A few observements on the new song book...
The opening song for the Service meeting last week, was about a minute long. I was out in the lobby doing the attendant thing, and I went to grab my coat to take a breeze through the parking lot to check on the cars and the lot, and as I went to open the door, the brother started with the announcements. Its literally a minute long give or take a few seconds. I don't know whether you can consider it a song, or a verse.
Yesterday the brother delivering the talk, selected for the opening song, what possibly may have been the most depressing thing I've ever heard. It would make The Cure(old school goth band for those not familiar) sound like Mary Poppins. I was standing next to the brother handling the sound, and I said to him, "what is this mess? We at a funeral? This is depressing. I should have worn all black with black eye liner" He started laughing, and people in the rows closest to us looked back to see what the commotion was. So we promptly started singing along. Its one of the newer songs.
Later on I went over to my Folks for dinner. Mom did a pork roast, which I have a hard time resisting. Afterwards, had a couple Heinekin Lights, and I asked my dad what he thought of the new song book. He gave me a look as if he was constipated. He's a hardcore dub too. My mother chimed in, "he was listening to gospel music before you came!!" Really it was just a commercial for a gospel compilation CD. After she said that, he looked at me and said, "some of that gospel music sounds good I have to admit."
A couple weeks ago, the brother doing the sound had trouble getting it to work. The chairman said, "it doesnt matter, nobody knows how to sing it anyway, lets just open with prayer."
I don't know what to think about the new song book. I guess as Blondie mentioned, this will happen with something new in this organization. The thing thats killed me the most with the new song book is, we had an Assembly Hall dedication several months ago, and after it ended, while i was cleaning, they were playing a Choir version of it. While running a vacuum cleaner, I heard the choir singing, and I thought to myself, "maybe they're finally getting in tune with people." Granted the choir was considerably mediocre compared to what I've heard from other Christian faiths, but at least its a "possible" start in the right direction with this organization.