It kinda piszez me off to read people acting like giving up a college education was nothing for them and they have been so successful. The old "I'm so talented I didn't go to college and still make $100,000's a year, plus bonuses, plus retirement, plus investments, health insurance etc., crap touches me and it turns to gold. " If that's your attitude, perhaps you need to be on a convention encouraging the youth to not seek further education. Perhaps you should teach you own children that they won't need an education, just look at yourself. I'll bet you won't, and your making plans to send your kids now to a University near you.
JakeM2012 I guess that is directed at me. The truth is that I sent all my kids to college and two of them got Masters degrees. They're doing well. If you want to wallow in your situation then that is certainly your privilege but I suspect your embrace of victimhood is as much responsible for your situation as the fact that the Organization made it difficult for you to pursue a college aducation. The sad truth is that I've run into way too many Witnesses and ex Witnesses that pretend they could have been brain surgeons if only the evil Organization had not interfered with their educational plans when the truth is that they struggle to stand behind a counter at a convenience store. I do not apologize for being successful, if you don't like it that's just too bad. Enjoy your wallow.