JoinedPosts by miseryloveselders
Survival of the Great Tribulation Depends on Observing Family Worship.
by compound complex ingreetings fellow jwners:.
it was stated at sunday meeting that, according to the governing body, a jehovah's witness' survival of the gt hinges upon his participating in family worship night.
have you read or heard this?
The last CO we had mentioned that the reason the Book Study arrangement was eliminated in the format as it was then, was due to the family unit needing more attention. His argument was essentially that strong congregations are the result of multiple strong families. Satan realizes this and so he's targeting the family unit more nowadays.
In harmony with this, the circuit assemblies from this past fall/winter had demos with contrasting families, one family was reall spiritual as the WT defines it. They loved family worship night, the kids couldn't wait to go out in field service, and the mother couldn't wait to prepare dinner for the entire family and a visiting missionary couple the upcoming Sunday. The other family had a wife/mother who was hanging out with her girlfriends shopping and going out for drinks later, the kids were going over friends houses to either shop or watch vampire movies, or play violent video games, etc... Both scenarios were completely unrealistic, but as you know when has reality ever stopped the WT from presenting its twisted message?
Going back to that CO, when he got to the section in his outline about the Family Worship arrangement, he addressed the confusion surrounding why the Book Study was eliminated as there's been no shortage of rumors. He made sure that we knew that it had nothing to do with rising gas prices, or difficulty traveling to and from the book study. Me personally I think he's full of shit because I distinctly remember how much emphasis was placed upon the Book Study arrangement and Book Study Groups as being essential to surviving The Great Tribulation, and that was only a year prior. One of the other things that I remember is David Splane at a District Convention not that long after the Book Study was done away with. He stated that the friends were appreciative of the GB's mercy for eliminating the Book Study as it was a hardship considering rising gas prices and difficulty traveling for JWs in different lands. The typical stories of traveling through jungles and crocodile infested waters were alluded to. Me thinks there's so many higher ups and middle management overseers who are all so full of shit, that they can't maintain unity when lying about this or that arrangement.
Which one of these men will you kill...if either?
by Terry ini like to perform "thinking experiments" like einstein use to do.
of course, he was better equipped for it than i am.
but, dash it all, i do anyway.. i imagine two men sitting side by side in a train station waiting on a train.. they more are less look like fairly "normal" people.
No button. Why? Because I would listen to my Lord, and not kill or judge. I would hope that I would not stoop to my 'enemies' level.
Have you seen the movie, Unthinkable?
Fantastic movie about the things we use to convince ourselves that killing is justified. Or torture. Or whatever terrible thing we might under normal circumstances never think of. But wrong is still wrong, and if we were just to remain focused on that and on doing what we, ourselves, should be doing (without breaking our own rules because it might prevent a greater evil), then I think things would be a lot less convoluted.
Thats a copout.
...Say hello to an Old Friend of Mine..."Hiritoka"...
by OUTLAW insay hello to an old friend of mine..."hiritoka".... .
we have an old board member back..some of you knew him as japanboy... he is now hiritoka... he is an old friend of mine..we knew each other when we were kids... .
have you ever wanted to ask a member of the wbt$ governing body`s family a question?...
A Japanese nephew of Ted Jaracz.........sorta reminds me of the late Senator Jesse Helms black daughter.
May 21, 2011 - The Rapture Cometh!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inharold camping has promised that the rapture will be on may 21, 2011.. .
they've put it on this van that "the bible guarantees it", so it must be true!.
after all, would this face lie?.
He looks like Fred Franz with AIDS.
Which one of these men will you kill...if either?
by Terry ini like to perform "thinking experiments" like einstein use to do.
of course, he was better equipped for it than i am.
but, dash it all, i do anyway.. i imagine two men sitting side by side in a train station waiting on a train.. they more are less look like fairly "normal" people.
Scientists don't operate as lone wolves, and in this day of technology, I'm sure his colleagues have access to his research notes and important data. So I say flip a coin, press a button, let the chips fall where they may. If the scientist does bite the big one, and serial killer goes on to kill another 10 people, well that sucks, but life wasn't mean to be fair, now was it? Plus eventually the serial killer will slip up and get caught, or DNA will hang him somewhere down the road. It will make for a great MSNBC 1/2 hr documentary.
I Am Craving Bacon/Fatback Grease & Corn Bread
by snowbird inthat's a fact.. even though i'm not supposed to think about such fare.. syl.
I like Jiffy personally. Besides I'm a northerner, and enough butter will make anything good.
Weird Statement In QFR Article, 11-15-1952
by snowbird inthe question was how to treat disfellowshipped relatives.. the poster, undercover, presented the scanned article in the thread about shunning according to the 7-15-2011 watchtower.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/208846/2/re-enforcing-the-shunning-of-immediate-family-wt-7-15-11.
the last paragraph reads thusly:.
the marriage partner would render the marriage dues according to the law of the land and in due payment for all benefits bestowed and accepted.. i've read that article numerous times, on this site and others, but this is the first time i've paid attention to the above statement.. what in the world???!!!.
Thank you. But it's not your fault. The number of horrible WT quotes to be found in the 1950s is staggering.
And the 50's are 30 years beyond when they were supposedly chosen as God's chosen channel of dispensing truth amongst all the other denominations. That's a heluva lot of new light and refinement.
My daughter asked me why we don't go to meetings
by JWinprotest inlast night, completely out of the blue, my 6 year old daughter, asked my wife and i why we don't go to meetings anymore.
she actually said that she misses them.
i know, where have i failed!!!.
Wow that's crazy. Only amongst former JWs would a question such as why dont we go to meetings be just as awkward as where do babies come from, or whats sex?
re-enforcing the shunning of immediate family - WT 7-15-11
by undercover injuly 15th wt study edition (regular dumb edition, not the dumber one).
god's rest - have you entered into it?.
subheading, when someone we love leaves jehovah.
As always Terry, well put man. Wow.