Many outsiders see good in the W.T. And many insiders see good in the W.T.
So is not the W:T like any other organisation based on idealisam and growth
many outsiders see good in the w.t.
and many insiders see good in the w.t.. so is not the w:t like any other organisation based on idealisam and growth.
Many outsiders see good in the W.T. And many insiders see good in the W.T.
So is not the W:T like any other organisation based on idealisam and growth
it almost seems easy to some... or like a weird funny feeling like they are doing something wrong if they go against something inside of them and actually speak to marked (people they are told to shun) people.. (sorry to be bias in this but only exaggerate circumstances to make my point).
jehovah's witness for one are known to shun disfellowshipped members.. but also there is:.
popular kids at schools who shun unpopular kids at school.. rich people who ignore poor people.. some whites that are still racest shun black and vs.. some older proper/religious ones with high moral standards shunn or at least look down one the rebels.. ...seriously does it make life easier for them or something?.
Maybe the parable of the Good Samaritan was a lesson on what makes people ok with shunning. (Fear, status,effort,....ect)
my wife and i had dinner with a pioneer couple last night that we've been friends with for a long time.
they are both nice people, with the wife having a few dashes of pretentiousness mixed in.. usually when we are together, they always talk about pioneering, which makes some sense as it's the primary focus of thier lives.
however, it has gotten progressively more dominate in conversation over the last couple of years, to the point of being annoying.
Pioneers are not free to make their own decisions.If their is a God the gift of making our own decisions is his great gift to mankind.
Do pioneers ever complain about the ineffective methods they must use in the ministry?
Do they complain that they are teaching people to obseve a lot of man made rules,made by people and mandated as necessary for salvation.
Yet pioneers want admiration for the hours they put in each month. The complaining is simply a guilt trip on you or seeking approval-
stories are perhaps the most important thing we can contribute to others in our short life on planet earth.. mind you, i am not saying that stories are the most important things in our lives, because they are not.
the most important things in our lives are experiences, which are moment-by-moment things.
the best we can do with our own experiences is to tell stories about them, which will never convey the actual living of them.
Part of being an adult and civilised person is excepting people have different views, to disagree is fair enough , but when peopople insult people that just makes people angry.
One of the reasons I stopped reading watchtower literature was by name calling it oftern insulted and offencded many simply for not having a watchtower mentality. Shame because some of the life stories were worth a read.
i see some here who seem to despise the religion.
others seem to feel that witnesses are wacky but they don't hate them.. do you hate this religion?.
Just a personal observation everytime i read a thread that you appear on, you are both insulting people and using profound language.
That is taking the concept of ignoring" posting guidelines" and elevating it to an art form.
Acolytes (of the observation class)
first time poster.
i guess this makes me the scary a word.
arent apostates jealous?
you say "time to start a new chapter" I would say you are starting a new book, in a new language.
this is an exact copy of my letter to the watchtower.
it never recieved a reply (i did not include 'attn writing committee' in the address however).
please keep in mind that when i wrote this i had just started my intensive research into their beliefs/history, and despite my agressive tone i really did expect a satisfactory answer.
The " Watchtower" only exists in the false thinking of people.
Your letter was sent "the watchtoer" but read by a peson and the outcome you will never know.
My quess the person who read it has read many similar letters.
i found an interstate billboard for $750 a month, minimum of 1 month.
there is an additonal charge of $750 for the art.
the billboard is on i-75, near hahira, georgia (just north of valdosta...and the florida line).
Hi Skeer
Those anti witnesses adds are not genuine -the words used make a point....but the adds were made to sell differnt products.(In my opinion)
SEEKER 1 iam sure you are sincere and genuine, and andersoninfo offering invesiment prooves that.
My question is if that space was worth having where is the COCO COLA advertistment?
when i began questioning the religion i used the bible and their own statements to prove them wrong.
now, recently, i have began to realise that maybe the only reason i put any faith in the bible is because i was always raised to.. so my question is, after leaving the watchtower, what was it that made you decide the bible was worthy of belief?.
i am not asking about any continuing belief in god or disbelief, i am more conscerned about the first step (to me) right now of the bible itself.
Hi AiAi
You asked the question " Upon leaving the watchtower what was it that made you decide the bible was worthy of belief"
Answer. Lasyness.... Now I realse the Bible can be made to teach anything.
Reincarnation John 9:1-13 "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a blind man which was blind from birth. And his disciples asked him,saying Master who did sin this MAN or his parents that he was born blind?" Jesus answerd neither.
How could the man have sinned to be born ? Only in a previouse life?
As a test ask any Bible question, and I bet members on the board will be able to give at least ten sincere differnt interpretations as to the answer based on Bible scripture !!!
i was asked in a previous topic whether i thought the bible had continuity in its thought/teaching from start to finish, from old to new testament.
you can argue from specific passages taken apart and out of context that the bible contradicts itself, but, all in all, there is one message-that of love, a father's love.
the bible is the story of a father who creates a family (beginning with adam and eve), but they break their bond with him.
psacremenro and tec thanks for your comments.
Tyu,,,thanks for allowing me to use your thread to debate on.