Excellent post. I had to endure this study yesterday as I agreed to go with my wife to the KH so that we would all be together as my daughter wanted. Prior to leaving for the hall, my wife asked my daughter, "What did you learn in church today?" When my daughter did not answer, I guess my wife was trying to prove a point, go to church and learn nothing. Please, my daughter is 3 years old, what exactly is she suppose to learn sitting in a sermon for an hour? What exactly does she learn in the KH? From what she has told me, she learns that if she misbehaves too much, she goes to The Spanking Room TM . Yesterday, she slept for the majority of the two hours we sat in the talk and WT study. What exactly did she learn there?
I wanted to comment at the beginning of the study but I knew it would not be well received. I made this comment on another thread. Why does the WTS make a college education seem like such a bad thing? I get the whole concept on how for some people, being a missionary (or a pioneer in this case) may indeed be a much more rewarding prospect, but I thought the body of Christ has many parts. If this man was indeed that bright and talented, who knows, under the right circumstances he could become an excellent doctor who specializes in bloodless therapies and surgeries. What an asset this man would be to Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere. Why is it that the witnesses look so down on so called worldly things while at the same time partaking in them as it benefits them? If the government is truly a tool of Satan and as such one cannot vote or serve on the jury, why also do witnesses partake in government benefits? My wife's family is has individuals participating in various government benefits such as disability (mom, an aunt, and an uncle), unemployment (dad), and some form of welfare (another aunt). So much for neutrality.
After the meeting was classic. My wife, feeling elated, told me that she had a good time at the meeting. We went to a convenience store and she only had cash to buy herself a hot chocolate. I myself only had enough money to last to payday so I decide not to get anything. My daughter asks for something for herself too, my wife says, "Well daddy isn't coming up off any money." I say, "I gave you my entire check save for a little money for gas and few other things, I want what little I have to last until payday." Wife responds, "Well, you know according to the study today we shouldn't be too concerned about money because it will be worthless one day." I said, "You're right so let's stop stressing over this." I think that response was a bit unexpected for her for she paused and then said in a low voice, "Well, you should not horde it either." I said, "If I am hording it, I would have a lot more money than what I have now."
I can clearly see now that the Jehovah's Witnesses are not balanced. The church I was attending also showed what some would call 'propaganda' concerning giving of tithes. However, I knew, as did the pastor, that people are not about to empty their pockets of all their cash during a recession. Most of his sermon's were pretty balanced.
My wife, on balance, is balanced but I guess when she gets around the hall, it gets to her. It was recently announced that she just became an unbaptized publisher to the congregation. A MS was taking her address and phone number yesterday and she was apologizing for turning in her time late. So it begins...