Everything is tainted with someone elses beliefs or opinions. (That includes this board)
ok so i'm really trying to figure out what i believe about the bible, god, religion, etc... where do you research or find something to study that isn't tainted with someone else's beliefs or opinions?
this might be a dumb question, but i seriously don't even know where to start.. .
Everything is tainted with someone elses beliefs or opinions. (That includes this board)
oh that cheeky writing department have been busy rumaging in the wealth of knowlege known as the un again!.
on multiple pages it quotes the world health organisation data for smoking habits.
I like the word QUIT. Ive stopped smoking. Quitting is harder.
Get a life put the monte cristo in the ashtray.If you want to play online poker do yourself a favour and dont touch Mr Walker-
i have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved .
i believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from.
(ie in a poster could say i remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence).
Hi poppicakes
I think your 2 cents was WORTH its wait in GOLD.
i have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved .
i believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from.
(ie in a poster could say i remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence).
We had a elder who moved to the congregation and he had a fixation with the word srew. Everytime he answerd or gave a talk he would use phrases like "The world is screwed" "The whole thing is screwey". It became even more funny ofter he had ovbiosly been counceld about it and It became ovbiouse that more desperate he was to stop using the "Screwey phrase" the less likely he was going to succeed.
In Sweden I learnt it was impolite not to take your shoes off when entering a householders home (Also hygynic) Where I came from in England taking your shoes off would have been considerd rude. I tell you the truth once my college bought dog shit into the living room. The guy was not offended and cleared it up.
I always noticed that the strict elders were the least successful at the ministry. I think its because they went out in suits and ties with large brief cases and would never go into a householders simply for a tea or beer. I had 3 progressive studies comming regularly to the K.H. and because it became known I drunk a can or 2 beers regulaly whilst on one of those studies and I was counceld.INCREDIBLE.
i have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved .
i believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from.
(ie in a poster could say i remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence).
I have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved . I believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from. (Ie in a poster could say I remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence)
It is worth remembering what is a legal in one country is ilegal in another.
What is acceptable social behaviour in one land is unacceptable behaviour in another land.
Having emigrated to Sweden I have discoverd this first hand. I miss working class England where people are accepted for who they are and not the organisation they represent. Thats why I loved the ministry in England . Provided a person is generally interested in another then the color of skin or the religon they belong to doesnt matter. And on that basis the ministry was so differnt to Sweden. You were individual first and only Jehovers Witness if you were more interested in the organisation than the householder.
The great thing about the Internet is that post reaches people from all lands and cultures Instantly. The sad thing is that can lead to judgementalisam.( In advance sorry about any spelling or gramatical mistakes)
the organization couldn't exist without a huge dose of encouraged ocd in its membership.
(that's obsessive-compulsive disorder, to you sane people).
consider the practice of "do not calls".. many congregations have their territories marked with "do not calls" - people who have explicitly demanded that jehovah's witnesses not show up at their door.
Hi Metertron
Actually I would see "Jehovers Witnesses Do not call " signs as a positive. If somebody has gone to all the trouble to stress they are not interested it means:
They dont want to talk to Jehovers Witnesses. And I loved knocking those doors as it so oftern ended as a good return call. Sometimes I concluded these signs were put up by people who simply couldnt say no. Whilst knocking a door that says "Do not call" may appear disrespectful In my opinion it was justified because I never to my knowledge remember a negative responce from it.
If on my territory sheet I had "Do not calls" I never followed procedure and ignord it. I wish I had met an apostate on one of those calls-
"i do not think you are appointed by the holy spirit".
If you say it with a smile on your face, you can say anything to anybody. Try it with the elder. Wait for an opportunity, smile and say "I dont think you are appointed with holy spirit" then laugh. When you get away with it have some more insulting things you always wanted to say to him.
This game can be great fun. Its like playing Russian Roulette one mistake and you are in a J.C.
the wts has repeatedly stated that one of the main reasons for disfellowshiping is to "keep the congregation clean.
" another reason is to shame the offender into toeing the wt party line, although they don't quite put it that way.. on the other hand, there are numerous examples of elder hounders hunting down and dfing people who have totally and voluntarily extricated themselves from the "congregation" and its members for years.
obviously, they aren't bothering the congregation(s) or active dubs at all, and obviously they aren't interested into being "shamed" in order to get back in.. one can only conclude that the motives of the elder hounders are vindictive.
Hi Farkel
What do they want? Do they first want the person back? If the responce is negative, well in their mature and christ like understanding of love they disfellowship-
Anyway its more about them than me anyway. I have noticed many jealouse elders (Of the happy and successful lifes of those that left) and this makes them critical They have unwittingly confronted their own failure.
as many of you know, when i left the borg i did the perfect fade by emigrating half way accorss the globe.
i have never given out my new address ( the overseass postal service... totaly crap, what can you do huh;) i have also changed my email account too and my phone number.
therefore i have effectively disapeared!
Hi Highdose Iam from the UK and now live in Sweden .I love watching friends get off the airplane during winter visits. Once it was minus 20 and a freezing wind as my friend got off the plane with only a light jacket, no hat,gloves or scarff.
let me just say i think american t.v is the most entertaining in the world.. i love the citcoms (seinfelt, everybody loves raymond ect ect) i grew up with rawhide, the virginian, star treck, rovkford files, starsky and hutch ect ect.. at the moment iam watching americas got talent (maybe it hasnt) but the shows great entertainment.
then i rememberd when i was in the u.s and how i felt american t.v sucked with all those commercials.. tell me do you have non commercial t.v.in the states?.
how much time is given to commersials with a 22 minute seinfet episode?.
andy 5421
If you mean the English "Doctor Who" that goes back to the 1960s.
Sadly in England when colour TV came the BBC didnt think that anybody would ever want to see the" black and white shows" so they were recorded over or simply became lost. What a waste of Brittish heritage.I mean imagine if universal had dispossed of "Rawhide" or the pilot to "Startreck"