What is your opinion on his original motives for entering the media? What do you think they were?
well this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
What is your opinion on his original motives for entering the media? What do you think they were?
well this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
I have said many things in my life that I would like to take back. Don't you?
I don't condone his drama-mongering, but I do acknowledge his talent and his underlying message that is sound.
Sab we all have though. Man I wish I could take a ton of things I said back. When I spoke them I was heavier on emotion as opposed to logic. I was speaking before giving significant thought to the subject. Glenn Beck isn't guilty of speaking out of emotion. He's playing a character, a role, pandering to certain segments of our population. The whole Obama hates white people thing was a classic example. Nobody is going to get on the radio or television and make a comment like that, especially if the radio personality isn't a rookie. Considering how populations in white areas for were overly suspicious of Obama, makes Glenn Beck's comments all the more curious. He's a rabble rouser, nothing more, and doing it methodically.
as an abstinance counselor!.
can this world get more f**ked up?!.
See this is what I mean about politicians and their families being hustlers. You still have jackass posters on here who will defend people like this whore Bristol and her whore mother. They'll come on here and go, "Sarah's a true patriot!", "I'm proud to say I organized Tea Party rallies!" Who's the idiot that posts on here talking that crap by the way? I can't remember, but after reading this, I'm sorry, no disrespect to that poster, but he's a jackass. Idiot of epic proportions.
well this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
It's not that he's phony, he just shoots himself in his feet often, I think. You know that drive new Witnesses get and it makes them extra cooky? You know how, for some, that cookiness never goes away? I think that's what happened to Glen and I think he's beginning to realize it.
I have to disagree with you there, respectfully. He hasn't shot himself in the foot, and he doesn't have the zeal that newly baptized JWs have in the beginning. No, he's hustling conservatives, much in the same way Palin is. They're playing a character, much like wrestlers do on WWE. People like Beck are ultimately what created satirical characters like Stephen Colbert. The only difference is, Colbert acknowledges its an act, where as Glenn Beck is taking advantage of all of those that want to believe he's being truthful. I don't believe Beck believes in 1/2 of the nonsense he spouts.
well this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
He's a good bull shitter, I'll give him that much. Phony as a $6 dollar bill, but hey, a hustle is a hustle. Whether its dope on the corner, or political dope for conservative fiends. Who's pimpin who?
few other legends are so well known, or read so often, and yet remain.
so poorly understood.
if you read the account in 1st and 2nd.
This man David according to the jews was a great warrior. I have never met a jewish man who could fight for S**t and Davids his progeny all meekly went to the gas chambers allowing thier wives and children to be raped and murdered by the nazis .How many fought and lost their lives to protect thier families? Oh and then spent the next 60 years feeling sorry for themselves.
TD Bingham, one of the leaders of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. The dude is actually Jewish by birth. Ironic cuz he's a leader in the most dangerous white prison gang. In his youth he was benching almost 600 Lbs free weights, and earned the nick name Super Honkey. He actually has a swastika tatted on one arm, and a Star of David on the other. You know the ABs only represent a fraction of a percentage in prison populations, but are responsible for 1/5 of prison murders? Those boys are no joke.
Meyer Lansky
The Purple Gang. Research these boys. Even Al Capone had to truce with them. They ran the docks.
Ever hear of Murder Inc.? Abe Reles was their most feared hitman. Imagine that, a Jew considered the most elite Hitman of his era when most people think organized crime, they think Italian.
Not to mention the Mossad, and a ton of other Jewish folks living today, and in times past.
I guarantee you would have never made that comment in the presense of any of these dudes.
please bear with me... i am deep into reading 'crisis of conscience' but i came across the name 'greelees' and i was wondering if someone could tell me a quick version of the official story on both chitty and greenlees.
i was trying to research it here but i don't have hours to spend wading through the threads... .
had a weird jw dream last night.
dreamed that 2 elders i served with wanted to have a discussion with me and my family.
after sitting down at the table with them i then basically said something like, "fuck this shit, it's none of your business what we do.....get the hell out of here!
Wow, 15 years out and it still affects you. This religion is something else. Remember Tookie Williams the old Crip leader who was executed a couple years ago? I saw a documentary on him, and they interviewed some guy who had a run in with Tookie while they were in high school. So this was like thirty years ago. He said Tookie beat him up real bad. This guy went and formed his own gang as a result. The interviewer picked up on the resentment this guy had over what happend thirty years ago and asked him what he thought about Tookie being executed. The guy responded, I'd execute him over and over again, and he was getting ready to have tears. I was flabbergasted cuz this dude didn't look like a punk by any means, but that's how much Tookie affected him thirty years ago. I guess its the same with the WT and what its done to a lot of people. Crazy.
has anyone ever had that dreaded "meeting day" feeling where you know you are going to waste two hours or more of your life - not to mention on the weekends where you can't go away for a whole day somewhere because you have fs on saturday, then a meeting on sunday?
or when you know you have to catch up on work etc but you know that with weekly fs pressures plus the meeting you have lost six hours before the weekend has even started?.
Or when they announce there's going to be an extra meeting on a Saturday night (yay!) or even a whole saturday afternoon because there's a visiting "celebrity" (such as a bethel bigshot or a zone visit... not to suggest such ones are seeking more "prominence" than anyone else of course!! That's what "Christendom" does right?)
I've gotta couple stories regarding this very subject, one of which is from sitting in an elder's meeting discussing one these so called special visits. In the future I'll post it.
AND (I'm on a roll now) miseryloveselders and Av8orn think about this one ...
1. The brothers who work full time (theoretically) make larger donations
2. The visiting celebrity from another country or area travels bethel's expense, which ultimately is sourced from our donations. They also tend to take a few of their "vacation" days as well.
3. We then have to give up our own time or take time off work to listen to said brother
So it's effectively a double whammy.
Ohhh yeah, without a doubt, it adds insult to injury!! The apostle Paul did work as a tent maker to "support himself." He didn't mooch in Jehovah's name. He didn't G-Job on the side and unbeknownst to his superiors, like Bethelites have to do today. Then again I don't think Paul had any superiors as there was no Governing Body during his time. There was no Writing Department, or Legal Department, or Circuit Overseers, District Overseers, Donation Conventions District Conventions which are glorified publication releases. We foot the bill on all of this. The goverment taxes us, the Watchtower Bible & Track Society of Pennsylvania coerces "volunteer" work out of us. In my opinion whomever is meeting at this hut is more in tune with 1st Century Christianity than the WT/JWs.
I can see the apostle Paul meeting with some Christians here before......
has anyone ever had that dreaded "meeting day" feeling where you know you are going to waste two hours or more of your life - not to mention on the weekends where you can't go away for a whole day somewhere because you have fs on saturday, then a meeting on sunday?
or when you know you have to catch up on work etc but you know that with weekly fs pressures plus the meeting you have lost six hours before the weekend has even started?.
Dang Av8ornTexas, you just described my early to mid 20ish life!!! My mouth is on the keyboard right now!! So true, its enough to make a man bitter. Make you want to take a trip to Walkhill with enough ammunition for a battalion.
One job I had was a night shift, and I'd have to clock in at like 10:30pm, I can't remember. I remember going to the Tuesday night book study, and the brother that conducted it, whom I love dearly, he's a good dude, but he was the black version of Ben Stein. He would ask the craziest questions, in the most monotone of a voice. I used to cringe having to get up at 5:30pm breaking my sleep to sit somewhere for an hour going over Daniel's or Isaiah's Prophecy, I can't remember which book back then, maybe both of those stupid books. Then some of the houses didn't have A/C, and the temperature was set at Chernobyl! Ruining dress shirts because the Old Spice wasn't Ph balanced or strong enough for this man. Wintertime was rough too, because you tend to want to sleep more in that season. Hated the book study back then. Then two nights later, we'd have the mid week meeting, and I had to break my sleep to sit again in a meeting. Back then, I was really reaching out, which was the 2nd worst mistake of my life, second only to getting baptized into this metastisized cancer of a religion. I was running mics, handling the sound, doing Instruction Talks, doing Bible Highlights, handling Service Meeting parts, sometimes doing the Instruction Talk and a Service Meeting part on the same night all the while handling the sound system.
Looking back on it all............not one thing about doing all that crap was scriptural!!! All the retarded traditions of men. Right after the Tuesday night book study, I'd go home and change, and get ready for work. No sense in trying to fit in a nap, cuz all that did was make it that much more difficult to go to work. The Thursday night meeting, I didn't even go home afterwards, I'd head straight to work. Eventually I got fired from that job for too many call offs and coming in late. That was a blessing but I was just too young and immature to see that the job wasn't the problem. I still didn't actually figure out what the problem was until a little over a year ago. It pains me that I didn't have an oppurtunity to punch Jaracz in the mouth before he passed. Maybe the Devil will let me knuckle up with him in Hades, who knows.
I know what you mean about the fly sisters not giving us regular baffoons the time of day. I was sincerely busting my butt in the hall for a couple reasons. One I'd be bored if I just sat there like all the other amoebas, and two I thought this is what Jehovah expected of me. Meanwhile all the dudes that were either circuit stars simply because of their family connections or the ones who were barely in Da Troof, got all the fly sisters. They were the ones going to parties gatherings and dating and marrying beautiful sisters. Granted to be honest, I had some fun unbeknownst to those who thought I was the perfect JW until it got old to me. Afterwards the bitterness set in, and I have to thank Dr.Dre' and Snoop Dogg for providing a soundtrack to numb out the bitter feelings toward fly JW gals back then. I'm not gonna post the song on here, we'll just say its on Dre's Chronic album, track 16. Another one might be Snoop's Doggystyle album, track 19. G'z up, you know the rest of the title.