MrFreeze...this was one boy that can ( could) gate crash any party.
R.I.P Gary Moore.
MrFreeze...this was one boy that can ( could) gate crash any party.
R.I.P Gary Moore.
stories are perhaps the most important thing we can contribute to others in our short life on planet earth.. mind you, i am not saying that stories are the most important things in our lives, because they are not.
the most important things in our lives are experiences, which are moment-by-moment things.
the best we can do with our own experiences is to tell stories about them, which will never convey the actual living of them.
Wobble.. To answer your question: Yes i have read Dan Brown. (it was a christmas present)
My question: Why do you ask?
Added information: I thought the book made a great film-script.(Divinci Code).but as the bible says "the world is full of books........" and iam happy to leave Dan Brown on the libary shelfs.
i have always struggled to understand what prayers god answers and which ones he avoids.
most religions teach that god answers prayers, so people must feel that their prayers are being answered, yet the type of prayers seem to be very selective.. .
if god answered broad based prayers, then children in third world countries would not be starving, so he does not seem to interfere in global issues.
Prodigal son...I respect your comments. But most peoples faith is shutterd when tragity strikes closer to home.
Your post seems to suggeset a personal relationship with god requires understanding that gods master plan is justified in allowing 2000 years of humun misery since his sons death.
Does that mean if iam patient about injustice in the world and see gods plan to readress the situation.,then god is answering my prayers?
It takes a better faith than mine to love the god you described . I envy you.
i have always struggled to understand what prayers god answers and which ones he avoids.
most religions teach that god answers prayers, so people must feel that their prayers are being answered, yet the type of prayers seem to be very selective.. .
if god answered broad based prayers, then children in third world countries would not be starving, so he does not seem to interfere in global issues.
jwfacts .. maybe a better question is " What prayers has god answerd?"
if you ever felt that you really did love god, but no matter what you did, ended up on the outs with your family and with the watchtower anyway..... these words have comforted me.. .
66. thus saith the lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me?
and where is the place of my rest?
Perry ...comforting words....however my problem with those comforting words is that they are typical of the vengful god of the bible (Also typical of his followers) a very negative retribution to the enemy.
Admittadly in this scripture the retribution is only shame. But where is the forgivness?
stories are perhaps the most important thing we can contribute to others in our short life on planet earth.. mind you, i am not saying that stories are the most important things in our lives, because they are not.
the most important things in our lives are experiences, which are moment-by-moment things.
the best we can do with our own experiences is to tell stories about them, which will never convey the actual living of them.
A professor of literature once said to me "There is no such thing as a bad book, only a badly read book" I thought this was a stupid thing to say, now i think this a ring of truth about it.
barr was certainly a man with the appearance of kindness and since he is now deceased no disrepect is meant or inferred.
but does this elderly gentleman inspire thoughts of one who could or should help direct millions of followers.
Its not very wise to judge by appearence, but very humun. maybe its the easiest way to form an opinion?. Maybe we rely to much on sight?
Hope ian not judged by my spelling? As for mr Barr i think he has gone to a place where judgement is less superficial than humun jugement.
i was watching oz re-runs on hbo.
everyone is prepping for a major prison riot.
apocalyptic scenes are shown.
Farkel... despite your presumed aclaimed popularity on this board....your ratings are going down with your many unjustified, insulting, negative & bullying comments.
You are a very rude man, whose style of writting is "Farkel , Farkel. Farkel."........I think a fairy tale topic is Farkels opinion of himself. Farkel will continue to post here so he can indulge in his own fantasis.
If my comments of Farkel are offensive to him or the mods.Why is Farkel allowed to call people by the F... word. insult and belittle people.
there are many "proof" texts that people (including jws) use to justify their rejection of anyone that is gay.
there are a few scriptures that you can pull up and try to make a case for show homosexuals why they are evil and wrong.. i've been researching more of these scriptures and i'm coming to some very different conclusions than many other christians hold, especially jws.
i wanted to talk about the first text used by many people to condemn homosexual behaviour.
My point brotherdan is this thread has rightly questiond if god sees homosexuality as a sin. It has also commented on the prostitute Rahab and implied prostitution is a sin. Who are we to judge how god views prostitution..I think we need to be very careful when we layble someone a sinner its not very hospitable. But thanks for your comment and have a great weekend.
there are many "proof" texts that people (including jws) use to justify their rejection of anyone that is gay.
there are a few scriptures that you can pull up and try to make a case for show homosexuals why they are evil and wrong.. i've been researching more of these scriptures and i'm coming to some very different conclusions than many other christians hold, especially jws.
i wanted to talk about the first text used by many people to condemn homosexual behaviour.
The mention of Rahab raises the point does god condemn prostitution?
And iam sure the answer is dependent on circumstance.