s servants today who have the earthly hope have as much of God’s spirit as do spirit-anointed Christians?

    This question is not a new one. This same matter was addressed in “Questions From Readers” in TheWatchtower of April 15, 1952. Many have become Witnesses since then, so we can consider the question and in the process review what that earlier material said.

    Fundamentally, the answer is, yes, faithful brothers and sisters of the other sheep class can share equally with anointed ones in receiving God’s holy spirit .—John 10:16.

    This, of course, does not mean that the spirit operates in the same way on all individuals . Think back to faithful servants in pre-Christian times, who certainly received God’s spirit. With power from the spirit, some of them slew ferocious beasts, cured the sick, even raised the dead. And they needed the spirit to write inspired books of the Bible. (Judges 13:24, 25; 14:5, 6; 1 Kings 17:17-24; 2 Kings 4:17-37; 5:1-14) TheWatchtower said: “Though not of the anointed class, they were filled with holy spirit.”

    From another angle, consider men and women in the first century who were anointed with holy spirit, becoming spiritual sons of God with the heavenly hope. All had been anointed, but that does not mean that the spirit thereafter operated in the same way on all of them. That is clear from 1 Corinthians chapter 12. There the apostle Paul discussed gifts of the spirit. We read in verses 8, 9, and 11: “To one there is given through the spirit speech of wisdom, to another speech of knowledge according to the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by that one spirit. . . . But all these operations the one and the same spirit performs, making a distribution to each one respectively just as it wills.”

    Significantly, not all anointed ones back then had miraculous gifts of the spirit . In 1 Corinthians chapter 14, Paul mentioned a congregation meeting in which one had the gift of tongues, but no one present had the gift of translation. Nonetheless, at some earlier point, each one of them had experienced anointing with spirit. Would it be reasonable to say that the brother having the gift of tongues had more of the spirit than others present? No. Those other anointed ones were not disadvantaged, as if unable to understand the Bible as well as that one or unable to face trials as well. The spirit operated in a special way on the brother who could speak in tongues. Still, he and they needed to stay close to Jehovah and to “keep getting filled with spirit,” as Paul wrote.—Ephesians 5:18.

    Regarding those of the remnant today, they certainly have received God’s spirit. At one point it operated on them in a special way—at the time when they were anointed and adopted as spiritual sons. Thereafter they “keep getting filled with spirit,” having its help when they seek to understand the Bible more clearly, take the lead in the preaching work, or face tests—personal or organizational.

    Members of the “other sheep,” though not having had the experience of being anointed, in other respects do receive holy spirit. TheWatchtower of April 15, 1952, observed:

    “The ‘other sheep’ today perform the same preaching work as the remnant, under the same trying conditions, and manifest the same faithfulness and integrity. They feed at the same spiritual table, eating the same food, absorbing the same truths. Being of the earthly class, with earthly hopes and a keen interest in earthly things, they might interest themselves more in scriptures relating to earthly conditions in the new world; whereas the anointed remnant, with heavenly hopes and strong personal interest in the things of the spirit, might study more diligently those things in God’s Word. . . . Yet the fact remains that the same truths and the same understanding are available to both classes, and it is just how the individuals apply themselves in study that determines the comprehension of heavenly and earthly things they acquire. The Lord’s spirit is available in equal portions to both classes, and knowledge and understanding are offered equally to both, with equal opportunities for absorbing it.”

    4. What will be considered in this article, and why?

    4 How is the power given to us by holy spirit

    manifested? What kinds of actions or reactions

    might be the result of its influence?

    As we seek to serve God faithfully, we face numerous

    obstacles caused either by Satan, by

    his system of things, or by our own imperfect

    flesh. It is important that we overcome such

    obstacles in order to persevere as Christians,

    share regularly in the ministry, and maintain

    a good relationship with Jehovah. Let us consider how holy

    spirit helps us to fight temptation

    and cope with tiredness and discouragement.


    WTS trinity of bad:


    His system

    Our imperfections

    Good relationship with Jesus?????

    Empowered to Fight Temptation

    5. How can prayer empower us?

    5 Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Do

    not bring us into temptation, but deliver us

    from the wicked one.” (Matt. 6:13) Jehovah

    will not abandon his faithful servants who

    make this request. On another occasion, Jesus

    said that “the Father in heaven [will]

    give holy spirit to those asking him.” (Luke

    11:13) How reassuring that Jehovah promises

    to grant us this force for righteousness!

    This, of course, does not mean that Jehovah

    will prevent us from being tempted. (1 Cor.

    10:13) But when we face temptation, that is

    a time to pray even more intensely.—Matt.



    His faithful servants—only jws

    *** w96 2/15 p. 8 par. 1 ***Yet, as true Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses have joy.

    6. Upon what did Jesus base his answers to Satan’s


    6 In answer to the Devil’s temptations, Jesus

    quoted scriptures. God’s Word was clearly

    in Jesus’ mind when he responded: “It is

    written. . . Again it is written. . . Go away, Satan!

    For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God

    You must worship, and it is to him alone you

    must render sacred service.’ ” Love for Jehovah

    and for his Word impelled Jesus to reject

    the allurements that the Tempter put before

    him. (Matt. 4:1-10) After Jesus repeatedly resisted

    temptation, Satan left him.


    Does Satan leave us?

    7. How does the Bible help us to resist temptation?

    7 Since Jesus relied on the Scriptures to

    resist the Devil’s temptations, how much

    more so should we! Indeed, our ability to resist

    the Devil and his agents begins with a

    determination to be acquainted with God’s

    standards and to adhere to them fully. Many

    people have been moved to live by Bible

    standards as they studied the Scriptures and

    came to appreciate God’s wisdom and righteousness.

    Indeed, “the word of God” exerts

    a power that is capable of discerning

    “thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

    (Heb. 4:12) The more one reads and ponders

    over the Scriptures, the more one can

    gain ‘insight into Jehovah’s trueness.’ (Dan.

    9:13) That being so, we do well to meditate

    on scriptures that deal with our specific



    Jesus relied on the scriptures, not WTS publications

    Learn God’s standards, Bible standards, studied the scriptures---not WTS publications

    Reads, ponders scriptures…meditate scriptures not WTS publications

    8. Through what means can we obtain holy spirit?

    8 In addition to knowing the Scriptures,

    Jesus could resist temptation because he was

    “full of holy spirit.” (Luke 4:1) In order to

    have similar strength and ability, we need to

    draw close to Jehovah by taking full advantage

    of all the provisions he has made to fill

    us with his spirit. (Jas. 4:7, 8) Among these

    are Bible study, prayer, and association with

    fellow believers. Many have also appreciated

    the benefit of maintaining a full schedule of

    Christian activities, which helps to keep

    the mind focused on upbuilding spiritual



    Knowing the Scriptures

    “full advantage of all the provisions” WTS publications?

    Association with fellow believers—ONLY JWS

    9, 10. (a) What temptations are common in your

    area? (b) How can meditation and prayer empower

    you to fight temptation even when you feel tired?

    9 What enticements to err do you have to

    resist? Have you ever been tempted to flirt

    with someone who is not your marriage

    mate? If you are not married, have you ever

    had the urge to accept a date with an unbeliever?

    When watching television or using

    the Internet, Christians may suddenly

    be tempted to view something unclean. Has

    that happened to you, and if so, how did

    you react? It would be wise to meditate on

    how one false step could lead to another

    and then to serious wrongdoing. (Jas. 1:

    14, 15) Think about the pain that an unfaithful

    act would bring to Jehovah, to

    the congregation, and to your family. A

    clean conscience, on the other hand, results

    from maintaining loyalty to divine principles.

    (Read Psalm 119:37; Proverbs 22:3.)

    Whenever you face such tests, be determined

    To pray for strength to resist them.



    Flirt with someone not marriage mate

    Date with unbeliever—nonjw (Deut. 21: 10-18)

    Watching TV

    Using internet


    10 There is something else to remember

    about the Devil’s temptations. Satan approached

    Jesus after He had been fasting for

    40 days in the wilderness. No doubt the

    Devil thought that this was a particularly

    “convenient time” to test Jesus’ integrity.

    (Luke 4:13) Satan looks for convenient

    times to test our integrity too. It is vital,

    therefore, that we keep ourselves spiritually

    strong. Satan often attacks when he perceives

    that his target is at its weakest point.

    So whenever we feel tired or discouraged,

    we should be more determined than ever to

    petition Jehovah for his protective help and

    holy spirit.—2 Cor.12:8-10.


    Satan approached when physically weak


    Weakest point….tired, discouraged

    Empowered to Cope With

    Tiredness and Discouragement

    11, 12. (a) Why do many feel discouraged today?

    (b)What can empower us to resist discouragement?

    11 As imperfect humans, we feel discouraged

    From time to time. That may particularly

    be true today because the period in which

    we live is especially stressful. We are passing

    through perhaps the most difficult times

    that mankind as a whole has yet experienced.

    (2 Tim. 3:1-5) As Armageddon approaches,

    economic, emotional, and other

    pressures are mounting. It should not come

    as a surprise, then, that some find it increasingly

    hard to fulfill their responsibility to

    look after and provide for their families.

    They feel tired, burdened down, worn-out,

    and even burned-out. If that is true in your

    case, how can you cope with the pressure?


    Feel discouraged…stressful time…most difficult times

    Economic, emotional, pressure

    Hard to provide for family

    Burdened, worn out, burned out

    12 Remember, Jesus assured his disciples

    that he would give them a helper—God’s

    holy spirit. (Read John 14:16,17.) This is the

    most powerful force in the universe. With it,

    Jehovah can “more than superabundantly”

    provide the strength that we need to endure

    any trial. (Eph. 3:20) By relying on it, said

    the apostle Paul, we receive “power beyond

    what is normal,” even though we are

    “pressed in every way.” (2 Cor. 4:7, 8) Jehovah

    does not promise to remove stress, but

    he does assure us that by means of his spirit,

    he will give us the strength to deal with it.

    —Phil. 4:13.



    Does not promised to remove stress

    How does one know they have HS?

    13. (a) How has one young person been empowered

    to cope with a difficult situation? (b) Do you

    know of similar examples?

    13 Consider the example of Stephanie, a

    19-year-old regular pioneer. At age 12, she

    suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with a

    brain tumor. Since then, she has undergone

    surgery twice, received radiation treatment,

    and suffered two more strokes, which left

    her with limited movement on her left side

    Christian meetings can invigorate us spiritually

    and limited vision. Stephanie has to save her

    energy for the things that she considers

    more important, such as Christian meetings

    and field service. Yet, she perceives Jehovah’s

    strengthening hand helping her to endure

    in many ways. Bible-based publications

    containing experiences of fellow Christians

    have uplifted her when she has been downhearted.

    Brothers and sisters have supported

    her by sending her letters or by speaking encouragingly

    to her before and after meetings.

    Interested people too have shown appreciation

    for what Stephanie is teaching

    them by going to her home to receive their

    Bible instruction. For all of this, Stephanie

    feels a great debt of gratitude to Jehovah. Her

    favorite scripture is Psalm 41:3, which she

    believes has been fulfilled in her case.


    Stephanie, a 19-year-old regular pioneer. At age 12, she

    suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with a

    brain tumor . Since then, she has undergone

    surgery twice, received radiation treatment,

    and suffered two more strokes, which left

    her with limited movement on her left side

    and limited vision. Stephanie has to save her

    energy for the things that she considers

    more important , such as Christian meetings

    and field service.

    Bible-based publications containing experiences of fellow Christians

    have uplifted her.

    Brothers and sisters have supported her by sending her letters or by speaking encouragingly to her before and after meetings.

    14. What must we avoid when we are discouraged,

    and why?

    14 When we are tired or under pressure,

    we must never reason that the way to deal

    with stress is to cut back on spiritual activities.

    That is the worst thing we could possibly

    do. Why? Because such activities as

    personal and family Bible study, field service,

    and meeting attendance are the means

    by which we receive revitalizing holy spirit.

    Christian activities are always refreshing.

    (Read Matthew 11:28, 29.) How often

    brothers and sisters arrive at meetings feeling

    weary, but when the time comes to go

    home, it is as if their energy has been renewed,

    their spiritual batteries recharged!


    Tired, under pressure….not reason to cut back on spiritual activities—but what do you cut back on

    Were you recharged? No one talks to you and the DO MORE theme

    15. (a) Does Jehovah promise that he will make

    life effortless for a Christian? Explain Scripturally.

    (b) What does God promise us, leading to what


    15 This is not to say, of course, that the

    load of Christian discipleship is weightless.

    It takes effort to be a faithful Christian.

    (Matt. 16:24-26; Luke 13:24) Nevertheless,

    By means of holy spirit, Jehovah can give the

    tired one strength. “Those who are hoping

    in Jehovah will regain power,” wrote the

    prophet Isaiah. “They will mount up with

    wings like eagles. They will run and not

    grow weary; they will walk and not tire out.”

    (Isa. 40:29-31) That being the case, we would

    do well to ask, What truly is at the root of

    spiritual fatigue?


    Takes effort to be a Christian (be a jw)

    Does God heal illness?

    16. What can we do to eliminate possible causes of

    tiredness or discouragement?

    16 Jehovah’s Word urges us to “make sure

    of the more important things.” (Phil. 1:

    10) Likening the Christian life course to a

    long-distance footrace, under inspiration

    the apostle Paul recommended: “Let us also

    put off every weight . . . , and let us run with

    endurance the race that is set before us.”

    (Heb. 12:1) His point was that we must

    avoid needless pursuits, needless weights,

    that will tire us out. It may be that some of

    us are simply trying to squeeze too much

    into already busy lives. So if you often feel

    tired and under pressure, you might benefit

    from reviewing how you meet the demands

    of secular work, the frequency with which

    you travel for pleasure, and the intensity

    with which you pursue sports or other leisure

    activities. Reasonableness and modesty

    should move all of us to recognize our limitations

    and keep unnecessary commitments

    to a minimum.


    What are needless pursuits, weights, tire us out?

    Trying to squeeze too much into busy lives

    Demands of secular work?????????????

    Travel for pleasure???????????

    Intensity pursue SPORTS or other leisure activities

    Reasonable, modesty, recognize limitations, unnecessary commitments

    17. Why may some feel discouraged, but what assurance

    does Jehovah provide in this regard?

    17 It may also be that some among us feel

    a measure of discouragement because the

    end of this system of things has not come as

    soon as we expected. (Prov. 13:12) Any who

    feel this way, however, can draw encouragement

    from the words found at Habakkuk

    2:3: “The vision is yet for the appointed

    time, and it keeps panting on to the end,

    and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay,

    keep in expectation of it; for it will without

    fail come true. It will not be late.” We

    have Jehovah’s assurance that the end of

    this system of things will come right on



    Some…feel discouragement because end of this system has not come as soon as we expected

    It will not be late---1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975

    Right on schedule---???????

    18. (a) What promises give you strength? (b) How

    will the next article be of benefit to us?

    18 Surely, all of Jehovah’s faithful servants

    long for the day when tiredness and discouragement

    will be gone, when all alive will enjoy “youthful vigor.”

    (Job 33:25) Even now we can be made mighty on the

    Inside through the action of holy spirit as

    we participate in invigorating spiritual activities.

    (2 Cor. 4:16; Eph. 3:16) Do not

    let fatigue cause you to miss out on eternal

    blessings. Every trial—whether caused

    by temptation, tiredness, or discouragement—

    will pass, if not immediately, then in

    God’s new world. In the following article,

    we will examine how holy spirit empowers

    Christians to withstand persecution, resist

    harmful peer pressure, and endure various

    other adversities.


    Jehovah’s faithful servants==ONLY JWS

    Invigorating spiritual activities---what is that?

    Will pass, it not immediately, then in God’s new world—when?

    How Would You Answer?

    How does Bible reading empower


    How do prayer and meditation

    empower us?

    How can you eliminate potential

    causes of discouragement?



    BTW, the “memorial” (the Reject Jesus Party) is on a Sunday so the meetings will not be held on that day. So Saturday will most likely be scheduled out ruining the whole weekend.


    Good Morning Blondie..

    A cup of tea and Blondies weekly Comments thread are a perfect way to start the morning..

    Witnesses of Jesus not witnesses of Jehovah in Acts 1:8.
    Does the average jw realize that there is no mention of Jehovah’s witnesses in the NT?.....Blondie

    They wouldn`t care if you pointed that out to them..JW`s are afraid of Jesus..

    Jiu Jitsu Jesus

    Christians follow Jesus..JW`s follow the Watchtower..

    JW`s are WatchTards..Not Christians..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • daringhart13

    Its not so much that some of the principles or points in these types of studies aren't valid.....

    Its that you will get ZERO help from an elder or anyone else in this organization. If people heard what elders say in the "B school" during elder meetings, they would never go to them. Most of them could care less.


    None of it makes any sense..

    Are you Dog Tired from doing to much for the WBT$..And..Trying to live a life?..

    The WBT$ answer to that is..

    Do Less in your Life and More for the WBT$. .

    Maybe give up Eating so you can Sleep..

    Advice from the WatchTower is WatchTarted..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Blondie's WT comments and OUTLAW's pix & comedy.

    Now that's what I call a good Sunday morning.

  • Ding
    *** w96 2/15 p. 8 par. 1***Yet, as true Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses have joy.

    So why are so many JWs afraid they won't prove worthy to survive Armageddon and worn out trying?

  • miseryloveselders

    Thanks for doing this review Blondie!

    Before the meeting started today I was enjoying the jovial mood within the congregation. For one thing, I was well rested and focused, although starving as I didn't eat any breakfast. Being around my brothers and sisters all smiling and laughing, cute little kids doing what they do, its hard to be a pissed off disgruntled undercover apostate in that atmosphere. The visiting speaker delivered a good discourse, and the outline he used was neutral in regards to patting the WT on the back, and bashing other Christian faiths. I was actually enjoying the meeting, shocking as they may be. At one point I even said to myself, maybe I've been putting too much stock into the thoughts and views of apostates. Nothing like the WT Study to piss me off all over again.

    This WT article is a classic case of adding insult to injury. Paragraph 14 was downright offensive and was enough at one point that if I didn't have to drop some folks off, I would have left early.

    14. When we are tired or under pressure, we must never reason that the way to deal with stress is to cut back on spiritual activities. That is the worst thing we could possibly do. Why? Because such activities as personal and family Bible study, field service, and meeting attendance are the means by which we recieve rvitalizing holy spirit. Christian activities are always refreshing. (Read Matthew 11.28, 29.) How often brothers and sisters arrive at meetings feeling weary, but when the time to go home, it is as if their energy has been renewed, their spiritual batteries recharged!

    You Bethel monitors, do me a favor please. Tell whomever prepared paragraph 14 to lay off the crack or meth. Its not that our spiritual batteries are recharged after the meeting, especially after the midweek meeting. No you idiots!!! We're happy the friggin meeting is over!!! We get to go home, which is where we would HAVE been if not for the emotional guilt trip nudging us to attend the stupid thing in the first place. Then you guys have the nerve to mention Matthew 11:28, 29 where Jesus said his yoke was light. That much is true, Jesus yoke is light, you bastards up in Walkhill're the spiritual equivalent of Jim Crow bruh.

    Paragraph 16 was a trip too, insinuating that its not the theocratic activities wearing us out, never that!!!! No its the time we spend in secular work, the time spent traveling for pleasure, or the intensity which we pursue sports. LOL, you fellas at the Writing Department, are you serious? LOL!! Hey fellas I'll keep that in mind while I try to assist all the wannabe auxilliary pioneers next month get their 30 hours!!! That won't make me tired, that will recharge me!! Go go Gadget Pioneer!!!

    One thing that should be mentioned, and OnTheWayOut has said it several times before, but it took this WT Study to fully agree with him. This is a dangerous organization. Paragraph 17 illustrates one reason why.

    17. It may also be that some among us feel a measure of discouragement because the end of this system of things has not come as soon as expected. (Prov 13:12) Any who feel this way, however, can draw encouragement from the words found at Habakkuk 2:3: "The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it: for it will without fail come true. It will not be laste." We have Jehovah's assurance that the end of this system of things will come right on schedule!

    Ok, so the end of this system of things isn't as around the corner as we'd like it to be, and yeah you just wasted multiple decades of your life in expection that it was right around the corner. No worries though!!! Stop being so anxious you ungrateful peons!!!! Even though it may not be around the corner, rest assured that it will come right on schedule!! Whenever that schedule may be!! Or whenever the faithful and discreet slave changes the entire meaning of the schedule by overlapping a generation thereby nullifying whatever the hell they thought "this generation" meant the previous 5 times!!!!

    Ohhhh, and in case you decide to express openly your disappointment in the multiple backtracking and changing of various doctrines labeled as truth, even when it was wrong and had to be changed, well guess what? There's veiled consequences according to paragraph 9 where it states, "Think about the pain that unfaithful act would bring to Jehovah, to the congregation, and to your family." Thats right friends, if you can't do it for yourself because you can no longer wrap your head around the inconsitancies, then do it for your family, or for the congregation. It hurts them when they have to shun you because of your actions. This is one messed up religion.

  • ziddina
    "Thus, holy spirit might be likened to the electric current that energizes a rechargeable battery, whereas power is more like the latent energy that is then stored in the battery. ..."

    Oh, goody...

    First we're "sheep" - ahem, the "other" 'sheep'; then we're "Jonadabs", now we're "batteries"...

    Blondie, thanks for posting this!!


  • ziddina
    "Since Jesus relied on the Scriptures to resist the Devil's temptations, how much more so should we! Indeed, our ability to resist the Devil and his agents begins with a determination to be acquainted with God's standards..."

    A highly ironic comment, considering that this article quotes barely a line or two from the few scriptures that they list within the paragraphs...

  • Mary
    It may also be that some among us feel a measure of discouragement because the end of this system of things has not come as soon as we expected.

    Ya. Wherever did "we" get the idea that this System was supposed to be long gone by now? Yet another lame example of the idiots in the Writing Department trying to shift the blame to the R&F instead of admitting that the goons at the top are responsible for the mess they've created. Just like in '76 when Freddie Franz had the balls to stand there at the ASSembly with his finger pointed at the audience and screech like a banshee: 'Armageddon didn't come because YOU were expecting it!!!"

    miseryloveselders said: The visiting speaker delivered a good discourse, and the outline he used was neutral in regards to patting the WT on the back, and bashing other Christian faiths. I was actually enjoying the meeting, shocking as they may be.

    Yep. Occassionally the talks could be very neutral regarding the bashing of 'false religion' and somewhat informative---almost enjoyable. But unfortunately, that feeling never lasts very long as this religion was founded and built upon by bashing everyone else outside the religion. Or, as in the words of Homer Simpson: "...sometimes the only way you can feel good about yourself is by making someone else look bad."

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